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Feeding a newborn "premature" in the first week of life

تغذية حديث الولادة بالأسبوع الأول من العمر

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 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The search was conducted (newborn feeding "premature" in the first week of life) in order to assess nutrition in newborn and learn about nutrition during the first week of life and what is the best food in preterm infant valiant hospital generously almonds-Pediatrics-premature Division.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة التي أجراها د. أحمد حسن العباس موضوع تغذية حديثي الولادة الخدج خلال الأسبوع الأول من العمر. أجريت الدراسة في مشفى الباسل بكرم اللوز على 100 طفل حديث الولادة خلال الفترة من مارس إلى مايو 2017. تهدف الدراسة إلى تقييم التغذية عند حديثي الولادة والتعرف على أساليب التغذية المختلفة وأفضل غذاء للخديج. أظهرت النتائج أن الخداجة هي السبب الأكثر شيوعًا لوضع الطفل في الحاضنة، تليها العسرة التنفسية. كما لوحظ أن 58% من الخدج عانوا من أعراض صحية خلال الأسبوع الأول، وأكثرها شيوعًا كانت العسرة التنفسية بنسبة 24%. ساهم التدخين في 18% من حالات الخداجة، و24% من الحالات احتاجت إلى ولادة قيصرية. نسبة الأطفال الذين تلقوا الإرضاع الوالدي لم تتجاوز 6%، بينما 40% من الأطفال الخدج استطاعوا تلقي التغذية عن طريق الفم. ومع ذلك، كانت نسبة زيادة الوزن أكثر عند الجمع بين التغذية الفموية والأنبوبية. 26% من الخدج لم يتمكنوا من تحمل التغذية خلال الأسبوع الأول. معظم الخدج الذين تلقوا التغذية المعوية استطاعوا تناول 5-10 مل من الحليب بالرضعة الواحدة، بينما لم يستطع أي منهم تناول أكثر من 20 مل في اليوم الأول. تبين أن حليب الأم هو أفضل غذاء للخديج.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: على الرغم من أهمية الدراسة في تسليط الضوء على تغذية حديثي الولادة الخدج، إلا أن هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، كان من الأفضل تضمين عينة أكبر من الأطفال لزيادة دقة النتائج. ثانيًا، لم يتم التطرق بشكل كافٍ إلى تأثير العوامل البيئية والاجتماعية الأخرى على تغذية الخدج. ثالثًا، كان من الممكن تقديم توصيات أكثر تفصيلاً للأمهات حول كيفية تحسين تغذية أطفالهن الخدج. وأخيرًا، كان من المفيد تضمين مقارنة بين نتائج هذه الدراسة ونتائج دراسات أخرى مشابهة لتقديم صورة أشمل عن الموضوع.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الأسباب الأكثر شيوعًا لوضع الأطفال الخدج في الحاضنة؟

    الأسباب الأكثر شيوعًا لوضع الأطفال الخدج في الحاضنة هي الخداجة والعسرة التنفسية.

  2. ما هي نسبة الأطفال الخدج الذين تلقوا الإرضاع الوالدي؟

    نسبة الأطفال الخدج الذين تلقوا الإرضاع الوالدي لم تتجاوز 6%.

  3. ما هو أفضل غذاء للخديج وفقًا للدراسة؟

    أفضل غذاء للخديج وفقًا للدراسة هو حليب الأم.

  4. ما هي نسبة الأطفال الخدج الذين لم يتمكنوا من تحمل التغذية خلال الأسبوع الأول؟

    نسبة الأطفال الخدج الذين لم يتمكنوا من تحمل التغذية خلال الأسبوع الأول هي 26%.

References used
BOUZO,M 2015-Nutrition INPediatrics .DarBouzo,Damascus,389p.In Arabic
Fead,Taloz,Zabe,2003-ManualOfPediatric Therapeutics.Dar Alkds,Damascus,631p.In Arabic
Karolyn, D.Berdanier,(2007).Handbook of Nutrition and Food
rate research

