قمنا في هذا البحث بدراسة الحقوق الأساسية للمكلف بالضريبة و أهمها الحق في الاستعلام الضريبي و الحق في المنازعة بشقيها الإداري و القضائي بالإضافة إلى ذلك تناولنا في هذا البحث حقوق المكلف الشخصية و أهم تطبيقات هذه الحقوق.
we have examined the basic rights of the taxpayer, the
most important of which is the right to tax information and the right
to tax dispute, both administrative and judicial. In addition, we
discussed the rights of the personal taxpayer and the most important
applications of these rights.
References used
OECD: center for tax policy and administration: taxpayers Right and obligations, Practice Note,Tax Guidanceseries,Goop2
Predrag Goranovic, Taxpayers Right and Tax Administration in Montenegro, PHD,school of Economics, University of Montenegro, Podgorica
د. ثروت البدوي, النظم السياسية, دار النهضة العربية , القاهرة, 1994.
The modern concepts of human rights crystallized after the world war It (1939 – 1945).After
the war put its heavy load, the independent countries established the united Nations organization.
This organization issued its charter which became one of
Ibn Kayem Al-Jawziyya, is Shams Al-Din Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Abi Bakr
Ibn Ayyub Ibn Saad Zorai Damascus. (691/1291-751/1350).This researcher putted
important scientific facts in the reproduction, in a scientific manner, he wrote about
After September 11th attacks, the USA launched its so called war on terrorism
using a number of legal and illegal means. Governmental and non-governmental
reports of international organizations have indicated that American military bases
have been
The purpose of this study is:
a) To explore the impact of urbanization on population structure of urban
areas in Jordan.
b) To examine the relationship between rapid urban population growth
rates and housing needs, as well as the need for culture and sport youth
Determination of infertility cause and the quality of sperms in semen are the
most important factors when we want to choose the suitable method of therapy
of assisted reproduction techniques, which has been proven to be the most
effective method t