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أجريت التجارب الخاصة بهذه الدراسة في منطقتين من غوطة دمشق الأولى في منطقة أبي جرش - مزرعة كلية الزراعة والثاني في منطقة خرابو - مزرعة كلية الزراعة
An available free groundwater were classified hydrochemical, and determined its fitting for general uses in a part of Damascus's Ghouta, which suffers water deficiency, where the study carried out on groundwater samples taken from 20 wells distri buted on all study area, the results show that groundwater classified hydrochemical as calcic water and non potable, and unsuitable for domestic consumption in broad part from study area, but arable and recommend to use in irrigation plants that have weak resistant to salinity, and not preferable to use in industry generally, but it's good for building and concrete works.
This investigation was carried out during 2011–2012 season at the biotechnology department\General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Researches in order to detect the presence of Giardia Cysts on fresh vegetables and irrigation water using PC R technique to detect the status of Giardia cysts in ten different agricultural areas of Damascus Countryside. 120 samples including, 40 irrigation water and 80 vegetables samples were randomly collected and tested. Out of 120 samples examined, only 25.8 % were contaminated with Giardia cysts and these included 37.5% of irrigation water samples and 20% of fresh vegetables samples. G. lamblia cysts were detected in 12.5% of examined samples, 17.5% of irrigation water samples and 10% of fresh vegetables samples. The majority of contaminated samples (41.6%), (25%) for Giardia and G. lamblia, respectively were from Misraba area without statistically significant with Kafrein area, which showed the lowest contamination with Giardia cysts (8.33%) and was free of G. lamblia cysts. This study confirmed the importance of application of molecular biology methods in the detection of Giardia on vegetables and their Irrigation water, since used primers showed high specificity and sensitivity in the detection of the Giardia genus and discriminate the Human pathogenic type, G. lamblia.
٤٨ genotypes of Juglans regia L. were Studies in Damascus Gutta. They were divided to three groups A,B, and C. Three genotypes were selected from there groups. The selection were on genotype B٤, The percentage of kernel in these genotypes Contain the Highest percentage ٦٣,٨٧٪. The qualities of the genotypes were fruits ٥,١٩ length, and ٤,٦ cm width.
Fifty clones of local seeded apricot (Klabi). Prunus armeniaca L. were classified AL-Goutta orchard during ١٩٩٦–٢٠٠٠ . These clones were analyzed in terms of physical and chemical characteristics with the objective of selecting individual clones ( For dried apricot sheets) that meet the standard specifications.

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