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The purpose of the research is to identify the reality of the practice of transparency in its dimensions: accuracy and honesty in providing information, easy access to information, public information, in the General Company of Lattakia Port, and it s role of reducing the manifestations of administrative corruption represented by: combating bribery and limiting the exploitation of the position. The study was based on the descriptive approach. The research society included all the administrative staff in the general company of Lattakia port. The sample of the research is a soft sample of (200) administrative workers, the questionnaires were distributed to them, 177 (complete questionnaire) (88.5%). The results showed that there is a strong and inverse relation between the commitment to transparency and the reduction of administrative corruption in the company under study. 77.9% of the variation in the reduction of administrative corruption is explained by the commitment to transparency. Contribute to the reduction of the manifestations of administrative corruption in the company under study, and this applies to every dimension of transparency (accuracy and honesty in providing information, accessibility of information, public information).
The research aims to identify the impact of the absence of organizational justice dimensions: distributive justice, Procedural Justice, Interactional Justice, the spread of the phenomenon of corruption among the workers in the city of Latakia Counc il. Adopted Find descriptive approach and included the research community all employees in Lattakia City Council, the research sample are soft sample of employees amounted to (175) factor has been the questionnaires they distributed and returned them (161) to identify and complete for statistical analysis and response rate (92%). And the adoption of appropriate statistical methods was the most important results that have been reached: *The sense of workers fairly transactions was the highest relative importance (64.26%), followed by a sense of fairness of procedures relative importance (56.68%), followed by a sense of justice of the distribution relative importance (53.89%). *The absence of organizational justice has an impact on the behavior of the spread of corruption among employees in Lattakia City Council, where (60.9%) of the developments in the spread of behaviors administrative corruption among employees is explained by the absence of organizational justice in general changes. For each dimension of organizational justice dimensions; the absence of distributive justice explains (54%), and the absence of procedural Justice explains (55.5%), and the absence of Interactional Justice explains (57.8%).
The administrative corruption phenomenon is global and is widely and deeplyrooted that takes a broad dimensions with various factors that are difficult to distinguish between them. The degree of coverage varies from one society to another. The deva stating effects and consequences of this phenomenon affects all life of all people, wastes resourcesand impede the fulfillment of responsibilities, functions and services, and thus constitute a system of sabotage and delay in construction and development process, not on the administrative and financial levels, but also political, economic, social and cultural levels, necessitating an effective independent regulatory system controls and follows-up practices of Ministers and officials in all ministries and institutions. Hence this research examines the role of administrative control in the fight against corruption in Syria industry companies (example about this companies Tartous companyfor Cement And Building materials Industry)in side and to evaluate the most important causes of corruption and the weakness and shortcomings in the regulatory procedures and processes in other side. The researcher addressed the concept of administrative supervision and its importance to the phenomenon of corruption and its causes, and how to address them, as well as the importance of control in the fight against corruption. The researcher concluded at the end of this research to a group of important conclusions: there are differences between control methods which have used tocombat corruption in Tartous Companyfor Cement And Building materials Industry, and the modern quantity methods and modern analyses control methods. In the end the researcher put forward a set of proposals and recommendations, including: the need to address the factors that contribute to the low level of control, and poor planning for effective control procedures, and lack of accountability and justice that could be the cause of corruption.
تعد هذه الورقة تمريناً فكرياً معمقاً عن واقع الفساد المالي و الإداري و آثاره في مسيرة التنمية الاقتصادية و البشرية الذي يعد أهم عائق مهدد للتنمية و مسبباً أسآسية للفقر، و يهدف هذا التمرين إلى قياس أثر انتشار الفساد و الرشوة و استغلال المنصب العام من قبل الموظفين الحكوميين و سوء الإدارة و هدر المال العام و السياسات الاقتصادية القسرية غير المدروسة للحكومات و انعدام الاستقرار و البيرقراطية و غيرها كمتغيرات مستقلة.
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى بيان مفهوم الفساد الإداري في التشريع الإسلامي، و بيان المعايير التي يمكن من خلالها تمييز التصرفات الإدارية الفاسدة. تتناول هذه الدراسة المعالم الرئيسة لمفهوم الفساد الإداري كما يقررها التشريع الإسلامي، مثل: تعريف الفساد، و موق ف الشريعة الإسلامية منه، كما تعقد مقارنة بين مفهوم التشريع الإسلامي للفساد الإداري و مفهومه في التشريعات الأخرى. توصلت هذه الدراسة إلى وضع الإطار النظري العام الذي يمكن من خلاله دراسة الموضوعات الأخرى المتعلقة بالفساد الإداري، لمعالجتها في ضوء أحكام التشريع الإسلامي.

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