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استدراكات النحاة على أبي إسحاق الزّجّاج (ت 311 هـ ) " تحليل وتقويم "

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 Publication date 2013
  fields Arabic
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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هدية العارفين , اسماء المؤلفين و اثار المصنفين لإسماعيل باشا البغدادي ( ت 1339 هـ ) استانبول منشوارات مكتبة المثنى بغداد 1951
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Assabihas the ability to form his story in a narrative strong style . He passes his thought through it as if you see it in front of your eyes. This returns to the connection between its narrative components that he well organized its structure .He makes every component of them : Personality, Time, Place , Incident and a narrator that are doing his private role . The time appears to him with the figure that helps the incident to express the components of the story using the different time techniques of: Summary, omitting , retrieve , raise and caesura/ pause through description .So this component appears to be a useful instrument between the hands of a professional writer.
The study starts by an introduction in which I showed the importance of this research and the reason that pushed me to its choice. Then I talk about the relational name, its meaning and naming, then the kinship weights without a ya'a, then I showe d what happens to the name at the ratio of changes, and I explained the judgment change because it is the basis that the search depended. Then I discuss the judgmental change because it is the basis of the research I explain the meaning that scholars adopted and that some modernists establish, supporting the explanation by evidence and examples In conclusion the derivative of the relational name (Al mansoub) can either be the subject of the name linked to an adjective of comparison only, or most probably, it can be a delayed predicative (Khabar) while the relational name is advanced subject (Mubtada'a Mukadam) according to the conditions mentioned by linguists.
أبو حيان الأندلسي و ابن هشام الأنصاري عالمان متعاصران، عاشا في القرن الثامن الهجري، و هما من كبار نحاة العربية. حضر أبو حيان من الأندلس، و استقر في مصر، و صار شيخ النحاة في عصره، قبل أن يولد ابن هشام. و حين بدأ ابن هشام يطلب العلم لم يلازم أبا حيا ن، و لم يقرأ عليه، بل كان كثير المخالفة له، شديد الانحراف عنه، لا يكاد يذكره في مصنفاته إلا رادًا عليه أو معترضًا. و عليه يهدف هذا البحث إلى تتبع أبرز اعتراضات ابن هشام على أبي حيان، كما وردت في مصنفات ابن هشام، مع التوثيق و التوضيح، ثم دراسة هذه العلاقة بينهما، و بيان مظاهرها، و محاولة تعليلها لدى القدامى و المتأخرين من العلماء.
This project is displayed to the syntactic Andalusian he has had aprominent role in the scientific life in Andalusia in the seventh century AH, he has helped to enrich the grammar Heritage, he is Abu Al hasan Al-Obbazi (680 AH).
This study tackles an important part of Abu-Tammam's vision that considers the poetry outcome of reason. And that is an important shift of the concept of Arabic Poetry , which is charged with lyricism and lack of thought .
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