يتحدث هذا البحث عن موقع جنوب شبه الجزيرة العربية في حقبة ماقبل الإسلام، و مكانتها لدى الدول المحيطة بها كما يرصد البحث الاضطرابات السياسية التي حدثت في جنوب شبه الجزيرة العربية خلال القرن السادس الميلادي و دور الدول المحيطة بها (بيزنطة – الأحباش – الفرس) في تأجيج نار الحروب فيها .
حيث أدى تدخل بيزنطة و الأحباش فيها إلى احتلالها عام 524م و إسقاط الدولة الحميرية، و فرض نظام سياسي و عسكري و أداري جديد لم يقبل به مجتمع جنوب شبه الجزيرة العربية الذين استنجدوا بالفرس فأدى تدخل الفرس عام 575م إلى طرد الأحباش من جنوب الجزيرة العربية فرض نظامهم السياسي الجديد حيث استمر الوضع على هذا الحال حتى مجيء الإسلام لهذه المنطقة .
This article Talks about the important of the Arabian peninsula site and it's
surrounding sbates . The article also monitors Political unrest in the southern Arabian
Peninsula in the sixth century and surrounding states (Byzantium-Ethiopious-Persians)in-
Fuelling-wars. .
Where The intervention and Which Occupation Ethiopians and Byzantium 524a.d
and drop Alhamirih state and impose a political system and anew administrative and
military Wouldn't accept the Arabian peninsula residents who blast Gallop where persian
intervention in 575a.d. to expel Ethiopians From Southern Arabian peninsula and impose a
new Political system where the situation continues This way until the Islamic conquest of
this region.
References used
Procopius : History Of The Wars, Translated by H . B dewing, Combridge, London, Vol I, 1979, p189
فرعون، السياسة الساسانية في شبو الجزيرة العربية من القرن الثالث حتى السابع الميلادي، ص. 112
This article Talks about relations between Byzantium and Al Ghassasina since Al
Gassasina arrived in North west peninsula ( Belad Al Sham ) levant From The southern
Arabian Peninsula As This article shows how could military and Political strength P
Industry is considered the main support of economical development in all around
the world ، while Extractive industry in particular considered the main supporter of
economical development in countries of Arabian peninsula since all elements of its
The search treatsAportrait of the al-Gazera al-Foratuh and Bilad al-Sham in the fifth
ALhagrah century/ The eleventh century AD, as Nasirkhusraw introduced it in his journey
(book of travels) "Safar- nama". He explains his travelling line that tour
This research focuses on the relations of the southern states of Arabian
Peninsula namely states of Sheba , Ma’en , Qataban and Hadramout with
their neighboring states in the middle east including Egypt , the fertilized
Crescent and the Mediterran
The study deals with the first and second wars of the Balkans (1912-1913) and the
economic, social and political crises that ensued. In fact, the events of these complex and
complex wars have since constituted a major problem for European countries