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We study two disjoint universes in an entangled pure state. When only one universe contains gravity, the path integral for the $n^{text{th}}$ Renyi entropy includes a wormhole between the $n$ copies of the gravitating universe, leading to a standard island formula for entanglement entropy consistent with unitarity of quantum information. When both universes contain gravity, gravitational corrections to this configuration lead to a violation of unitarity. However, the path integral is now dominated by a novel wormhole with $2n$ boundaries connecting replica copies of both universes. The analytic continuation of this contribution involves a quotient by $mathbb{Z}_n$ replica symmetry, giving a cylinder connecting the two universes. When entanglement is large, this configuration has an effective description as a swap wormhole, a geometry in which the boundaries of the two universes are glued together by a swaperator. This description allows precise computation of a generalized entropy-like formula for entanglement entropy. The quantum extremal surface computing the entropy lives on the Lorentzian continuation of the cylinder/swap wormhole, which has a connected Cauchy slice stretching between the universes -- a realization of the ER=EPR idea. The new wormhole restores unitarity of quantum information.
String theory predicts that the couplings of Nature descend from dynamical fields. All known string-motivated particle physics models also come with a wide range of possible extra sectors. It is common to posit that such moduli are frozen to a backgr ound value, and that extra sectors can be nearly completely decoupled. Performing a partial trace over all sectors other than the visible sector generically puts the visible sector in a mixed state, with coupling constants drawn from a quantum statistical ensemble. An observable consequence of this entanglement between visible and extra sectors is that the reported values of couplings will appear to have an irreducible variance. Including this variance in fits to experimental data gives an important additional parameter that can be used to distinguish this scenario from the case where couplings are treated as fixed parameters. There is a consequent interplay between energy range and precision of an experiment that allows an extended reach for new physics.
We use the replica method to compute the entanglement entropy of a universe without gravity entangled in a thermofield-double-like state with a disjoint gravitating universe. Including wormholes between replicas of the latter gives an entropy functio nal which includes an island on the gravitating universe. We solve the back-reaction equations when the cosmological constant is negative to show that this island coincides with a causal shadow region that is created by the entanglement in the gravitating geometry. At high entanglement temperatures, the island contribution to the entropy functional leads to a bound on entanglement entropy, analogous to the Page behavior of evaporating black holes. We demonstrate that the entanglement wedge of the non-gravitating universe grows with the entanglement temperature until, eventually, the gravitating universe can be entirely reconstructed from the non-gravitating one.
We extend a 2d topological model of the gravitational path integral to include sums over spin structure, corresponding to Neveu-Schwarz (NS) or Ramond (R) boundary conditions for fermions. The Euclidean path integral vanishes when the number of R bou ndaries is odd. This path integral corresponds to a correlator of boundary creation operators on a non-trivial baby universe Hilbert space. The non-factorization necessitates a dual interpretation of the bulk path integral in terms of a product of partition functions (associated to NS boundaries) and Witten indices (associated to R boundaries), averaged over an ensemble of theories with varying Hilbert space dimension and different numbers of bosonic and fermionic states. We also consider a model with End-of-the-World (EOW) branes: the dual ensemble then includes a sum over randomly chosen fermionic and bosonic states. We propose two modifications of the bulk path integral which restore an interpretation in a single dual theory: (i) a geometric prescription where we add extra boundaries with a sum over their spin structures, and (ii) an algebraic prescription involving spacetime D-branes. We extend our ideas to Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity, and propose a dual description of a single unitary theory with spin structure in a system with eigenbranes.
We use holographic methods to characterize the RG flow of quantum information in a Chern-Simons theory coupled to massive fermions. First, we use entanglement entropy and mutual information between strips to derive the dimension of the RG-driving ope rator and a monotonic c-function. We then display a scaling regime where, unlike in a CFT, the mutual information between strips changes non-monotonically with strip width, vanishing in both IR and UV but rising to a maximum at intermediate scales. The associated information transitions also contribute to non-monotonicity in the conditional mutual information which characterizes the independence of neighboring strips after conditioning on a third. Finally, we construct a measure of extensivity which tests to what extent information that region A shares with regions B and C is additive. In general, mutual information is super-extensive in holographic theories, and we might expect super-extensivity to be maximized in CFTs since they are scale-free. Surprisingly, our massive theory is more super-extensive than a CFT in a range of scales near the UV limit, although it is less super-extensive than a CFT at all lower scales. Our analysis requires the full ten-dimensional dual gravity background, and the extremal surfaces computing entanglement entropy explore all of these dimensions.
