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The Effect of Plant Density on the Period of Phenological Stages and the Quantity and Quality of Seed Production in Lentil Plants

تأثير الكثافة النباتية على مدة الأطوار الفينولوجية و انتاجية البذور لنبات العدس كماً و نوعاً

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 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This search was conducted during 2014-2015 growing season in Agricultural research station in Al Kraeim belonging to Al Salameah district in Hamah Provence in order to study the effect of plant density on; First, the phenological stages of lentil plant calculated in day unit. Second, the seed productivity in a lentil plant calculated in g/plant, and then seed production in Hectares (Kg/ha-1).Lastly, percentage of seed protein content in seeds. In this study, three plant densities were used (200, 250, 300 seeds/m2, and was designed using Randomized Sectors in three replicates for each density. Results showed that; 1) The low density plants (200 seeds/m2) was significantly better than other densities (250 and 300 seeds/m2) in: Reaching 50% seed germination (19.4, 20.5 and 22.5 day continually) and in flowering stage (111.36, 113.6 and 114.7 day continually) and in maturation/Ripening stage (134.4, 136.6 and 137.7 day continually). Seed production per plant (1.553g/plant) in comparison by seed production of other densities (1.487 and1.376 g/plant). Percentage of seed protein (26.8%) in comparison by seed protein of other densities (26.3 and 26.19 %). 2) The higher densities (300 seeds/m2) was better in seed production in aria unit (1791.3 Kg/ha-1) in comparison by production of other densities (1492.7 and 1194.2 Kg/ ha-1).

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Research summary
أجري البحث خلال الموسم الزراعي 2014-2015 في محطة البحوث الزراعية في الكريّم في منطقة السلمية بمحافظة حماه لدراسة تأثير الكثافة النباتية على مدة الأطوار الفينولوجية لنبات العدس وإنتاجية البذور والنسبة المئوية للبروتين. استخدمت ثلاث كثافات نباتية (200، 250، 300 بذرة/م²) وصممت التجربة بطريقة القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة بثلاث مكررات لكل كثافة. أظهرت النتائج تفوق نباتات الكثافة المنخفضة (200 بذرة/م²) في التبكير بالوصول إلى 50% من الإنبات والإزهار والنضج، وكذلك في إنتاجية البذور على مستوى النبات الواحد. بينما تفوقت الكثافة العالية (300 بذرة/م²) في إنتاجية الهكتار الواحد من البذور. كما أظهرت النتائج أن نسبة البروتين كانت أعلى في الكثافة المنخفضة (200 بذرة/م²). توصي الدراسة بمواصلة الأبحاث لتحديد الكثافة النباتية المثلى لنبات العدس في منطقة السلمية.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الكثافات النباتية التي استخدمت في الدراسة؟

    استخدمت ثلاث كثافات نباتية: 200، 250، 300 بذرة/م².

  2. ما هو تأثير الكثافة النباتية على نسبة البروتين في بذور العدس؟

    أظهرت النتائج أن نسبة البروتين كانت أعلى في الكثافة المنخفضة (200 بذرة/م²).

  3. ما هي الكثافة النباتية التي تفوقت في إنتاجية الهكتار الواحد من البذور؟

    تفوقت الكثافة العالية (300 بذرة/م²) في إنتاجية الهكتار الواحد من البذور.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمتها الدراسة؟

    توصي الدراسة بمواصلة الأبحاث لتحديد الكثافة النباتية المثلى لنبات العدس في منطقة السلمية، والزراعة بكثافة 300 بذرة/م² للحصول على أكبر نسبة من البروتين.

References used
ABBAS, HARDIDY,A.GAND ABDEL - RAHMAN , M .S .S. testing of some new genotype of faba bean grown at differ plant densities . asian gournal of grop scince 6: ( 2014 ), 67 - 74
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BEJIGA G., TSEGAYE S., AND TULLU A. “Stability of seed yield for some varieties of lentil grown in the Ethiopian highlands,” Crop Research, vol. 9, (1995). pp. 337– 343
rate research

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We evaluated some of the qualities of productivity for lentil variety ( Lens esculanta ) Idlib2 in the province of Hama, which lies within the third zone in the two seasons 2013- 2014. manner random sectors dissident once and three replications fo r each worker where she planting dates widget Home and operated plant density widget dissident once in order to determine the date and density suitable to reach the best production of lentils in a peaceful area. Agriculture led on the first date (December 15) and in the plant a minimum density (200 seeds / m2) increased to varying significantly different in the length of the century / mm and the total number of horns on a per plant and the number of seeds per plant and seed weight on a per g / plant and seed weight per hectare And it gave the plant Top-density (300 seeds / m 2) a significant increase in the weight of centuries per g / plant and the number of pods on the plant and the weight of Aalakec per hectare and biological weight per hectare.
The lack of information about the cultivation of coriander plant in Syria prompted us to study the effect of four plant densities (33.33،10، 13.33 and 20 plant/m2)، and four levels of phosphate fertilization (0107.2،160.8، and 214.4 of Superphospha te 46%) on some productive and quality traits of the coriander plant. This study was carried out in Tartous province during the growing season 2014، using Randomized Complete Block design with a Split Plot arrangement of treatments. The Results revealed that there were significant differences between the treatments for the whole traits، in addition to a significant interaction between density and phosphate fertilization. Although the densities (10، 13.33 and 20 plant/m2) varied in their effect، they had superiority upon the control(33،33)plant/m2، and the density 10 plant/m2 had more important effect in terms of increasing each of: branches number/plant، seed weight/plant، seeds number/inflorescence، protein content in plants and seeds and beta carotene and chlorophyll. However، the level 160.8k.g/h of P2O5 increased the number of inflorescences/plant، number of fruits/plant and seed weight/ inflorescence.
This research was carried out through 2015-2016 growing season belongs to the fourth stability at Gander village located on the between Homs and Damascus .The aims of this research were to study the effect of plant density on seed yield and its components of faba bean (vica faba ) and to investigate the optimum plant density of this crop in the region.
This research was carried out through 2015-2016 growing season belongs to the fourth stability at Gander village located on the between Homs and Damascus .The aims of this research were to study the effect of plant density on seed yield and its components of faba bean (vica faba ) and to investigate the optimum plant density of this crop in the region.
نفذ البحث خلال الموسم الزراعي (2014) م في الساحل السوري في محافظة طرطوس لدراسة تأثير أربع كثافات نباتية وثلاث مستويات من الأسمدة
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