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86 - Thanh Nguyen , Mingda Li 2021
Following the discovery of a new family of kagome prototypical materials with structure AV$_3$Sb$_5$ (A = K, Rb, Cs), there has been heightened interest in studying correlation-driven electronic phenomena in these kagome lattice systems. The study of these materials has gone beyond magneto-transport measurements to reveal exciting features such as Dirac bands, anomalous Hall effect, bulk superconductivity with $T_c$ $sim$ 0.9 K-2.5 K, and the observation of charge density wave instabilities which suggests an intertwining of topological physics and new quantum orders. Moreover, very recent works on numerous types of experiments have appeared further examining the unconventional superconductivity and the exotic electronic states found within these kagome materials. Theories on the strong interactions that play a role in these systems have been proposed to shed light on the nature of these topological charge density waves. In this brief review, we summarize these recent experimental findings and theoretical proposals to connect them with the concepts of topological physics and strongly-correlated electron systems.
In a modern spoken language understanding (SLU) system, the natural language understanding (NLU) module takes interpretations of a speech from the automatic speech recognition (ASR) module as the input. The NLU module usually uses the first best inte rpretation of a given speech in downstream tasks such as domain and intent classification. However, the ASR module might misrecognize some speeches and the first best interpretation could be erroneous and noisy. Solely relying on the first best interpretation could make the performance of downstream tasks non-optimal. To address this issue, we introduce a series of simple yet efficient models for improving the understanding of semantics of the input speeches by collectively exploiting the n-best speech interpretations from the ASR module.
153 - Mingda Li , Gang Chen 2019
Thermal transport is less appreciated in probing quantum materials in comparison to electrical transport. This article aims to show the pivotal role that thermal transport may play in understanding quantum materials: the longitudinal thermal transpor t reflects the itinerant quasiparticles even in an electrical insulating phase, while the transverse thermal transport such as thermal Hall and Nernst effect are tightly linked to nontrivial topology. We discuss three types of examples: quantum spin liquids where thermal transport identifies its existence, superconductors where thermal transport reveals the superconducting gap structure, and topological Weyl semimetals where anomalous Nernst effect is a consequence of nontrivial Berry curvature. We conclude with an outlook of the unique insights thermal transport may offer to probe a much broader category of quantum phenomena.
We provide a comprehensive theoretical framework to study how crystal dislocations influence the functional properties of materials, based on the idea of quantized dislocation, namely a dislon. In contrast to previous work on dislons which focused on exotic phenomenology, here we focus on the theoretical structure and computational power. We first provide a pedagogical introduction of the necessity and benefits taking the dislon approach, that why the dislon Hamiltonian takes its current form. Then we study the electron-dislocation and phonon-dislocation scattering problems, using the dislon formalism. Both the effective electron and phonon theories are derived, from which the role of dislocations on electronic and phononic transport properties is computed. Comparing with the traditional dislocation scattering studies which are intrinsically single-particle, low-order perturbation and classical quenched defect in nature, the dislon theory not only allows easy incorporation of quantum many-body effects such as electron correlation, electron-phonon interaction and higher-order scattering events, but also allows proper consideration of dislocations long-range strain field and the dynamic aspects on equal footing. This means that instead of developing individual model for a specific dislocation scattering problem, the dislon theory allows for the calculation of electronic structure and electrical transport, thermal transport, optical and superconducting properties, etc., under one unified theory. Furthermore, the dislon theory has another advantage over empirical models in that it requires no fitting parameters. The dislon theory could serve as a major computational tool to understand the role of dislocations on multiple materials functional properties at an unprecedented level of clarity, and may have wide applications in dislocated energy materials.
The possible realization of dissipationless chiral edge current in a topological insulator / magnetic insulator heterostructure is based on the condition that the magnetic proximity exchange coupling at the interface is dominated by the Dirac surface states of the topological insulator. Here we report a polarized neutron reflectometry observation of Dirac electrons mediated magnetic proximity effect in a bulk-insulating topological insulator (Bi$_{0.2}$Sb$_{0.8}$)$_{2}$Te$_{3}$ / magnetic insulator EuS heterostructure. We are able to maximize the proximity induced magnetism by applying an electrical back gate to tune the Fermi level of topological insulator to be close to the charge neutral point. A phenomenological model based on diamagnetic screening is developed to explain the suppressed proximity induced magnetism at high carrier density. Our work paves the way to utilize the magnetic proximity effect at the topological insulator/magnetic insulator hetero-interface for low-power spintronic applications.
Despite the long history of dislocation-phonon interaction studies, there are many problems that have not been fully resolved during this development. These include an incompatibility between a perturbative approach and the long-range nature of a dis location, the relation between static and dynamic scattering, and the nature of dislocation-phonon resonance. Here by introducing a fully quantized dislocation field, the dislon[1], a phonon is renormalized as a quasi-phonon, with shifted quasi-phonon energy, and accompanied by a finite quasi-phonon lifetime that is reducible to classical results. A series of outstanding legacy issues including those above can be directly explained within this unified phonon renormalization approach. In particular, a renormalized phonon naturally resolves the decades-long debate between dynamic and static dislocation-phonon scattering approaches.
Magnetic exchange driven proximity effect at a magnetic insulator / topological insulator (MI/TI) interface provides a rich playground for novel phenomena as well as a way to realize low energy dissipation quantum devices. Here we report a dramatic e nhancement of proximity exchange coupling in the MI / magnetic-TI EuS / Sb$_{2-x}$V$_x$Te$_3$ hybrid heterostructure, where V doping is used to drive the TI (Sb$_{2}$Te$_3$) magnetic. We observe an artificial antiferromagnetic-like structure near the MI/TI interface, which may account for the enhanced proximity coupling. The interplay between the proximity effect and doping provides insights into controllable engineering of magnetic order using a hybrid heterostructure.
118 - Mingda Li , Wenping Cui , Lijun Wu 2013
We present a theoretical investigation of the surface plasmon (SP) at the interface between topologically non-trivial cylindrical core and topological-trivial surrounding material, from the axion electrodynamics and modified constitutive relations. W e find that the topological effect always leads to a red-shift of SP energy, while the energy red-shift decreases monotonically as core diameter decreases. A qualitative picture based on classical perturbation theory is given to explain these phenomena, from which we also infer that in order to enhance the shift, the difference between the inverse of dielectric constants of two materials shall be increased. We also find that the surrounding magnetic environment suppresses the topological effect. All these features can be well described by a simple ansatz surface wave, which is in good agreement with full electromagnetic eigenmodes. In addition, bulk plasmon energy at omega_{P}=17.5pm0.2eV for semiconducting Bi2Se3 nanoparticle is observed from high-resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectrum Image measurements.
We provide an analytical solution to study the near field optical effect of a core-shell nanostructure in proximity to a flat surface, within quasi-static approximation. The distribution of electrostatic potential and field enhancement in this comple x geometry are obtained by solving a set of linear equations. This analytical result can be applied to a wide range of systems associated with near field optics and surface plasmon polaritons. As an illustration of the power of this technique, we study the field attenuation effect of oxidized shell in a silver tip in near field scanning microscope. The thickness of oxidized layer can be monitored by measuring the light intensity. In addition, we propose a novel method to detect local temperature with spatial resolution down to nm scale, based on a Ag-Au core-shell structure.

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