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An analytical study of the Evolution of the Real time in statistical Quantum mechanics of the pure Gauge theory (Gluons without Quarks) with the potential expansion until the sixth degree

دراسة تحليلية لتطور الزمن الحقيقي في ميكانيك الكم الإحصائي لنظرية المعايرة الصافية (الغليونات بدون الكواركات) مع منشور الكمون حتى الدرجة السادسة

1106   0   43   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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We take the effective Hamiltonian operator until the sixth degree[12] and this operator has enabled us to convert from pure gauge theory with group SU(2) into the study of statistical quantum mechanics with the group SU(2) and this mean physically we have converted from the study of an infinite number of particles and of freedom degrees (quarks- gluons-plasma) into study of three particles (Global) that mains nine of freedom degrees and specifically nine anharmonic oscillators and after that we apply Wigner’s mode[16] on homogenous modes remaining after quantization of the inhomogenous modes and we have concluded the relation of real-time evolution of the color magnetic energy and the color electric energy .

References used
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We take the effective Hamiltonian operator until the sixth degree [18] and this operator has enabled us to convert from gauge theory with group SU(2) into the study of statistical quantum mechanics with the group SU(2) and this mean physically we hav e converted from the study of an infinite number of particles and of freedom degrees (quarks- gluons-plasma) into study of three particles (Global) independed of space that mains nine of freedom degrees and specifically nine anharmonic oscillators and after that we apply Wigner’s mode [16] on homogenous modes remaining after quantization of the inhomogenous modes and we have concluded the relation of real-time evolution of the color magnetic energy and the color electric energy .
In this work, it has been recording the alpha particles emitted from an Amerecium-241 source, and scattered by a gold and Aluminum thin foils as a function of the scattering angle, using a semiconductor detector and Rutherford scattering chamber. It always has been measuring the differential cross section resulting from this scattering, and experimentally determining the atomic number of Gold and Aluminum. Comparison between experimental and theoretical results shows a good agreement.
The export sector is the main driver of the development process of any country and one of the main pillars of its economy, the importance of exports lies in their ability to create new jobs, reform the deficit in the balance of payments, and attract private investment, both domestic and foreign then they help achieve sustained growth rates. They are also the most important sources of foreign exchange, and without export the economy fails to develop and unemployment increases. This research studies the evolution of Syrian trade balance during the period 2000 – 2010. Results show that the balance of trade suffered a deficit between (2004-2010). exports were much lower than imports. Oil exports and their impact on total exports and on the Syrian economy in general as well as agricultural exports and their share in total exports were also analyzed using Hirschman Index.
Studying the mechanics of particle systems in special relativity is one of the most complex issues. However, this study sets us up to lay the groundwork for building a set of important laws. The motion of particle masses as a whole was determined b y their energy, impulse and static mass. It was also found that the total energy of the system of mutual action requires taking into account the energies of these mutual acts between the particles. Contrary to the systems of the mutual acts of collisions, approximate formulas for interplay between charged particles were determined by studying the collision of relativistic particles-Compton's effect. Finally, the case of the movement of the charged particles of weak interacts was discussed, and the movement of the interconnected particles was discussed through mutual electromagnetic acts using the concept of mutual action between the particles of the system.
Services that demanded by users via internet network are classified in two main kinds, Services work in real time such as video and voice in real time and use UDP protocol, and other services that work in non-real time such as web browsing (HTTP) a nd file transfer (FTP) which use TCP Protocol. In this research, we study and analyze algorithms that enhance the quality of service for various applications. For real time application, we use queues disciplines, which gives high priority for these services and achieves minimum delay. For non-real time application, we study congestion control algorithms, which achieve best performance for reliable transfer process with existing the congestion in the network. We used OPNET 14.5 program for simulating various services via internet network. Simulation results show achieving minimum delay for voice service, and achieving high transmission rate for FTP application with existing of packets loss in the network.

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