جرت دراسة خطط معالجة لمرضى أورام الرئة والمري، تم تصويرهم بتقنية التصوير المقطعي المحوري المحوسب (PHILIP TYPE) وأرسلت صورهم إلى نظام تخطيط العلاج Treatment Planning System – TPS (ECLIPS type)، الذي يحدد فيه الطبيب الأورام والأعضاء المعرضة للخطر. تم إنشاء خطتي المعالجة الإشعاعية التقليدية ثلاثية الأبعاد 3D-Conformal Radiotherapy (3DCRT) والمعالجة الإشعاعية بالحزمة المعدلة الشدة Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) لنفس المرضى. تمت مقارنة خطتي العلاج برسم بياني جرعة - حجم Dose Volume Histogram (DVH). لوحظ أن توزع الجرعة الإشعاعية لخطة المعالجة الإشعاعية بتقنية IMRT أكثر ملاءمة لحجم الورم السريري clinical target volume - CTV وتوفر المزيد من الحماية للأعضاء المحيطة بالورم، لكنها تستغرق زمناً أطول منه في حالة تقنية 3DCRT. لذلك من الضروري تحديد المرضى الذين تجب معالجتهم بإحدى التقنيتين (3DCRT or IMRT) أو تقنية أخرى اعتماداً على الجرعة الكاملة الممنوحة لـCTV والزمن الذي تستغرقه عموماً.
Treatment plans were studied for patients with lung and esophageal tumors, patients were imaged using CT-Scan (PHILIP TYPE) and the images were sent to the Treatment Planning System-TPS (ECLIPS type), the system in which the doctor identified the tumor and at-risk organs. Conventional 3D-Conformal Radiotherapy (3DCRT) and Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) plans were created for the same patients. Treatment plans were compared according to the Dose Volume Histogram (DVH).It was observed that the radiation dose distribution of radiotherapy plans using IMRT technique better suited to tumor size (CTV) and protecting more organs surrounding the tumor, but it takes longer than 3DCRT technology. Therefore it is necessary to determine which patients should be treated with one technique (3DCRT or IMRT) or another technique depending on the full dose given to CTV and the time it generally takes.
References used
Chui CS . , Chan MF . , Yorke E . , Spirou E . , Ling CC. Delivery of Intensity - modulated radiation therapy with a conventional multileaf collimator: Com parison of dynamic and segmental methods. Med Phys. , 2001; 28( Dec ): 2441 - 2449
The research aims to make a statistical approach to the cases of esophageal atresia by
its types and incidence, and to study the surgical treatment outcome and choose the best
method of treatment and follow up.
The study included 27 newborn patien
Reflux Esophagitis was diagnosed in 50 % of Acidic Gastro Esophageal Reflux
Disease cases only.
This study aimed to detect the association between Endoscopic Reflux Esophagitis and acidic
Gastroesophageal Reflux disease.
The aim of the study is repairing some partially damaged
archeological wood and restoration it before being completely
damaged. For achieving this aim, the radiation technology was used in preparing some polymer blends such as Poly (vinyl alcohol)
Larynx cancer is the most common cancer of the head and neck with the exception of
the skin and it accounts for 2% of all cancer diagnoses, its genesis is directly associated
with alcohol drinking and smoking, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the m
Using the Mont Carlo code (MCNP4C2), doses were calculated for organs of
interest such as intestine, urinary bladder, rectum, vagina uterus, pancreas,
spleen, liver, spinal cord and kidneys while patient was undergoing cervix
brachytherapy by LDR