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the effect of the water extract of algae Ulva fasciata and Colpomenia sinuosa in the germination of tomato and tobacco seeds

تأثير المستخلص المائي للطحلبين Ulva fasciata و Colpomenia sinuosa في استنبات بذور البندورة و التبغ

1456   10   26   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
  fields Life Science
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study investigated the effect of the water extract of two types of algae which spread in Syrian marine: Colpomenia sinuosa (Brown) and Ulva fasciata (green) and a combination of them in the cultivation on tomato and tobacco seeds with concentrations of (1: 2 1: 4 1: 6 1: 8 1:10 1: 20) By adding 5ml of each concentration, and comparing it with the control sample with only distilled water added, the comparison was made in terms of: The germination, stem length, root length, root branch.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة تأثير المستخلص المائي لنوعين من الطحالب البحرية، Ulva fasciata (الخضراء) و Colpomenia sinuosa (السمراء)، على استنبات بذور البندورة والتبغ. تم استخدام تراكيز مختلفة من المستخلصات (1:2، 1:4، 1:6، 1:8، 1:10، 1:20) وإضافة 5 مل من كل تركيز للبذور، ومقارنتها بعينة شاهدة أضيف لها ماء مقطر فقط. أظهرت النتائج تأثيرًا واضحًا للمستخلصات على نمو البادرات، حيث بلغ طول ساق بادرات البندورة 6.50 سم عند التركيز 1:6 لكل من المستخلصين، مقارنة بـ 3.80 سم للعينة الشاهدة. كما بلغ طول الجذر 6.00 سم عند نفس التركيز لمستخلص C. sinuosa مقابل 2.80 سم للعينة الشاهدة. بالنسبة لبادرات التبغ، بلغ طول الساق 1.87 سم عند التركيز 1:10 من مستخلص U. fasciata مقارنة بـ 1.50 سم للعينة الشاهدة، وسجل طول الجذر أعلى قيمة له 0.80 سم عند التركيزين 1:6 و 1:8 من مزيج المستخلصين مقارنة بـ 0.50 سم للعينة الشاهدة. تشير الدراسة إلى أن استخدام مستخلصات الطحالب البحرية يمكن أن يعزز من نمو البادرات ويزيد من تفرع الجذور، مما قد يكون له تطبيقات مهمة في الزراعة.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الدراسة خطوة مهمة في فهم تأثير المستخلصات الطحلبية على نمو النباتات، ولكن هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، كان من الأفضل تضمين مجموعة أوسع من النباتات لاختبار تأثير المستخلصات، مما يعطي نتائج أكثر شمولية. ثانيًا، لم يتم التطرق بشكل كافٍ إلى الآليات البيوكيميائية التي تؤدي إلى هذه التأثيرات، مما يترك بعض الأسئلة دون إجابة. ثالثًا، كان من الممكن تحسين تصميم التجربة بزيادة عدد العينات لكل تركيز لضمان دقة النتائج. وأخيرًا، لم يتم مناقشة التأثيرات البيئية المحتملة لاستخدام هذه المستخلصات على نطاق واسع، وهو جانب مهم يجب مراعاته في الدراسات المستقبلية.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الطحالب التي تمت دراستها في البحث؟

    تمت دراسة تأثير الطحلبين Ulva fasciata (الخضراء) و Colpomenia sinuosa (السمراء).

  2. ما هي التراكيز المستخدمة في الدراسة؟

    التراكيز المستخدمة هي 1:2، 1:4، 1:6، 1:8، 1:10، و 1:20.

  3. ما هو أعلى طول ساق تم تسجيله لبادرات البندورة؟

    أعلى طول ساق تم تسجيله لبادرات البندورة هو 6.50 سم عند التركيز 1:6.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمتها الدراسة؟

    توصي الدراسة بإجراء المزيد من الأبحاث حول استخدامات الطحالب لأغراض متعددة، واختبار تأثير مستخلص U. fasciata في مراحل متقدمة من حياة النباتات، ودراسة تأثير درجات الحرارة المختلفة على البادرات المعاملة بالمستخلص.

