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The research aimed to study vegetation change detection of Lattakia province by using remote sensing techniques, By applicating Normalized Differences Vegetation Index (NDVI) due to what these techniques had from quickly, accuracy, and completely. In addition to saving efforts and money. that change detection methods have showed by applicating it on Sentinel2 images the plant situation, it's area and distribution in the studied area. In addition to knowing plant's cover changes through time passing. Putting geo databases which benefit in knowing plant situation, and the periodicity supervision for it's changes. The yearly and monthly changes of vegetation cover have been studied in Lattakia province, By making change detection for plants cover of march between (2016-2017). Then making change detection between march and august of 2017. It was observed that there were no big changes, Whether increasing or decreasing for plants cover when studying the yearly changes. While there was big decreasing of plants cover at western plain areas of province when studying the monthly changes between march and august due to raising of temperatures. And big increasing of vegetation in high areas.
Syrian Steeps has formed the most important ecosystem in Syria ,in particular on both side , biodiversity vegetation and wildlife. Despite of this fact, the structure of communities have been changed by many effects ,thus Syrian steeps has lost it s balance .This study aimed to analysis the impact of topography on characteristics of communities , We found 38% of variance return back to elevation and landscape ,specially between the low sites ( often Depression , valleys and Terraces ) and the high sites (often summit of mountains and plains).
This study was analyzed the temporal variation of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) of natural stands of cedrus libani in the northern humid part and eastern exposure of the Syrian coastal mountains (Slenfeh, Jawbat Burghal), and its correlation with climatic variables (temperature and precipitation) during the period of 2004-2014. We examined the interannual and seasonal variation in NDVI values of Cedrus stands, and accumulative effects of climatic variables (temperature and precipitation) on stands using simple linear regression and correlation (Pearson). The NDVI values of Cedrus libani stands showed significant increase in Slenfeh and Jawbat Burghal (0.006, 0.004 /year) respectively. We found that the annual mean NDVI was significantly correlated with annual mean precipitation in Jawbat Burghal (R = 0.689).The significant increase trend of seasonal mean NDVI was in Slenfeh summer and Jawbat Burghal winter (R = 0.638, R = 0.724) respectively. The results showed, there were accumulative effects of temperature on Cedrus libani in Slenfeh and Jawbat Burghal in autumn and winter, while the accumulative effects of precipitation in autumn and summer were noted.
Pinus brutia cover 67.87% of AlFronloq protected area, this forest provide habitat for wildlife especially forest birds. The aim of this study is to define bird species that use Pinus brutia forest and their relation to vegetation characteristics.W e listed 63 bird species, 9 of them recorded for first time, 31.8% of species are resident in study area, where raptors presented 15.9%. The study showed positive correlation between species richness and plant richness (R=0.588, P= 0.007). Shrubs layer coverage and richness affected positively bird species richness and density. The study showed also decreasing of bird species richness with Altitude, while raptors richness were increased with Altitude.The dominat species were Coal tit Parus ater, wren Troglodytes troglodytes ,whereas species like Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs, chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita were the most abundant.
The aim of this research was to investigate the changes of vegetation and regeneration of plant species in Kassab forests after 1991 fire. The study area is located in the North western part of Syria in the middle of Al-Baier and Al- Bassit forest s to the North of Latakia. Thirty five plant surveys (Relevé) were carried out in the study area during 2009 according to Braun-Blanquet method included the burned area and the nearby locations of non-burned forest. By comparing the plant surveys (Relevé), results showed good regeneration of most plant species that were in the study area before the fire. Three forms of vegetation were distinguished in the study area: 1 - The areas where dominance is shared between Pinus brutia Ten. and Quercus cerris L. subsp. pseudocerris (Boiss.) Chalabi. 2 - Areas dominated by Pinus brutia Ten. with accompanying species from Eu-Mediterranean zone and supra Mediterranean zone. 3 – Areas where Pinus brutia Ten. and Quercus cerris L. subsp. pseudocerris (Boiss.) Chalabi are partly or completely absent, and dominated by shrubs and grass species.
The effect of elevation and slope exposure on forest vegetation composition in southwestern end of the Anti-Lebanon Mountains was assessed. Species and community parameters; relative density, coverage, frequency, importance value of encountered wo ody vegetation, richness and similarity indices; were quantified using thirty two line transects covering two altitudinal zones and the four major slope aspects. Furthermore, species density was measured using distance methods.

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