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The biochemical composition of some species of Phaeophyceae (Cystoseira): Cystoseira compressa, Cystoseira barbata, Cystoseira elegans, Cystoseira amentacea, Cystoseira barbatula, Cystoseira caespitosa, have been studied. The algal specimens have been collected from Ibn Hani coast north of lattakia in spring 2014. The soluble sugar varies between (13- 56.78%) weight/dry weight [w/dw]. C.amentacea has the highest content of proteins (21.76%), and C.barbata has the lowest (9.51%). Lipid varied between (1.25- 5.55%) [w/dw]. The highest content of ash was in C.caespitosa (31.18%), and the lowest in C.amentacea (23.84%). Iodine was: C.compressa and C.caespitosa (0.68 %), C.barbata (0.69 %), C.barbatula (0.7%), C.amentacea (0.71%), C.elegans (0.8%). Mannitol was within the range (2.91-4%) [w/dw]. Results of biochemical composition of studied species showed the differences between the percentage of values, and this variety affects on the economical value for the species, also affects on the major herbivorous food, that affects on their environment and their community composition.
Biodiversity of wild relatives of Cataegus were studied in North-West region of Damascus countryside located between latitudes 33.36 -33.58 N and longitudes 35.58-36.39 E including 7 sites and 21 subsites ranging from Zabadane to Alnabk. Results s howed that the most of the individuals in the search area belonging to C. azarolus and var. aronia and rare individuals ere found to belong to C. monogyna. The study on the level of intraspecific variability showed the presence of of three taxanomic groups, each had been characterized with morphological and environmental qualities.The study also pointed to the where of these species and their different types are located and to the exist of corrlation between environmental factors and morphological variables.
Aim: To evaluate the hearing changes following stapedotomy surgery, and to investigate the potential effects of the age and sex of the patients on air-bone gap closure. Material and Methods: 80 patients diagnosed with otosclerosis and undergone stapedotomy surgery, were involved in this study. The hearing changes were evaluated by comparing the means of air and bone conductive measurements at 250-500-1000-2000 and 4000 Hz before and after surgery. In addition, the air-bone gap closure was determined. Data was analysed statistically using t-student and Anova tests (p=0.05). Results: There was a statistically significant difference in air conductive measurements before and after surgery (p<0.001), whilst the bone conductive values showed no differences. The mean of air-bone closure in the current study was 28.6dB.
A morphological , anatomical and chemical study was carried out on Salvia viridis L. (Lamiaceae) . The results showed presence of two types of trichomes : - Glandular hairs with four or eight celled globular heads or with oval heads . - Eglandular hairs which are unicellular or multicellular , in addition to presence of candle shaped eglandular hairs . The palynological study revealed that the pollen grains were prolate and they had six germination lines , exine appeared reticulate . The extraction of volatile oils have been done by dry evaporation using GC/MS technique , chromatographic analysis of these extracts have showed the presence of complex of carboxylic acids , hydrocarbons , terpenes , esters and aldehydes .
The study included 480 patients , 260 males and 220 females who have 920 teeth to beextracted. The ages of patients were ranging from 20 to 40 years. In each group the teeth were divided according to its location , Mandible, Maxillary, anterior o r posterior. The extractions were symmetric .Socketol was used in one side while was not used in the other side.. Patients were recalled after 24 hours 36 hours,48 hours and 72 hours . Dry socket was determined by the symptoms and signs.
This work is providing a list of fabaceae species in the region of Ouadi-el- Qarn. 61 species belong to 17 genera is recorded. Three species reported are endemic to Syria. Several keys, associated with pictures, were composed to make easy the reconnaissance of these species.

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