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This research is a study of the poetic texts which describe the camels and desert with all its items and environment (place and time). The purpose is asserting the combination of the poetic traditions and modernization of the poet’s culture and c ivilized age. So, I clarified the poet’s level of ornamentation according to ancient critics and a number of others contemporary.
هدف البحث إلى تعرف مستوى الشعور بالأمن النفسي لدى الأحداث المقيمين في دار الإصلاح. و تعرف العلاقة بين الأمن النفسي و التوافق الاجتماعي لدى الأحداث المقيمين في دار الإصلاح. و تعرف الفروق في إجابات أفراد عينة البحث على مقياس الأمن النفسي وفق متغير: (ال سكن، المستوى الدراسي). و تعرف الفروق في إجابات أفراد عينة البحث على مقياس التوافق الاجتماعي وفق متغير: (السكن، المستوى الدراسي). و اعتمدت الباحثة على المنهج التحليلي الوصفي، و استخدمت أداتي البحث: (مقياس الأمن النفسي، و مقياس التوافق الاجتماعي).
A retrospective study over 3 years was conducted in NICU of Damascus university to explain any change in the bacteriological profile of neonatal sepsis and to prove the need to change the treatment policy. This study was carried out on the neonate s admitted on NICU between 1/1/02 and 31/12/2004 who had the diagnosis of sepsis. We had the results of blood culture and the resistance report from the patients files and the archive of our bacteriological laboratory. we compared the results with chi square.
Recently, it has been noticed that the incidence of pulmonary hypertension in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of children hospital has increased. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the outcome of newborns with pulmonary hypertension. This study was conducted on 73 newborns diagnosed by Doppler Echocardiography, admitted to the unit from 1/7/02 to 1/7/03. High rates of hypoxia and sepsis were noticed during the perinatal period. Treatment included good oxygenation, dopamine, alkalosis and diuretics. The results were asThe following: complete recovery in 76.7%, Partial improvement in12.3% and death in 11%. The last tow results were discussed and due to otheer organic lesions prevented the full recovery or led to death.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا