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Estimate The Static Fatigue Age For Springs Depending On Accelerated Tests

تقدير عمر التعب الستاتيكي للنوابض بالاعتماد على الاختبارات المسرعة

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 Publication date 2018
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In this article we present a new and effective method to Estimate the static fatigue age for springs, when it works by static load or static strain for a long time at deferent temperature, this case is very important because the spring is a battery for force and it must save allow value of the force. At the first we present a theory study for “creep and relaxation “and how we can accelerate the test to get the results, then we suggest method to accelerate the test to know when the spring retch to the minimum allowable value of the force at work temperature degree, this method depend on tests at samples at deferent temperature degrees, higher than work and storage temperature, and then use the results to estimate the static fatigue age for springs at real storage and work temperature.

References used
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