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Baet Alwadi cavern, located in the central part of the coastal chain, the east of Tartous city, with its geoKarstic diversity, is the most important Karst phenomena in the coastal area. It represents a complex geological structure, affected by clear faults, which are the main reasons of its development. Lithologicaly, it belong to the alpian age, constituted of limestone and dolo-limestone tinged with clay, associated to basalt sills, which cross it. The cavern morphology indicates a complex shapes within the carbonate rocks, taking the direction North-South. An underground river passes through the cavern, in addition to a ground and underground flowing, due to the rainfall water precipitation indicated by the occurred springs in the region as Al Saouda spring. The cavern is a typical karstic integrated model, showing the most karst phenomena. This study allowed, using modern techniques and software, the development of a three-dimensional model, and consequentially a numerical model permitting a clear and precise classification of the caverns, in Syria and others countries.
This study was carried out in nine sites of various altitudes. The sites represent scattered zones of Cordia myxa Forsk. as an introduced species in the coastal region, Lattakia governorate during 2010-2011. The research showed that there is an eff ect of altitude on the investigated trees in the different sites, and that there were significant differences in relation to the characteristics of the average of the following: tree height, length of leaf stalk, catkin length, canopy, fresh and dry leaf weight, and fruit weight. However, there were no effects of altitude on the species. There were also no observed significant differences in relation to the characteristics of the average of the following: the tree diameter, trunk length, flower number in one catkin, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, leaf humidity percentage, flowering start, and flowering period. It can be said that there were changes in the morphological characteristics of the studied trees in the different sites, which appeared to be a preliminary indication of the impact of altitude on the variations of some morphological characteristics of Cordia myxa Forsk.
تم اجراء هذه البحث في محافظتي اللاذقية وطرطوس خلال عامي 2012-2013 بهدف التعرف عل الواقع الراهن لمخلفات الانتاج والتصنيع الزراعي في المنطقة الساحلية.
This study was done in special apiary ( Lattakia province ) to define the effect of adding some vitamins (A,B,C) on the nutrition of the local honeybee colonies at the rate of acceptation in the plastic and wax cups are grafted with larva; and in the productivity of royal jelly , this study was carried out during two period : nectar flow season and nectar poor season.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا