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Improving the Performance of Proactive Protocols in Manets Networks Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms

تحسين أداء البروتوكولات الاستباقية في الشبكات النقالة تلقائية التشكيل باستخدام خوارزميات الذكاء الصنعي

971   0   1   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Ammar Ghareeb

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Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs) are infrastructure-less networks that are rapidly deployable and self-configuring and do not need central support. MANETs consist of a group of mobile nodes that act either as a router or as a host. Nodes in these network move rapidly and randomly, causing a continuous change in network topology. The routing in the network and choosing the best path between nodes are major issues that attract the attention of researchers in the field of mobile networks, because of the importance of the routing process and its impact on network performance. This paper focuses on improving the performance of the proactive OLSR protocol in order to choose the best routing path that achieves the least time delay in the network, secures the best packet delivery rate and ensures reducing packet loss during the transmission process. The ant colony algorithm was used to choose the best path based on two main factors , namely the path length and the occupancy of the nodes within the path. Our simulation scenarios are built using NS2.35 to test the performance of the improved protocol in terms of increasing the number of nodes in the network and increasing the speed of nodes in the network. The test results show a reduction in the time delay in the network and an increase in the packet delivery rate.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول هذه الورقة البحثية تحسين أداء بروتوكول OLSR الاستباقي في الشبكات النقالة تلقائية التشكيل (MANETs) باستخدام خوارزمية مستعمرة النمل (ACO). تعتبر الشبكات النقالة تلقائية التشكيل شبكات ديناميكية تتغير طوبولوجيتها باستمرار بسبب حركة العقد. يركز البحث على تقليل التأخير الزمني وزيادة نسبة تسليم الرزم من خلال اختيار أفضل مسار للتوجيه بناءً على طول المسار وانشغالية العقد. تم استخدام المحاكي NS2.35 لاختبار الأداء في سيناريوهات مختلفة تتضمن زيادة عدد العقد وسرعة حركتها. أظهرت النتائج تحسنًا في تقليل التأخير الزمني وزيادة نسبة تسليم الرزم، ولكن مع زيادة في نسبة الفائض بسبب زيادة رسائل التحكم.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تقدم الورقة البحثية تحسينًا مهمًا في أداء بروتوكول OLSR باستخدام خوارزمية مستعمرة النمل، مما يساهم في تقليل التأخير الزمني وزيادة نسبة تسليم الرزم. ومع ذلك، يمكن أن تكون هناك بعض النقاط التي تحتاج إلى مزيد من الدراسة. على سبيل المثال، زيادة نسبة الفائض قد تؤثر سلبًا على أداء الشبكة في البيئات ذات الموارد المحدودة. كما أن الاعتماد على خوارزمية واحدة قد لا يكون كافيًا لتحسين جميع جوانب الأداء، ومن الممكن دراسة استخدام خوارزميات هجينة لتحقيق نتائج أفضل. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن أن تكون هناك حاجة لدراسة تأثير العوامل البيئية مثل الضجيج والتداخل على أداء البروتوكول المحسن.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من البحث؟

    الهدف الرئيسي هو تحسين أداء بروتوكول OLSR الاستباقي في الشبكات النقالة تلقائية التشكيل من خلال تقليل التأخير الزمني وزيادة نسبة تسليم الرزم باستخدام خوارزمية مستعمرة النمل.

  2. ما هي العوامل الأساسية التي تم الاعتماد عليها لتقييم المسارات؟

    العوامل الأساسية هي طول المسار وانشغالية العقد الموجودة ضمن المسار.

  3. ما هي الأدوات المستخدمة لاختبار أداء البروتوكول المحسن؟

    تم استخدام المحاكي NS2.35 لاختبار أداء البروتوكول المحسن.

  4. ما هي النتائج الرئيسية التي توصل إليها البحث؟

    أظهرت النتائج تقليل التأخير الزمني وزيادة نسبة تسليم الرزم، ولكن مع زيادة في نسبة الفائض بسبب زيادة رسائل التحكم.

