من باب الحرص على مواكبة أحدث التقنيات التي تم التوصل إليها عالمياً و بهدف ملاحقة الركب العالمي في مجال التكنولوجيا كان لابد لنا من السعي الحثيث للبحث في أحدث السبل التكنولوجية لتحسين واقع عمل المؤسسات ضمن الجمهورية العربية السورية.
يهدف هذا البحث إلى بناء شبكة من المتحكمات المنطقية (PLCs) القابلة للبرمجة مع شاشات (HMI) و أنظمة SCADA و دراسة أنسب البروتوكولات لبناء الشبكة مع تحديد الأسباب.
بعد د ا رسة و تحديد البروتوكولات الأنسب لبناء الشبكة, يتم استخدام هذه الشبكة الصناعية المؤتمتة في تحسين الواقع الحالي لشركة المياه في مجال تحصيل بيانات العدادات بالدقة و السرعة المطلوبتين.
بنيت الشبكة بالاعتماد على مجموعة من المتحكمات المنطقية القابلة للبرمجة بحيث يتم استخدام كل متحكم لتحصيل البيانات من حي من أحياء محافظة حماة تربط هذه المتحكمات الموزعة عبر موجه مركزي لنقل البيانات إلى المركز الرئيس لشركة المياه ,و للتواصل مع النظام تستخدم واجهات التخاطب البشرية HMI و نظام SCADA لإظهار و تخزين البيانات التي تم تحصيلها تربط هذه الواجهة ضمن الشبكة نفسها الخاصة بالمتحكمات المنطقية القابلة للبرمجة لنحصل بذلك على شبكة صناعية موزعة.
In order to keep up with the latest international technologies which have been achieved recently.
We have to search continuously for the technological methods in order to improve the present situation of the institutions in the Syrian Arab Republic.
This research aims to build a network of Programmable Logic
Controllers (PLCs) with Human Machine Interface (HMI) and
supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, as well as, studying the most suitable protocols to build the network beside identifying the causes of choosing the protocol.
After studying and identifying it, we had better to use the
automated industrial network to improve the present situation of water company concerning with getting meters data accurately as fast as possible.
We build the mentioned network by means of a group of PLCs, so that, each one could be used to get the data for an avenue in Hama city.
These distributed controllers would be connected by a central
router in order to pass all the data to the water company center. We will use a HMI and SCADA system for showing collected data, controlling, and saving the collected data.
This HMI and SCADA system will be connected to the same
PLCs, and thus, we will get a distributed industrial network.
References used
Tsung-Fu Chien, Hung-Lin Hang, Li-Kang Yang and Pao-Chun Chen,Department of Electrical Engineering, Southern Taiwan University, Taiwan, R.O.C, 2011
Rajeev Bapat, MohitAtale and NitinSapale,Yadavrao Tasgaonkar Institute of Engineering & Technology, 2011
Building Adapter for Vehicle On-board Diagnostic,obddiag.net, accessed, 2009
The experiment carried out to improve the efficiency of drip
irrigation system , based on soil moisture. The indirect measure of
humidity Was used in the experiment, connected with the pointing
device (separator continued), and a control device pr
Since Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals have very small magnitude, it's very hard
to capture these signals without having noise (produced by surrounding artifacts) affect the
real EEG signals, so it is necessary to use Filters to remove noise.
The research presents a design for an automated checking system for students. The
system takes a picture of the student, then it extracts his/her basic facial features. The
network was trained using the reverse spreading algorithm. If a training da
In this paper, we processed an array which represents the
human hand image to get the characteristics of this image. So,
we used FPGA technique, and the processing operation is
partitioned into three threads which is carried out in parallel.
Most of the time, when dealing with a particular Natural Language Processing task, systems are compared on the basis of global statistics such as recall, precision, F1-score, etc. While such scores provide a general idea of the behavior of these syst