References used
(ABBAS, A. 1992- Master Thesis. Contribution to the study of marine benthic algae on the coast of Latakia. Tishreen University - Faculty of Sciences – Syria. (arabic
(ABBAS, A. 2015- Registration of three new species of green algae (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta) on the Syrian coast, Tishreen University Journal, Vol(37), Issue (1).(arabic
(AHMED, W.2015- Master Thesis. The impact of tobacco production on economic development in the Syrian coast. Tishreen University- Faculty of Economics – Syria. (arabic
rate research

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The purpose of this study is to highlight on the ability of the alga Ulva fasciata to accumulate some organic pollutants (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons :PAHS, polychlorinated biphenyls: PCBs). The samples were collected from three sites at the Syr ian coast during 2011. The result of this study revealed the ability of alga to accumulate significantly the PAHs and their concentrations ranged from 30.52 to 72.7 ng/g dw, While the PCBs concentrations were less, it ranged between 6.00 and 24.01 ng/g dw. The highest concentration of PAHs was observed at the Dirasat site, while the highest concentration of the PCBs found at the Cornish of Jablah. The logarithm bioconcentration factors (log BCF) of the aromatic compounds with three aromatic rings were close to the logarithm octanol/water partitioning coefficients (log Kow ), unlike the compounds with higher rings, where log BCF were obviously less than corresponding log Kow. The log BCF values of PCBs increased with increasing chlorine atoms (2 - 6 atoms) , while no increasing was observed for components that contain 7 to 8 chlorine atoms
The effect of salinity and the treatment with fungicide on seed germination of Cupressus sempervirens L. was investigated. Five concentrations of salinity (0, 0.5, 1, 5 and 10%) were used. One part of the seeds was treated with fungicides (Benomyl ), while the other part was germinated without fungicide treatment. The results showed that seed germination was reduced by salinity, but the reduction was more pronounced without fungicide and with salt concentration, the seeds didn't germinate at 5 and 10% NaCl. Despite the decrease of germination indices with the increase of salt concentrations, the statistical results didn't show significant differences in salinity concentrations and the control in germination speed without fungicide, but they were significant with the fungicide. The statistical results showed significant differences between the presence and absence of fungicide in all treatments
It was used in this study (15) of the female mice . They were divided into three groups : control , and two experimental groups (five mice in each group) .The control group was given distilled water, while the first experimental group was received only Paraben daily ( 250 mg / kg of body weight). As the second experimental group was received daily together of Paraben and aqueous ginger extract ( 250 mg / kg of paraben and 250 mg / aqueous ginger extract ) for (18 ) day .
The effect of different treatments on carob seed germination was studied. The results showed that, seed scarification was the most effective method in increasing germination rate as well as the use of concentrated sulfuric acid for 30 minutes reac hing 100%, followed by the treatment with alcohol for 60 minutes, and immersing seeds in hot water for 60 minutes. The results also indicated that the speed of germination when seeds were scarified was the best (I.D.=14.5), followed by the treatment with concentrated sulfuric acid for 30 minutes (I.D.=21.5), alcohol for 60 minutes (I.D.= 38) and immersing seeds in hot water for 60 minutes (ID.=60).
This study aim at investigating the tolerance of two tomato rootstock (Sprit and ES- 30502) widely speared in Syria and used for crafting some tomato hybrids grown in green houses for different salinity levels (0- 25- 50- 75- 100- 150 mM NaCl). Th e results show that the germination of rootstock Sprit seeds was not influenced by high salinity 150 mM despite a delay of 1-2 days compared with the control. A reduction of 15% was observed in the rootstock ES-30502 at 100 and 150 mM NaCl salinity levels, in addition to slower percentage rate of germination. In contrast, the effect of salinity on the development of the radical and rootlet was more pronounced in Sprit compared to ES- 30502. Salinity decreased the growth of both shoots and roots, and also decreased nutrient acquisition in both rootstocks, but to a lesser degree in ES-30502. The uptake of K was not greatly affected and concentrations in shoot remained normal. The concentrations of Ca and Mg were also not affected by salinity. The most pronounced effect of salinity was on nitrogen effect (NO3) which was reduced greatly in both rootstocks. This was accompanied by accumulation of free NO3 ions in the shoot tissue (58 and 45 % of total N uptake at salinity level of 150 mM). It is most likely that toxicity of Na and Cl ions, and consequent osmotic changes in cell tissue led to slower nitrate reductase activity (NRA) and accumulation of NO3.
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