We consider Chern-Simons theory for gauge group $G$ at level $k$ on 3-manifolds $M_n$ with boundary consisting of $n$ topologically linked tori. The Euclidean path integral on $M_n$ defines a quantum state on the boundary, in the $n$-fold tensor prod uct of the torus Hilbert space. We focus on the case where $M_n$ is the link-complement of some $n$-component link inside the three-sphere $S^3$. The entanglement entropies of the resulting states define framing-independent link invariants which are sensitive to the topology of the chosen link. For the Abelian theory at level $k$ ($G= U(1)_k$) we give a general formula for the entanglement entropy associated to an arbitrary $(m|n-m)$ partition of a generic $n$-component link into sub-links. The formula involves the number of solutions to certain Diophantine equations with coefficients related to the Gauss linking numbers (mod $k$) between the two sublinks. This formula connects simple concepts in quantum information theory, knot theory, and number theory, and shows that entanglement entropy between sublinks vanishes if and only if they have zero Gauss linking (mod $k$). For $G = SU(2)_k$, we study various two and three component links. We show that the 2-component Hopf link is maximally entangled, and hence analogous to a Bell pair, and that the Whitehead link, which has zero Gauss linking, nevertheless has entanglement entropy. Finally, we show that the Borromean rings have a W-like entanglement structure (i.e., tracing out one torus does not lead to a separable state), and give examples of other 3-component links which have GHZ-like entanglement (i.e., tracing out one torus does lead to a separable state).
The zig-zag symmetry transition is a phase transition in 1D quantum wires, in which a Wigner lattice of electrons transitions to two staggered lattices. Previous studies model this transition as a Luttinger liquid coupled to a Majorana fermion. The m odel exhibits interesting RG flows, involving quenching of velocities in subsectors of the theory. We suggest an extension of the model which replaces the Majorana fermion by a more general CFT; this includes an experimentally realizable case with two Majorana fermions. We analyse the RG flow both in field theory and using AdS/CFT techniques in the large central charge limit of the CFT. The model has a rich phase structure with new qualitative features, already in the two Majorana fermion case. The AdS/CFT calculation involves considering back reaction in space-time to capture subleading effects.
String theory has transformed our understanding of geometry, topology and spacetime. Thus, for this special issue of Foundations of Physics commemorating Forty Years of String Theory, it seems appropriate to step back and ask what we do not understan d. As I will discuss, time remains the least understood concept in physical theory. While we have made significant progress in understanding space, our understanding of time has not progressed much beyond the level of a century ago when Einstein introduced the idea of space-time as a combined entity. Thus, I will raise a series of open questions about time, and will review some of the progress that has been made as a roadmap for the future.
Using the AdS/CFT correspondence, we probe the scale-dependence of thermalization in strongly coupled field theories following a quench, via calculations of two-point functions, Wilson loops and entanglement entropy in d=2,3,4. In the saddlepoint app roximation these probes are computed in AdS space in terms of invariant geometric objects - geodesics, minimal surfaces and minimal volumes. Our calculations for two-dimensional field theories are analytical. In our strongly coupled setting, all probes in all dimensions share certain universal features in their thermalization: (1) a slight delay in the onset of thermalization, (2) an apparent non-analyticity at the endpoint of thermalization, (3) top-down thermalization where the UV thermalizes first. For homogeneous initial conditions the entanglement entropy thermalizes slowest, and sets a timescale for equilibration that saturates a causality bound over the range of scales studied. The growth rate of entanglement entropy density is nearly volume-independent for small volumes, but slows for larger volumes.
The evaporation of black holes into apparently thermal radiation poses a serious conundrum for theoretical physics: at face value, it appears that in the presence of a black hole quantum evolution is non-unitary and destroys information. This informa tion loss paradox has its seed in the presence of a horizon causally separating the interior and asymptotic regions in a black hole spacetime. A quantitative resolution of the paradox could take several forms: (a) a precise argument that the underlying quantum theory is unitary, and that information loss must be an artifact of approximations in the derivation of black hole evaporation, (b) an explicit construction showing how information can be recovered by the asymptotic observer, (c) a demonstration that the causal disconnection of the black hole interior from infinity is an artifact of the semiclassical approximation. This review summarizes progress on all these fronts.

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