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The Effect of Some Mechanical and Chemical Treatments on Carob Seeds (Ceratonia Siliqua L.) Germination

دراسة تأثير بعض المعاملات الميكانيكية و الكيميائية على إنبات بذور الخرنوب Ceratonia siliqua L.

2038   1   16   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2013
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The effect of different treatments on carob seed germination was studied. The results showed that, seed scarification was the most effective method in increasing germination rate as well as the use of concentrated sulfuric acid for 30 minutes reaching 100%, followed by the treatment with alcohol for 60 minutes, and immersing seeds in hot water for 60 minutes. The results also indicated that the speed of germination when seeds were scarified was the best (I.D.=14.5), followed by the treatment with concentrated sulfuric acid for 30 minutes (I.D.=21.5), alcohol for 60 minutes (I.D.= 38) and immersing seeds in hot water for 60 minutes (ID.=60).

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم تأثير بعض المعاملات الميكانيكية والكيميائية على إنبات بذور الخرنوب (Ceratonia Siliqua L.). أظهرت النتائج أن خدش البذور كان الأكثر فعالية في زيادة نسبة الإنبات، حيث وصلت إلى 100%، يليه معاملة البذور بحمض الكبريت المركز لمدة 30 دقيقة، ثم معاملة البذور بالكحول لمدة 60 دقيقة، وأخيراً غمر البذور في الماء الساخن لمدة 60 دقيقة. كما أظهرت الدراسة أن سرعة الإنبات كانت الأفضل عند خدش البذور، تليها معاملة حمض الكبريت المركز لمدة 30 دقيقة، ثم معاملة الكحول، وأخيراً غمر البذور في الماء الساخن. توصي الدراسة باستخدام المعاملات الميكانيكية أو حمض الكبريت المركز لمدة 30 دقيقة كأفضل طرق لزيادة نسبة وسرعة إنبات بذور الخرنوب.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الدراسة مهمة في مجال تحسين إنبات بذور الخرنوب، إلا أنها تفتقر إلى تحليل أعمق للعوامل البيئية التي قد تؤثر على فعالية المعاملات المختلفة. كما أن الدراسة لم تتناول تأثير المعاملات على نمو النباتات بعد الإنبات، وهو جانب مهم يجب أخذه في الاعتبار لضمان نجاح الزراعة على المدى الطويل. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، كان من الممكن تحسين الدراسة بإجراء تجارب على أنواع مختلفة من التربة وظروف المناخ المختلفة لتقديم توصيات أكثر شمولية.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الطريقة الأكثر فعالية لزيادة نسبة إنبات بذور الخرنوب؟

    الطريقة الأكثر فعالية لزيادة نسبة إنبات بذور الخرنوب هي خدش البذور، حيث وصلت نسبة الإنبات إلى 100%.

  2. ما هي مدة معاملة حمض الكبريت المركز التي أثبتت فعاليتها في زيادة نسبة إنبات بذور الخرنوب؟

    مدة معاملة حمض الكبريت المركز التي أثبتت فعاليتها هي 30 دقيقة.

  3. كيف تؤثر المعاملات الميكانيكية والكيميائية على سرعة إنبات بذور الخرنوب؟

    تؤثر المعاملات الميكانيكية والكيميائية بشكل إيجابي على سرعة إنبات بذور الخرنوب، حيث كانت سرعة الإنبات الأفضل عند خدش البذور، تليها معاملة حمض الكبريت المركز لمدة 30 دقيقة، ثم معاملة الكحول، وأخيراً غمر البذور في الماء الساخن.

  4. ما هي التوصيات النهائية للدراسة بشأن أفضل طرق إنبات بذور الخرنوب؟

    توصي الدراسة باستخدام المعاملات الميكانيكية أو حمض الكبريت المركز لمدة 30 دقيقة كأفضل طرق لزيادة نسبة وسرعة إنبات بذور الخرنوب.

References used
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Batlle, I. and J. Tous. Carob tree. Ceratonia siliqua L. Promoting the conservation and use of underutilized and neglected crops.17. Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Gatersleben/International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, 1997, Rome, Italy
Coit, J.E. Carob varieties for the semi-arid southwest. Fruit Varieties and Hort. -1967, Digest 21:5-9
rate research

