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Analytical study of the bond stress between steel and concrete using the probability theory

دراسة تحليليّة لإجهادات التماسك بين الفولاذ و الخرسانة باستخدام نظريّة الاحتمالات

1851   1   14   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This paper presents an analytical study of the Bond stress and its relationship with relative slip between the concrete and steel using finite element method. Moreover, it presents a probabilistic study using statistics theory on the data as a result from analytical study to get the bond stress-slip relationship, which represents the bond equation.

References used
Hadleh, M. “A study on Bond in high strength reinforced concrete” Ms.D dissertation, Damascus university (2010)
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Dahou Z., Mehdi Sbartaï Z., Castel A. and Ghomari F. “Artificial Neural Network Model For Steel Concrete Bond Predictionˮ. Engineering Structures, 31 (2009) 1724-1733
rate research

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In this research, a simple cylinder concrete model was analyzed. This model is simple and single in the center of cylinder for plain reinforcement and cubic model for deformed reinforcement. If we made a tension load on the reinforcement bar until we reach to the destruction by using non-linear analysis for the three dimension subjects by using the finite element ANSYS to study the bond stress between the concrete and the reinforcement.
This paper investigates how the ordering of tone relative to the segmental string influences the calculation of phonotactic probability. Trigram and recurrent neural network models were trained on syllable lexicons of four Asian syllable-tone languag es (Mandarin, Thai, Vietnamese, and Cantonese) in which tone was treated as a segment occurring in different positions in the string. For trigram models, the optimal permutation interacted with language, while neural network models were relatively unaffected by tone position in all languages. In addition to providing a baseline for future evaluation, these results suggest that phonotactic probability is robust to choices of how tone is ordered with respect to other elements in the syllable.
This paper reports the results of an experimental investigation carried out to study the effects of machining parameters such as pulsed current on material removal rate, diameteral overcut, electrode wear and surface roughness in electric discharg e machining of En-31 tool steel (IS designation: T105 Cr 1 Mn 60) hardened and tempered to 55HRc. The work material was ED machined with copper, copper tungsten, brass and aluminum electrodes by varying the pulsed current at reverse polarity.
this research gives notice about the concept of theory of functional grammar and the most important developments in it since its inception to the present time, then standing on its roots in the heritage of the Arab, refers to the famously of scient ists whom have called for ridding the Arabic grammar, which suspended its ramifications overwhelmed and hamper his gift, such as Al_jahiz which claimed the calls in one of his letters to the limitation in the instruction as to the boy on the core issues that lead to the safety of obscene melody, and the amount of the ignorance of the common folk in the book that he wrote, and felt that chant, and something that he described. Search moves then to talk about the principles and objectives as functional theory, And it ends with a summary showing its importance, and calls for the need to apply its principles in the field of education.
It is considered the foundation is the structural element which transfers loads applied in all load conditions to soil incorporation, thus achieving stability and resistance and landings allowed economic and testing the appropriate requirements. Thus this research will conduct a comprehensive study of cracks and landings and trends that take place in the old facilities, and to identify the reasons for their occurrence.
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