References used
Sirisala,S. ; Ramakrishna,S. Survey: Enhanced Trust Management for Improving QoS in MANETs. First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing India. Vol 2,2018, p 255–263
Gautam, G. and Sen, B., 2015. Design and simulation of wireless sensor network in NS2. International Journal of Computer Applications, 113(16).
rate research

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Nowadays, wireless networks are spreading more and more. The majority of installed networks have become wireless due to the simplicity of installation; where they do not need an infrastructure. This does not mean that the role of the wired networks i s being eliminated. Instead, the wireless networks are considered as a complementary of the wired networks. With all types of networks from personal and local area networks (PAN and LAN) to wide area networks (WAN) especially the Internet, research has become oriented to focus on the quality of service (QoS) and the integration among all these networks taking into account the Internet which is considered as the backbone for each network that wants to exchange the information with any other network all over the world. In our research, we take into account the quality of service in the broadband networks such as the WiMax network (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) with IEEE 802.16e standard which covers cities and supports the mobility. This network can be used to interconnect the rural zones with the center of cities, this kind is called point-to-point, or it can be used to cover the cities and is called point-tomultipoint, The last one is used to interconnect different wireless networks especially the local one which has infrastructure (Wi-fi: Wireless Fidelity) and networks which have many users and called hotspots. However, the cells of Wi Max in the cities are called hotzones. We propose a system model that performs the load balancing process between the base stations of WiMax network. This means, the proposed load balancing algorithm exchanges the terminals between the adjacent base stations in order to make the throughput in each base station equals to the throughput in the others. This will improve the performance of the overall network and increase the available bandwidth for each terminal; in addition, this will increase the number of terminals which can be served. On one side, these advantages return to the subscribers, they also return to the operator on the other side, not to mention the good renown that the operator will get from subscribers that will make more subscribers join to this network. The proposed load balancing system can be centralized; implemented in a centralized server connected to all base stations or distributed system implemented in each base station. The load balancing algorithm which consists of several steps is placed in a controller that achieves it. The load balancing process and the handover procedure have to be fast enough in order to prevent the adverse effect on the quality of service especially for the real-time applications users.
Computer networks have evolved considerably in the past few years of big increases in mutual amounts of data across the network hand because of the increasing number of interconnected devices, which can exchange data as part of the network and this is what led to the emergence of what is known as the problems of congestion Studies showed about some of these problems that the largest reason is involved in the implementation of the transmission rules, and this led to the urgent of multiple types of protocols in the computer networks that needs to deal with different computer and communication systems, and many other applications, which often causes errors at the level of the bit and level of the packets, missing packets, duplicate packets, randomly received packets, and most importantly the appeared congestion in the network. This research aims to determine how to improve the performance of the network to get rid of the congestion by using advantages of the algorithms used to avoid congestion that may occur in the networks that rely TCP protocol . The goals of these algorithms is to reach stability in the network by working to achieve the principle of package saving. Also within this scope it has been studied, and compared some of the algorithms that used to avoid congestion in general, without relying on a specific protocol or specific service category.
Ad-hoc networks has opened a new dimension in wireless networks. It allows wireless communication in the absence of central support of the contract. In these networks, there are no fixed infrastructure because the mobile nodes are continuously mak ing continuous and dynamic change in the topology. Routing protocols of mobile ad-hoc networks differ from the existing internet protocols which are designed for the fixed structure based wireless networks. MANET protocols have to face high challenges due to dynamically changing of topologies, low transmission power and asymmetric links. Due to link instability, node mobility and frequently changing topologies routing becomes one of the core issues in MANETs. Currently existent routing protocols provide routing solutions up to a certain level and most of them are designed and implemented in small areas. Many researchers are still working on the developments of MANET routing protocols. With the increase in the types of routing protocols used in mobile network it has become necessary to study the effectiveness of each type of protocols In this papper we compared between the most famous species (proactive, Reactive, hybrid) and choose a protocol to be representative of all species previously mentioned and the network performance assessment each type in terms of Throughput, dynamic routing routing, load, delay and determine which of these protocols appropriate for each case.
Mobile wireless networks consist of a set of cooperative and mobile nodes, each node can move randomly at a specific speed in all directions without any control of a central manager. This type of networks has become a hot research topic due to its military application and suitability for emergencies and natural disasters. Due to the lack of fixed infrastructure, the routing process becomes the major problem in this type of networks, where the responsibility of routing is transferred to each node. Over the last few years, a number of traditional routing protocols has been proposed, but these protocols do not support quality of service in different environments. Some studies have improved some of these protocols to support quality of service for specific environments. This research identifies and analysis some of these improved protocols.
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