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محركات البحث الدلالي في ظل تطبيقات الويب الدلالي

1918   9   1   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
Berners- Lee , Tim & Hendler , James & Lassila , Ora . The Semantic Web .- Scientific American (may 17/2001).- available at:
rate research

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تهدف الدراسة الى التعرف على خدمات الوب الدلالي وتطبيقاته كواحدة من تقنيات ادارة المعرفة بما يحقق الاستفادة المثلى من هذه التقنية وتحدد مشكلة الدراسة التساؤلات التالية: - ما الخدمات التي تقدمها تقنية الوب الدلالي؟ - ما أهم تطبيقات الوب الدلالي؟ - م ا آلية الاستفادة من تقنية الوب الدلالي في بيئة المعرفة؟
We aimed to distinguish between them and the other research areas such as information retrieval and data mining. we tried to determine the general structure of such systems which form a part of larger systems that have a mission to answer user querie s based on the extracted information. we reviewed the different types of these systems, used techniques with them and tried to define the current and future challenges and the consequent research problems. Finally we tried to discuss the details of the various implementations of these systems by explaining two platforms Gate and OpenCalais and comparing between their information extraction systems and discuss the results.
In the few recent years, besides the traditional web a new web has appeared. It is called the Web of Linked Data. It has been developed to present data in a machinereadable form. The main idea is to describe data using a set of terms called web ont ology. At this time, tools and standards related to the semantic web are becoming comprehensive and stable; however, publishing university data as linked data still faces some major challenges. First of all, there is no unified, well-accepted vocabulary for describing university-related information. This article aims to find the ontology which could be used to describe the data in the university domain, so it could be possible to integrate this data with data from other universities and do queries on it. The web ontology was built by reusing the available vocabularies on the web and adding new classes and properties. The ontology has been organized by using Protégé.
Semantic Web is a new revolution in the world of the Web, where information and data become viable for logical processing by computer programs. Where they are transformed into meaningful data network. Although Semantic Web is considered the future of World Wide Web, the Arabic research and studies are still relatively rare in this field. Therefore, this paper gives a reference study of Semantic Web and the different methods to explore the knowledge and discover useful information from the vast amount of data provided by the web. It gives a programming example like application of some of these techniques provided by the Semantic Web and methods to discover the knowledge of it. This simplified programming example provides services related to higher education Syrian government, such as information about the Syrian public universities like the name of the university (Syrian Virtual University, Tishreen, Aleppo, Damascus, and Al Baath), address of the university, its web site, number of students and a summary of the university, which helps intelligent agents to find those services dynamically.
We offer in this approach the integration of search engines with filtering techniques, through the dynamic relationship of hybridization between collaborative filtering and content based filtering in order to solve the past limitations and improve precision and recall of retrieved documents. The approach uses Domain ontology model in the representation of user profile to reduce errors and confusion resulting from consideration for user profile as a single entity, as well as taking advantage from user activity for adaptation of user profile to reflect the state of user.

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