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This research was carried out in four different regions on the Syrian coast on four herds of Shami goats different in numbers. These were grown in different ways depending on farmers' concepts and needs, and the geographic location of each region. T he number of goats that were studied was (44). The daily average of milk production per goat was calculated, in addition to the monthly average and overall average for every herd during the lactation season which was divided into two phases (Breastfeeding, Lactation) .In the first phase it was (2493,9 – 2238,6 – 1776,6 – 81,6) L ordered by herd and method of breeding (4 – 2 – 3 – 1) and same was in the second phase. The average production rate was (54,27)% in first method of first herd and in other methods was lower than (50)% and increased in other herds (49,39 – 45,36 – 44,16)% respectively (2 –4 – 3 – 1). It was noticed that in the second phase of Lactation the herd of first method retracted to lower than (50)%and rose in other herds (55,83 – 54,63 – 50,60 – 45,72 )% Respectively (1 –2 – 4 – 3). Statistical analysis demonstrated the lack of significant differences in second and forth herd in spite of the different methods used in the other herds, and in second phase statistical analysis was in four herds in accordance with different methods of breeding.
This study conducted at Deir Al-Hajar Station during the season 2010-2011 to describe the lactation curve of Shami cattle and determine factors affecting its shape compenents. 1120 records of 356 Shami cows collected between 1997 – 2010 were used. Data were subjected to general linear model, and the analysis of variance used to determine the effect of factors. Duncan test was used to compare the means using SAS system (1996) and Incomplete gamma functions were used to estimate the parameters of lactation curve (a, b and on the basis of daily yield of milk. Results indicated that the average values of the gamma parameters were 2.14 ± 0.01 kg for a (beginning of milking ), 0.61 ± 0.02 kg for b (increasing milk production up to peak) and - 0.23± 0.01 kg for c (decreasing milk production from peak to dry). The effect of calving year was significant (p<0.01) on a, and (p<0.05) on b and (p<0.001) on c. The effect of age at calving and sex of calf was significant (p<0.01) on a but non significant on b and c. Season of calving, parity, and interaction between age and parity was not significant on all parameters. It was concluded that improving the productive performance of Shami cattle, requires applying a long term genetic improvement program to select the best herd.
This study was conducted at the Deir Al-Hajar Shami Cattle Research Station, Animal Wealth Research Administration. For this purpose 12 primiparous Shami cows were used to know the influence of the milking regimes in the production performance of the cow and the composition of the produced milk. The animals were divided randomly into two equal groups. Machine milking were used at the first group in the presence of the calf, or for the machine milking without the presence of the calf at the second group. The daily production of milk was estimated weekly from every cow in both groups and at the same time milk samples were taken to estimate the percentage of the basic components of milk such as fat, protein, lactose and dry matter until the end of lactation. Data were analyzed in statistical program SAS by using variance analysis ANOVA (Mixed Model).
This study was conducted at the Metabolism Unit of Agric. College, Damascus University during ١٩٩٧ and ١٩٩٨ in order to determine the Level of Progesterone (P) in Plasma in the Syrian yearling Awassi Ewes during pregnancy and lactation. Eleven yea rling ewes ١٨ months old, never get pregnant were used. They were divided randomly into ٢ groups (G١, n=٨; G٢, n=٣) Ewes in all group were housed and managed under the same conditions (Intensive system).

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