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Box-To-Box Transformations for Modeling Joint Hierarchies

تحويل المربع إلى مربع لنمذجة التسلسلات الهرمية المشتركة

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Learning representations of entities and relations in structured knowledge bases is an active area of research, with much emphasis placed on choosing the appropriate geometry to capture the hierarchical structures exploited in, for example, isa or haspart relations. Box embeddings (Vilnis et al., 2018; Li et al., 2019; Dasgupta et al., 2020), which represent concepts as n-dimensional hyperrectangles, are capable of embedding hierarchies when training on a subset of the transitive closure. In Patel et al., (2020), the authors demonstrate that only the transitive reduction is required and further extend box embeddings to capture joint hierarchies by augmenting the graph with new nodes. While it is possible to represent joint hierarchies with this method, the parameters for each hierarchy are decoupled, making generalization between hierarchies infeasible. In this work, we introduce a learned box-to-box transformation that respects the structure of each hierarchy. We demonstrate that this not only improves the capability of modeling cross-hierarchy compositional edges but is also capable of generalizing from a subset of the transitive reduction.

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The study aimed to know the role of golden marketing in improving the financial performance of private commercial banks in the Syrian coast, where the study community was among those working in these banks. The study used the deductive approach as a general approach to research, descriptive approach, and the questionnaire as a tool to collect data from a soft sample, where (184) questionnaires were distributed and (155) questionnaires valid for analysis were retrieved.The study adopted the appropriate methods of analysis using the statistical package spss, which were represented in: arithmetic mean, standard deviation, percentage. Arithmetic test (t test) (for one sample). Honesty and consistency tests. The study reached results indicating that the mental image and its stabilization, customer satisfaction with the bank, and customer loyalty to the bank, affect improving the financial performance of the studied commercial banks.
Knowledge bases often consist of facts which are harvested from a variety of sources, many of which are noisy and some of which conflict, resulting in a level of uncertainty for each triple. Knowledge bases are also often incomplete, prompting the us e of embedding methods to generalize from known facts, however, existing embedding methods only model triple-level uncertainty, and reasoning results lack global consistency. To address these shortcomings, we propose BEUrRE, a novel uncertain knowledge graph embedding method with calibrated probabilistic semantics. BEUrRE models each entity as a box (i.e. axis-aligned hyperrectangle) and relations between two entities as affine transforms on the head and tail entity boxes. The geometry of the boxes allows for efficient calculation of intersections and volumes, endowing the model with calibrated probabilistic semantics and facilitating the incorporation of relational constraints. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets show that BEUrRE consistently outperforms baselines on confidence prediction and fact ranking due to its probabilistic calibration and ability to capture high-order dependencies among facts.

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