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Processing of satellite images for observing the iron oxides and texture in the soils from lower basin of Al-abrash river

معالجة صور فضائية لرصد اكاسيد الحديد والتركيب الميكانيكي في ترب من الحوض الادنى لنهر الابراش

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 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study aims to monitor the soil content of iron oxides, mechanical composition, organic matter and calcium carbonate, then mapping the distribution and percentage of the studied element within the Akkar Plain, south of Tartous Governorate, using images of the artifact (Rapideye). The soil in the study area

References used
الشاطر , محمد سعيد , اكرم البلخي , ميساء الكبرا (2010) خصوبة التربة والتسميد . منشورات جامعة دمشق
rate research

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SST satellite images analysis has provided us a new description of the surface circulation in the eastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea. It showed many characteristics for a lot of mesoscale eddies. In this study, the SST analysis is focalised on the upwelling structure showing by images, in the eastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea, which has an important biological reflection at the marine environment. We have analyzed images for different periods to identifier this phenomena's places and this will be help us in situ nutrient observations.
Seventh sector is located on the right bank of the Euphrates River at the town of Abu- Kamal, the Syrian-Iraq border, and its square 18140 hectares. Invest most heavily sector too, where crops depend on irrigation, irrigation networks mediated cons isting of earthen trenches, canals and to pump water by pumps on the banks of the Euphrates. Research aims to assess the pedelogical properties of agricultural soils by using laboratory and field tests: leaching speed, permeability, density, porosity, water field capacity, natural humidity (hygroscopic– wilt limit), so as to contribute in choosing optimal modalities for irrigation and drainage, and rehabilitation Land affected by salinity and exited the investment. The soils of the sector are clay, clayey sand, fine sand, and it has low permeability, low water field capacity because of sedimentary origin, and the total porosity is low in the upper part of subsurface soil because of its impaction. There is a relationship between hygroscopic moisture of soils and its structural composition. The search recommend to agriculture Fabaceae crops with different roots deep to help improve soil building, and need to use spray irrigation method to control the water quantity and wetting depth.
The Seventh sector is located on the right bank of the Euphrates River at the town of ALbu- Kamal, the Syrian-Iraq border. Invest most heavily sector too, by planting different crops which irrigated by irrigation networks consisting of canals and ear then trenches. Research aims to evaluate the salinity of agricultural soils and unconfined groundwater by doing field surveying of agricultural soils of horizons from ground surface till depth 200cm. and making detailed chemical analysis of free groundwater and evaluate the quality of it to determine the salinity regions and the salinity degree. The salinity of agricultural soils of the sector are sulfate-chlorine and little degree chlorine - sulfate and chlorine classified non salinity –little salinity and little degree moderate salinity to very highly and highly salinity. The salinity of free groundwater between 1.3-28.5 g/l. and classified chlorine sulfate-magnesia calcic and sometimes sulfate chlorine- calcic magnesia. The research recommend to study and determine the leachingrequirement of salinity regions from actual test or choosing the most appropriate experimental equations.
The lithological study and micropaleontological analyses of 21 samples taken from four geological sections of lower Miocene deposits led to a stratigraphic study for determination of enrichment of planktonic species in these deposits . These speci es were combined with biozones of lower miocene and their stratigraphic distribution in the studied sections according to planktonic foraminifera of worldwide spreading . This study contributed in understanding of paleogeographic development of Neogene basin within this period of time , which appeared as a marine progress in lower Miocene , which continued up to upper Miocene in the northwestern part of Syria . The sediments of lower Miocene consisted of marl , clay marl deposits with interfacial layers of clay and limestones or marl limestones deposited unconformithy with nummoliticlimestones of Eocene , or cretaceous carbonates rich in betome sometimes .
The geometric correction of remote sensing images becomes a key issue in production and updating digital maps, multisource data integration, management and analysis for many geomatic applications. 2D polynomial functions are the most prevalent to achieve this correction. Previous researches have shown that the application of 2D polynomials is conditioned by the planarity of the terrain and the uniform distribution of ground control points, but did not explicitly discuss the criteria for evaluating the success or failure of their application. In this study, we will try to give some of these criteria and to develop some old analog cartographic rules to suit the nature of the digital satellite images. In this research, we discussed mathematical foundation for evaluating the precision of control points- based geometric correction of satellite images. We have also tested the effect of the topography of the imaged scene on this accuracy. The test has been carried out by the use of satellite images extracted from Google Earth. These images cover some areas in the city of Latakia in Syria. Also, control points have been extracted from Google Earth and transformed into the Syrian stereographic coordinates system. Results demonstrated that the second degree 2D polynomial is very suitable for plan small scenes with uniform distribution of the control points over the entire scene.

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