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Selection of an Appropriate Image Fusion Technique for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks

اختيار تقنية دمج الصور الأنسب لشبكات الحساسات اللاسلكية الداعمة للوسائط المتعددة

1059   0   56   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Image Fusion is one of the most important methods used in image processing, especially in networks with limited resources such as networks of wireless sensors supporting multimedia. It is classified into technologies operating in spatial domain and others in the frequency domain. In this research, Fusion techniques in frequency domain are manipulated to benefit from its advantages. Discrete Cosine Tansform is used because it fits the characteristics of this type of networking where it is simple, easy to implement and requires low memory. Three methods based on this transformation, DCTav, DCTma and DCTah, have been investigated and applied to three different sets of images. The evaluation of simulation results, with different parameters, showed that the DCTma was the most appropriate method to integrate the imagery taken from sensory nodes supporting multimedia.

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Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network (WMSN) consists of a large number of small size, low power, limited sources sensor nodes, deployed in tested field, These nodes have the ability of sensing, processing, storing and sending multimedia data from the t ested field in real time. The security in WMSNs is one of most important issues that should be studied due to the special nature of this network, and of the importance of inquest basic security requirements when sending information in the network. Using cryptography technics are very effective ways to realize basic security requirements in this network. The recently proposed MQQ algorithm is one of public key cryptography (PKC) algorithms, which provides a good performance compared to other PKC algorithms. In this research, we present an analyzing study of MQQ implementation in WMSNs. To achieve our goal, we used real images taken by multimedia wireless sensor nodes. We studied the most important parameters such as the size of generated keys and encrypted images, the execution time and the space occupied in the flash memory of multimedia wireless sensor nodes and complexity degree of this algorithm. Results showed that MQQ has good performance, as well as the execution time of operations is better than RSA algorithm. Results also showed the importance of taking into account a large size of public key of MQQ algorithm when implementation it in WMSNs.
The dynamic clustering-based hierarchical routing protocols are one of the methods used to save energy and increase the lifetime of wireless sensor networks, however, that most of the researches are neglecting the energy expended in election of the heads and formation of clusters in the network. In this paper, we examine the overhead energy caused by hierarchical routing protocols based on dynamic clustering and study its impact on the stability period of the wireless sensor networks. Also, we proposed a solution to limit this energy by reducing the consumed energy in election of heads and clusters formation operations. It is shown through the simulation results that the energy consumed in LEACH setup phase decreases the stability period of these networks and increases the number of dead nodes. And the use of the proposed solution reduced the energy consumption during the election of the heads and the formation of clusters clearly compared to the normal way followed in LEACH, which has increased stability period and the number of live nodes in the network.
The location of wireless sensor nodes located in the center is necessary for applications where information about the site is important information such as security, protection, object tracking and other applications. localization algorithms are c lassified into two types: Range-based and Range-free. The study focused on Range-free localization algorithms because they are less expensive in terms of hardware requirements. The MATLAB was used to simulate the algorithms, whose performance was evaluated by changing the number of network nodes, the number of Anchor nodes, and the contract area of communication in order to illustrate performance differences in terms of localization error. The results showed the superiority of the amorphous algorithm, achieving high localization accuracy and lower cost for the number of Anchor nodes needed to achieve a small error.
Mobile Wireless Sensor Network (MWSN) is an emerging technology for attraction of researchers with its research advantage and various application domains. Due to limited resources of sensor nodes such as transmission power, communication capability and size of memory, data aggregation algorithms are the most practical technique that reduces large amount of transmission in this network. Security is an important criterion to be considered because, wireless sensor nodes are deployed in a remote or hostile environment area that is prone to attacks easily. Therefore, security are essential issue for MWSN to protect information against attacks. In this research, we offered an algorithm of secure data aggregation in MWSN based on pair-wise keys technology and hash function. We studied important parameters such as execution time, end-to-end delay and number of storied keys. Results showed that
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are often deployed by random bestrewing (airplane bestrewing for example). A majority of nodes cannot obtain their coordinate beforehand. Therefore, how to obtain the position information of unknown nodes, which is called localization problem, has become a hot topic in WSN. Without position information, WSN cannot work properly. Global Position System (GPS) is the most extensive and mature position system at present. But because the nodes usually have the shortcoming of high expenditure, large volume, high cost and require settled basal establishment, therefore, the GPS is inapplicable for the low-cost selfconfigure sensor networks, and also it is impossible to install GPS for each sensor node. In this paper, we will study localization mechanisms (which is not based on GPS) used in WSN, and will test the effectiveness of using MUSIC algorithm in determining the signal arrival angel depending on the SDMA- technology and ESPAR antenna.
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