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This study aimed to obtain seedlings balanced and superior in growth, by searching the effect of seed size on the growth and development of seedlings of carob tree ( Ceratonia siliqua L.) developing in containers Minirhizotron in the growth room in Research Center in Bouka-Lattakia. Seeds were divided into three categories (large-size LS, control CS, small-sized SS) and studied several quantities indicators of growth and development of the total shoot and root of the seedlings for a period of three months. For a radical system, results indicated a high significant superiority in the large seeds values for the main root of the overall growth rate such as length (cm) and the speed of growth (cm/3days) and secondary roots (total number, total length/cm) height to control and small seeds. And the significant superiority of the seeds of the control on the small seeds. It has also given large seeds higher values regarding all indicators related to the shoot system such as average diameter and average height and average number of phalanges stem and leaves, and ending with the dry weight of shoots. Results for the study of periodic growth curves for the main root and main stem of the three treatments indicated the presence of a great similarity in the overall appearance of these curves, which refers that the appearance is not affected by this change in the amount of seed size. On the other hand, the phenomenon was observed in contrast growth Antagonism clearly between the totals shoot and root with any end to the growth of main root accompanied by a junior at the end of the main stem growth and vice versa.
This research aims study the effect of different treatments in activate and increase percentage of germination Cupressus arizonicaL.seeds to use plants in forestation projects, seeds were get from mature conifers, and tested by different treatments with control, then cultured within polyethylene bags many times to calculate indicators of germination. The results showed that the soaking the seeds Cupressus arizonicaL. in citric acid 0.1% with cold wet stratification for 30 days at 4-5c gave higher germination percentage 75%.The treatments of the soaking seeds in sulfuric acid0.1% and hydroxide sodium 0.1% with cold wet stratification for 30 days gave respectively 60%-53% .But superiority was not significant. Other treatments; soaking the seeds in tap water 24h with cold wet stratification for 30 days gave only 36%.But the control treatment gave lower germination percentage of all just only 9%. The treatment of soaking seeds in citric acid 0.1% with cold wet stratification for 30 days surpassed the rest of the treatments in effect on plant height at the end of the experiment.
This research was conducated on Ceratonia siliqua L. in vitro to study the effect of some growth regulators in both multiplication and rooting stage. And determine the best concentrations wich lead the highest rate of multiplication (interms of number of shoots and length), and the best rooting (interms of percentage of rooting, number of roots and length).
The aim of this study was to determine the best size and shape of containers to produce higher quality seedlings, and determine which treatments (moving the seedlings to other beds, or transfer to bigger containers, or pruning the shoot and root syst em of Ceratonia siliqua seedlings in the nursery) are the best for growth and stabilization in out planting. The study showed that the control seedlings D1 which were growing in traditional plastic containers (1 liter) gave low survival rate which did not exceed 20%, and this was due to numerous reasons mainly roots deformation. Seedlings D8, the containers(2 liters) improved the morphological characteristics of root and shoot system and reduced the roots deformation, which led to higher survival rate reached more than 82%. While the deep containers and the air pruning improved the structure and spread the root system of seedlings D9 and limited the roots deformation, which led to higher survival ratio reached more than 95%. Moving the seedlings to other beds in the nursery improved the survival rate in out planting, which amounted ,in D2, to more than 95% and in D3 over than 67%. Also, the study confirmed that cutting the developing top of shoot system and leaving the seedlings in the beds until their planting date D4 did not give a significant effect compared to D5 in which the developing top of their shoot system was cut and was transferred to bags of (12 liters) with pruning the root system, and the survival rate was more than 72% in D4, and over 62% in D5. Regarding to survival rate under the influence of transport operations to larger bags, the D7 which was transferred to bags of 3 liters capacity surpassed in significant differences and was 77.5% compared to D5 and D6 which was transferred to 12 liters bags, where the survival rate in which was 62.5%.
This study was carried out during 2014-2015 in two different nurseries located in University nursery (Lattakia governorate) and Salhab nursery (countryside of Hama governorate). Seeds were taken from two sites of Lattakia governorate (Mashqita– Bsn ada) where Cordia myxa exists as exotic species in some coastal regions and three treatments in addition to control were examined .The results showed that there is an effect of scarification of seeds on investigated treatments and were significant differences in germination percentage in both sites which recorded 55% in university nursery and 35% in Al-Ghab nursery. While there were not contrast between the soaking in boiling and tap water treatments on the seed germination energy in Al-Ghab nursery. Scarification treatment gave higher value of germination energy 25% in Al-Ghab nursery and 21.66% in university nursery , while the same treatment decreased germination velocity compared to other treatments in university nursery which seed needed in average ( 8,01 day) whereas the same treatment increased germination velocity in Al-Ghab nursery which needed (1,54 day). Finally, regarding to cutting ,There is not observe to any positive influence to cuttings which treated in ABA hormone (1g/l) for (10,20,30 m). It could be deduced that there were changes in germination percentage, germination energy and germination velocity in two sites which appeared to be a Preliminary indication of impact of the some dormancy breaking treatments on investigated indications of Cordia myxa Forsk. species .
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