يعرضُ هذا البحثُ استدراكاتٍ أخذها أبو محمّدٍ القاسمُ بنُ أحمدَ بنِ الموفّقِ اللوْرَقيّ
المُرسيّ الأندلسيّ ( 661 ه ) في شرحِوه على المقدّمةِ الجُزُوليّة الموسوم ب (المباحث
الكامليّة في شرح المقدّمة الجزوليّة) على مصنِّف تلكَ المقدّمة أبي موسى الجُزُوليّ
(607 ه). و مقدّمته هذه نالَتْ شهرةً واسعةً في بلادِ المغربِ العربيّ بشكلٍ خاص ، فكثُرَ
شراحها ، على الرغم من كونها متناً نثريّاً صغيرَ الحجم.
This research presents rebounds taken Abu Muhammad Allqasem
Iben Almowafaq Allurqi Allmursi (661 hijira) in his explanation of
Alljuzollia Introdudction is marked by (Almabaheth Alkamilia
Shareh Almuqadima Aljuzolia) for its sorter Abi Musa Aljuzoli
(607hijira) he is classified (the Al-Gozolia introduction at the
This Introdudction took wide fame in the Maghreb in particular and
adding the explanation despite being small in size prose text.
References used
المقرّب: لابن عصفور ( 669 ه ) تح: أحمد الجواري، و عبدالله الجبوريّ، ط 1, 1972م.
المفصّل في علمِ العربيّة: للزمخشريّ ( 538 ه ) دار الجيل، بيروت، ط 2، د.ت.
I will study in this research Shehab Al- Khafaji
Morphologically، in order to shed light on his role in this field،
including hisreviews and guidance in his book called (Enayat AlkadywakifayatAr-
This study aims at investigating the explanatory notions based upon the subjective
mechanism found in the linguistic presentation. Moreover, this study shows how intuition
and subjectivity can be a means for explanatory levels ; it is possible that
The question of the transition of power in the Ottoman Empire, an important issue
shed Ottoman sultans, and occupied their mind for long periods, as they interned them in
the midst of civil conflicts and local war, have been instrumental and head i
The juridical person enjoys all the rights of the natural person, except the rights that
accompany the human being, according to the law. This person doesn't enjoy the
rights of the natural person, because of the differences of themnature. jurists
This paper seeks to study the shortcomings of son of Makl AL
Azeedi AL Muhalibi (644h) on
AL Marri’s explanation (440h) in AL Mutanabis volume tilled
with(AL Lami AL Azizi ) in his book (the shortcomings of
illustrators of AL Mutanabis volume ).