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مكانة "الفيلق العربي-فصيلة التدريب الألمانية العربية" في الخطط الإستراتيجية و السياسية لدول المحور في البلاد العربية أثناء الحرب العالمية الثانية

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 Publication date 1997
  fields History
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Taliah Al Sayyah

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No English abstract

References used
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محافظة، علي، العلاقات الألمانية الفلسطينية من إنشاء مطرانية القدس البروتستانتية وحتى نهاية الحرب العالمية الثانية، بیروت، د.ت، ص 261.
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The political situation in some of the Arab countries since the mid-1930s was linked to the changes in the international relations between the major world political forces and the weakness that the Western countries began to face in the German and It alian aggressions. These international circumstances contributed to the emergence of some national formations in the Arab East, which grew in a direction based on rapprochement with the Germans and the Italians. However, it is noticeable that these Arab national formations did not turn to the axis until they failed to agree with the British on the problem of Palestine, the independence of Syria and the arming of the Iraqi army. Rather, their direction was not based on their belief in Nazi principles, On national independence. This development came within the framework of the German strategy in the Arab region and the result of Hitler's demagogic propaganda towards the Arab people.
يهدف البحث إلى تأصيل جريمة التهريب الجمركي و شرحها كما وردت في نظام الجمارك الموحد لدول الخليج العربية، مع توضيح الأصول النظرية للأفعال التي تعد من العناصر المادية لفعل التهريب الجمركي كّلما اقتضت طبيعة البحث ذلك . و قد سوى النظام في هذه المسألة بي ن الجريمة التامة و بين الشروع و المحاولة، كما أنه جاء خلوًا من الإشارة إلى مسؤولية الشخص المعنوي على الرغم من تمتعه بذمة مالية مستقلة، و كونه المستفيد المحتمل من الأفعال المخالفة للنظام . و قد عالج البحث جرائم التهريب الجمركي من خلال خصوصيتها العملية، و على أساس أن لها مجموعة من الخصائص و الصفات الذاتية تميزها عن غيرها من الأفعال المخالفة للقانون، أي إن المبادئ الخاصة بالتجريم و العقاب يمكن أن يكون لها معنى مغاير لما هو مقرر في المجالات القانونية الأخرى، على الرغم من سريان قاعدة مشروعية الجرائم و العقوبات .
This article Talks about the important of the Arabian peninsula site and it's surrounding sbates . The article also monitors Political unrest in the southern Arabian Peninsula in the sixth century and surrounding states (Byzantium-Ethiopious-Persia ns)in- Fuelling-wars. . Where The intervention and Which Occupation Ethiopians and Byzantium 524a.d and drop Alhamirih state and impose a political system and anew administrative and military Wouldn't accept the Arabian peninsula residents who blast Gallop where persian intervention in 575a.d. to expel Ethiopians From Southern Arabian peninsula and impose a new Political system where the situation continues This way until the Islamic conquest of this region.
We present the findings and results of theSecond Nuanced Arabic Dialect IdentificationShared Task (NADI 2021). This Shared Taskincludes four subtasks: country-level ModernStandard Arabic (MSA) identification (Subtask1.1), country-level dialect identi fication (Subtask1.2), province-level MSA identification (Subtask2.1), and province-level sub-dialect identifica-tion (Subtask 2.2). The shared task dataset cov-ers a total of 100 provinces from 21 Arab coun-tries, collected from the Twitter domain. A totalof 53 teams from 23 countries registered to par-ticipate in the tasks, thus reflecting the interestof the community in this area. We received 16submissions for Subtask 1.1 from five teams, 27submissions for Subtask 1.2 from eight teams,12 submissions for Subtask 2.1 from four teams,and 13 Submissions for subtask 2.2 from fourteams.
There is no doubt that the accession of the Syrian Arab Republic to the World Trade Organization will limit the isolation that accompanied the Syrian economy due to the embargo and sanctions that led to the damage of its capabilities and competiti veness, as well as the widening gap between the Syrian national economy and the rapid developments of the global economy. And due to the advantages of this accession, there are many consequences which affect the economic and legal system of each state seeking to join that organization; raising a variety of proposals due to this joining and its consequences, and whether the decision to join this organization can be considered a selection or an inevitable which embodies the position of the State regarding the accession and its conformity to the features offered by that organization.
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