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The low cost, ease of deployment has exposed WSNs an attractive choice for numerous applications,like environmental monitoring applications , security applications, real time tracking, and so on. But in reality, these networks are operated on batte ry with limitations in their computation capabilities, memory, bandwidth ,so they called networks with resource constrained nature, and this impels various challenges in its design and its performance. Limited battery capacity of sensor nodes makes energy efficiency a major and challenge problem in wireless sensor networks. Thus, the routing protocols for wireless sensor networks must be energy efficient in order to maximize the network lifetime. In this paper we simulated LEACH,SEP,DEEC,TEEN routing protocols and evaluated their performance by comparing with DT routing protocol in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks on MATLAB.
The dynamic clustering-based hierarchical routing protocols are one of the methods used to save energy and increase the lifetime of wireless sensor networks, however, that most of the researches are neglecting the energy expended in election of the heads and formation of clusters in the network. In this paper, we examine the overhead energy caused by hierarchical routing protocols based on dynamic clustering and study its impact on the stability period of the wireless sensor networks. Also, we proposed a solution to limit this energy by reducing the consumed energy in election of heads and clusters formation operations. It is shown through the simulation results that the energy consumed in LEACH setup phase decreases the stability period of these networks and increases the number of dead nodes. And the use of the proposed solution reduced the energy consumption during the election of the heads and the formation of clusters clearly compared to the normal way followed in LEACH, which has increased stability period and the number of live nodes in the network.
The great development of mobile wireless sensor networks has many very important applications. One of the most important applications that has attracted scientists' attention recently is to track animals in their homes to follow the behavior and li ves of some endangered animals, but monitoring animals activities in the forest is a very difficult task, especially if the animals to be monitored are teeny, therefore we cannot use the traditional tracking systems ) like GPS, As well as the harsh and dangerous nature of the forest make the use of wireless sensor networks the best solution, especially that sensors are low-cost, small size, which made them suitable for such tasks, in this research we will study new way to track a group of partridge where sensors are placed on these birds to observe their life and behavior ,The important challenge in this research is to know the location of these mobile birds to be able to the help them in appropriate time , so will introduce a new method that provides us with acceptable accuracy, a simple, easy, inexpensive and low energy consumption compared with other methods of animals tracking ,based on a set of predefined reference nodes, where sensors information is sent to a gathering center through these reference nodes ,then Analyze it and use it to the approximate location of the animals. We will evaluate this method using Network Simulator (NS2).

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