دُرس في هذا البحث إزالة أيونات النحاس و الرصاص من المحاليل المائية بطريقة التعويم و تأثير العوامل المختلفة على عملية الإزالة .
بينت الدراسة إزدياد نسبة إزالة أيونات النحاس و الرصاص بإزدياد قيمة pH المحلول حتى القيمة pH = 8 و بلغت نسبة الإزالة حوالي 80 % ، أما عند قيمة pH = 10 تحصل عملية ترسيب للأيونات على شكل هيدروكسيدات.
تزداد نسبة الإزالة لكلا النوعين من هذه الأيونات بإزدياد تدفق الهواء داخل المحلول لتصل الى 98 % للنحاس و97 % للرصاص عند تدفقQ=1000 ml/min ثم بعد ذلك تتناقص نسبة الإزالة لتصل الى 60 % بإزدياد تدفق الهواء الىQ=1500 ml/min .
تؤثر قيم التركيز الإبتدائي على عملية الإزالة و تبين إزدياد نسبة الإزالة بإزدياد التركيز الإبتدائي حيث بلغت نسبة إزالة أيونات النحاس 58 % عند التركيز الإبتدائي C0 = 50 mg/l لتصل الى 98 % عند التركيز
C0 =100mg/l بينما بلغت نسبة إزالة الرصاص 61 % عند التركيز C0 = 50 mg/l لتصل الى 97 % عند التركيز C0 =100 mg/l
In this search, the removal of copper and lead ions from aqeous solutions by flotation had
been studied, and the effect of various factors on the removal process.
The study showed that the removal of copper and lead ions was increased by increasing the
value of the solution pH up to pH = 8 and the removal rate was 80%.
At pH = 10 precipitation of the ions was obtained in the form of hydroxides.
The removal ratio of both ions is increased by increasing the flow of the air within the
solution to reach 98% for copper and 97% for lead at the flow of Q = 1000 ml/min and
then the removal rate decreases to 60% with increasing airflow to Q = 1500 ml/min.
The initial concentration values affect the removal process and the increase in the removal
ratio was shown by increasing the initial concentration. The removal rate of copper ions
was 50 % at the initial concentration of C0 = 50 mg / l to 98% at C0 = 100 mg / l. While the
lead removal rate was 61 % at the initial Concentration C0 = 50 mg/l to 97% at
concentration C0 = 100 mg / l.
References used
GHAZY, S.E., EL-SHAZLY, R.M., EL-SHAHAWI, M.S., AL-HAZMI, G.A.A. AND EL-ASMY, A. A., Spectrophotometric determination of copper (II) in naturalwaters, vitamins and certified steel scrap samples using acetophenonepchlorophenylthiosemicarbazide,J. Iranian Chem. Soc., 3, (2006) 140-150
GHAZY, S. E; EL-MORAY, S. M; AND RAGAB, A. H; Ion flotation of copper (II) and lead (II) from environmental water samples, J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage. 12, (2008),75 – 82
THACKSTON, E.L., WILSON, D.J., AND MILLER, D.L; Lead removal with adsorbing colloid flotation, J. Water Pollut. Control Fed., 52, (1980)317- 328
In this work the process of removal of zinc ions from aqueous solutions was studied using natural Syrian zeolite. Two samples were used: natural zeolite Z and modified zeolite with NaCl solution Z-Na. The removal percentage of zinc ions vs. time was
studied the elimination of lead using natural zeolite by studding the the best
conditions to removal lead in a system with two phase: liquid (contaminated water with
lead)-solid (natural zeolite), correlation of the following factors: time of mixin
Syrian natural zeolit was used to study the adsorption of phenol from aqueous
solutions. Batch method was used to study the adsorption process.
The results showed that the adsorption process accurs rabidly at the first time and the
equilibrium ach
Pollution by heavy metals, due to their toxic nature and other adverse
effects, is one of the most serious environmental problems. Many heavy metal
ions, such as mercuric ions are detected in industrial wastewaters originating
from metal plating,
This search aims to study the adsorption of Cu ions from their solutions
on the surface of silicon oxide.
These experiments were in five groups, at the first three groups the
amount of the adsorbent was constant, and the concentration of the