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The effect of different concentrations of nitrate and phosphate and soil extract on the total growth and chemical composition to the green algae Chorella vulgaris isolated from some localaquatic habitats had studied in this research, at three type of temperature (30 , 25, 20), the maximum total growth reached up to 4.66 Cell/h and the lowest duplicated time was 1.55 h at temperature 25ºC and at concentration of nitrate 1 g/L , 0.05 g/L of phosphate, and 10/100 mL of soil solution , while the number of cells reached to 59423,61 cell/mL at the day 22 of cultivation. The chemical composition differed by the changing of temperature and nutrient medium composition , while the maximum protein content reached to 48.36 % at the maximum concentration of nutrients and 25 ºC of temperature , the maximal concentration of lipid was 19,78 % at temperature 25ºC and concentration of nitrate 0.1 g/L and 0.01 of phosphate and 6/100 mL of soil solution , the concentration of carbohydrates were the lowest where the maximal ratio was 17.41 % at temperature 20ºC .
The effect of different concentrations of phosphate and nitrate and soil extracted on the isolated growth isolation of Scendesmus acutus which is isolated from some local aquatic areas has tested in this research, the number of cells and growth ran ge and duplicated time of all algal cultures among thirty five days has counted. The highest growth range was 3.90 by using a mixture of the three solutions in concentrations (1g/l nitrate + 0.05g/l phosphate + 10 ml / 100 of soil solution), the numbers of cells reached to 8861.11 in the twenty fourth day of culture, and in the lowest duplicated time 10.85, whereas the highest growth range was by using soil solution alone 2.86 and the lowest duplicated time 2.13 at concentration 16/100ml, whereas the growth range decreased and duplicated time increased by using nitrate and phosphate solution all by its own, while the highest growth range reached to 2.13 and 1.76 and lowest duplicated time 3.39 and 4.11 in order.
In this study we isolated chlorella vulgaris alage from some water areas , and test effect some conditions (light intensity,Nitrat and phosphate concentrations ,solution soil) on its Growth Range and Duplicated time the cells.
This study was achieved through Mars 2011 until February 2012 the samples collected monthly from Baksa dam from different four location which differenced each other with chemical and physical qualities. We could in these study classified 132 speci es of phytoplankton distributed as 59 species belong to chrysophyta, 40 species of chlorophyta and 28 species of cyanophyta , 5 species of Euglenophyta. Physical and chemicalanalyzing ofBaksa waters showed the difference of values between studding regions, The concentration of Nitrate ions ranged between 17.7 mg/l at third location and 0.3 mg/l at second location, The highest rate to Phosphate ions was 18.8 mg/l and the less was 0.01mg/l, and it was noticed the difference in these values in the same region with the difference of period of time. The diversity and distribution of studied phytoplankton correlated with the environmental factors. It was noticed The abundance of cyanophytain the water of third location which near to the sewage channels which is suitable environment to these group of phytoplankton.
أشير إلى وجود أحد الطحالب السمراء المعروف بتوزعه في البحـار الاسـتوائية علـى الـشاطئ السوري قرب اللاذقية و هو البادينا رباعية الطبقات، الذي يعد نوعاً جديداً بالنسبة للبحر المتوسط. و قـد درست العينات السورية بالتفصيل نظراً للاختلافات المورفولوجية و التشريحية التي ذكرها الباحثون الذين تناولوا دراسة هذا النوع تبعاً للبيئة، و التوزع الجغرافي للعينات المدروسة، و قدمت النتائج المتعلقة بذلك. النبات قليل التكلس مؤلف من مجموعة من القطع الصفيحية يتراوح طولها بين 8-16 سم و عرضها بين 5.0-3 سم، و هي تتألف من أربع طبقات خلوية عموماً. أما أعضاء التكاثر فتقع مباشرة قرب خطوط الأشعار السطحية على الوجه الخارجي للنبات، و تكون أكياس الأبواغ عارية. النباتات العروسية ثنائيـة المسكن و الأكياس العروسية الأنثوية محاطة بغشاء جامع . و أخيراً أعطيت بعض المعلومات عن بيئة النبات المدروس و المجتمعات النباتية البحرية التـي ينمـو فيها، و توزعه الجغرافي بين مداري الجدي و السرطان.
We screening for antimicrobial substances production from marine algae of Syria. We presented results of ١٦ algal species tested by their lipide and aqueous extracts agaimst Gram’s negative and positive bacteria, as well as one fungous species. T he lipide not aqueous extracts were the active against Gram’s positive bacteria especially. No effect founded on the fongous species. In addition we make comparative viewing with other studies on other mediterranean contries regarding the same species of algae tested.

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