تظهر أهمية دراسة هذه المسألة في تحقيق جملة من الأهداف أهمها :
اختبار مواد القمصان الإسفلتية الناتجة عن عملية الكشط لتحديد خواصها
و صلاحيتها لإعادة الاستخدام وفقا لعمرها , و الفاقد منها و الوفر الناتج من ذلك.
studying the recycling of bituminous pavements
is important to achieve a set of objectives. The most
important one is to examine the asphalt obtained from the
recycled bituminous pavements in order to identify its
properties and suitability for reuse according to its
serviceability, reductions and cost benefit.
References used
AL SHWETY .N , 2013 - Effect Recycled Bituminous Pavements Properties – in the central region- on the treatment ways and the area of hot mix recycling . Master thesi , Albaath University , Syria ,466p
ANDERSON .R , 2006 - Recommended Use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement in the Superpave Mix . Washington : National Academy Press ,175p
ASSI .M , 2003 - Engineering of Paving Layers . Aleppo University , Syria , 333p
Plastic and rubber products considered of being a great importance to humans, but
their residues and wastes are a real environmental disaster. They are dumped in fields,
streams and forests or buried in large landfills that pose a serious hazard th
Asphalt concrete was used for the first time in Syria as a tightening material for dam
Sourani. It was used in this dam as a surface facing on the front slope.
Use of asphaltic concrete under climatic conditions prevailing in Syria, particularly
This research demonstrated a way to study the thermal properties
of raw and recycled High Density Polyethylene HDPE which is
used to make oil containers. Also, the research has dealt with the
effect of recycling on blow molding process used to manufacture
these containers.
Compacting hot mixes asphalt (HMA) at low temperatures or mixing it in the asphalt at high temperatures is a constant source of concern to researchers, as compacting and mixing at non-ideal temperatures leads to adverse results, which negatively affect the properties of asphalt concrete and lead to problems paving.
This study includes an experimental work to determine the effect of dilution on
Hardfacing welding of clinker hammer crusher. In this work, samples have been prepared
from the same metal type of hammer’s, of which is X120Mn12. Then the samples had