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An experiment was carried out using 280 unsexed chicks of a commercial broiler breed taken randomly from a hatchery after the start of hatching. The chicks were distributed into four groups of 70 chicks each. The chicks were fed a certain type of mash feeding for 7 days as follows: The chicks of the 1st group were given the basal diet directly after hatching containing 1.2% lysine, This diet is conformed to the American feed tables of (NRC, 1994). The 2nd and the 3rd group of chicks were given the diet directly after hatching but containing 1.45%, 1.70% lysine respectively, and maintaining the rest of the nutrients as in the basal diet. The chicks of 4th group were given the diet directly after hatching, but containing 24% protein, and maintaining the rest of the nutrients as in the basal diet. After 7 days the chicks of four groups fed a broiler pellet commercial diet until the age of 42 days. The results showed the importance of adding lysine to the diet directly after hatching on the average live weight at the end of the first week, the differences were significant (P ≤ 0.05) between the chicks of the third group compared to chicks of the first group. It was also noted that the increase in lysine in the diet is better than increasing the crude protein to 24% (P ≤ 0.01) on the average live weight at the end of the first week. No significant differences were noticed among the average live weight of the chicks of all groups at the end of the experiment
The period of a newborn is a critical one. This study aims to assess the quality of the performance of the nursing staff in the provision of nursing care for a newborn in the incubator. This is an important and critical procedure for newborns in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit NICU. The study included 30 nurses from the nursing staff in the Department of incubators at three hospitals. A questionnaire has been developed consisting of two parts: The first part (I) has questions related to the demographic information of research sample. The second part (II): A checklist was developed by the researcher based on global standards related to some private nursing procedures provided for newborns within the incubator. These measures are: -Washing hands -Clean the incubator -Venous catheter - Taking vital signs ( temperature - Breathe - Pulse ) -Infection control within the incubators -Oxygen therapy – Phototherapy. Findings show a third of the sample had a weak performance in all nursing procedures, while the remaining third (33%) had an average level of performance. The present study showed that there is no important significant relationship between the level of performance in the nursing department incubators and both (qualification and years of experience in the nursing department incubators). The study also revealed the presence of an important significant relationship between the level of performance in the nursing department incubators and both (age and years of experience of nursing staff) for the total nursing procedures
Skin-to-skin contact (SSC) between the mother and her infant immediately postdelivery is an important procedure that must be included in the care given to mother and her infant many health benefits. The mother's desire and reaction towards (SSC) is the decisive factor in the success of this procedure, so the current study aimed to investigate the initial reaction of 200 women towards (SSC) immediately after their vaginal delivery were randomly selected from the obstetric hospital and national children in Lattakia, data were collected using a questionnaire developed for this purpose. The study showed that nearly three-quarters of mothers agreed to have contact with their children in (SSC) and nearly three-quarters of approvals preferred to be covered. The highest rate of response to approvals for contact with their children immediately after birth was the expression of joy in child and then hugging and kissing him. While the highest response of non-approvals for contact with their children immediately Post-Delivery refused to touch the child because they were suffering of pain. The study recommended that every mother in the labor room be investigated for carrying her naked child or swaddled with a blanket immediately after birth, not forcing them to immediately postpartum (SSC), the study recommended to continuing education and training sessions to provide all midwives and nurses working in the labor rooms with information and skills (SSC) for all mothers immediately Post- Delivery, and further research on nurse and midwife information on the importance of prompt (SSC) immediately Post-Delivery.
The research was carried out in Karahta Research Station for Shami goats by using 84/head/Shami kids (122±18.65 days old and 18±3.77 kg body weight). This trial continued for a 90 day period. Its goal was to find out the possibility of reducing th e offered concentrated feed in about 40% from the regular requirements for growing and replacing it by improving the nutritive value of the offered straw when they treated with urea, molasses or both of them. The Animals divided randomly into six treatments according to the offered feed for each treatment as the follows: Untreated wheat straw (control), wheat straw treated with 20% molasses, 1% urea, 1% urea and 20% molasses, 2.5% and with 2.5% urea and 20% molasses.
This research aims at present to detect the relationship between Achievement Motivation and Aggressive behavior among a sample of first-grade students of secondary , and the study of the differences between the sexes ( male and female ) in the resear ch variables ( achievement motivation, aggressive behavior). And the research community of the secondary schools of government in the city of Jaramana , who are students in the first grade of secondary ( 15-17 years) , has been withdrawn sample randomly , which amounted to (100 ) students (50 males +50 females) , and the researcher used the following tools: 1 - a measure of achievement motivation, 2 - a measure of aggressive behavior, after that she has tested Validity and reliability, The researcher followed the descriptive analytical method so as to its relevance to the nature of the research, she has developed a set of hypotheses and Results came as following : 1 - The total prevalence of aggressive behavior in the first grade of secondary moderately. 2- The total prevalence of achievement motivation in the first grade of secondary hilgly 3There is a statistically significant relationship between the aggressive behavior and achievement motivation among a sample Search . 4 - There were statistically significant differences in the aggressive behavior depending on gender for the sample of the male.5 - There are statistically significant differences in self-concept depending on the gender for the sample of the females. In light of these results the researcher presented a set of proposals was the most important for further studies and research on aggressive behavior and its relationship to some psychological variables in the various stages of education (primary , university ) and the need to develop outreach programs designed to give teenagers the methods proper to learn positive behaviors correct and that lead help raise the level of motivation to accomplish them.
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