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Pruritus: a useful sign for predicting the red man syndrome following administration of vancomycin

الحكة: علامة مفيدة للتنبوء بمتلازمة الرجل الأحمر التالية لحقن الفانكومايسين

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 Publication date 2016
  fields Medicine
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Vancomycin can cause two types of hypersensitivity reactions, the red man syndrome and anaphylaxis. Red man syndrome has often been associated with rapid infusion of the first dose of the drug. The aim of this study was to investigate the haemodynamic changes that follow the appearance of pruritus during vancomycin administration and development of red man syndrome. We studied 50 patients scheduled for coronary artery bypass surgery, and we compared data from patients who exhibited pruritus with those from patients who did not. Before induction of anaesthesia, vancomycin (15 mg/kg) was continuously infused at a constant rate over 30 min. Haemodynamic profiles were recorded before; during and after the beginning of vancomycin infusion.

References used
Fekety R: Vancomycin and teicoplanin. In Principles and Practice of Infectious Disease. Edited by Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1995:346-354
Wilhelm MP, Estes L: Symposium on antimicrobial agents: vancomycin. Mayo Clin Proc 1999, 74:928-935
Wilhelm MP: Vancomycin. Mayo Clin Proc 1991, 66:1165- 1170
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Uremic Pruritus is one of the most common and frustrating symptom experience by patients with end-stage renal disease. Approximately 60% of dialysis patients experience pruritis, sometimes worse during the dialysis session. The aim of this study w as to determine the effect of gabapentin, 200 mg twice a week (after each hemodialysis session), on uremic pruritus. Patients older than 18 years who have undergone hemodialysis for more than three months will be enrolled in this double-blind clinical trial. The patients will be assigned to receive Gabapentin 200 mg following hemodialysis ( twice a week) for a period of four weeks, and after a washout week, they will receive the antihistamines for another four weeks. The patients will be asked to evaluate the severity of their pruritus using a visual analogue scale (VAS). Our results assured the efficacy of Gabapentin in the treatment of uremic pruritus, in comparison with Loratadine.
Standard architectures used in instruction following often struggle on novel compositions of subgoals (e.g. navigating to landmarks or picking up objects) observed during training. We propose a modular architecture for following natural language inst ructions that describe sequences of diverse subgoals. In our approach, subgoal modules each carry out natural language instructions for a specific subgoal type. A sequence of modules to execute is chosen by learning to segment the instructions and predicting a subgoal type for each segment. When compared to standard, non-modular sequence-to-sequence approaches on ALFRED, a challenging instruction following benchmark, we find that modularization improves generalization to novel subgoal compositions, as well as to environments unseen in training.
Understanding and executing natural language instructions in a grounded domain is one of the hallmarks of artificial intelligence. In this paper, we focus on instruction understanding in the blocks world domain and investigate the language understand ing abilities of two top-performing systems for the task. We aim to understand if the test performance of these models indicates an understanding of the spatial domain and of the natural language instructions relative to it, or whether they merely over-fit spurious signals in the dataset. We formulate a set of expectations one might have from an instruction following model and concretely characterize the different dimensions of robustness such a model should possess. Despite decent test performance, we find that state-of-the-art models fall short of these expectations and are extremely brittle. We then propose a learning strategy that involves data augmentation and show through extensive experiments that the proposed learning strategy yields models that are competitive on the original test set while satisfying our expectations much better.
Aim: To evaluate the hearing changes following stapedotomy surgery, and to investigate the potential effects of the age and sex of the patients on air-bone gap closure. Material and Methods: 80 patients diagnosed with otosclerosis and undergone stapedotomy surgery, were involved in this study. The hearing changes were evaluated by comparing the means of air and bone conductive measurements at 250-500-1000-2000 and 4000 Hz before and after surgery. In addition, the air-bone gap closure was determined. Data was analysed statistically using t-student and Anova tests (p=0.05). Results: There was a statistically significant difference in air conductive measurements before and after surgery (p<0.001), whilst the bone conductive values showed no differences. The mean of air-bone closure in the current study was 28.6dB.
Executing natural language instructions in a physically grounded domain requires a model that understands both spatial concepts such as left of'' and above'', and the compositional language used to identify landmarks and articulate instructions relat ive to them. In this paper, we study instruction understanding in the blocks world domain. Given an initial arrangement of blocks and a natural language instruction, the system executes the instruction by manipulating selected blocks. The highly compositional instructions are composed of atomic components and understanding these components is a necessary step to executing the instruction. We show that while end-to-end training (supervised only by the correct block location) fails to address the challenges of this task and performs poorly on instructions involving a single atomic component, knowledge-free auxiliary signals can be used to significantly improve performance by providing supervision for the instruction's components. Specifically, we generate signals that aim at helping the model gradually understand components of the compositional instructions, as well as those that help it better understand spatial concepts, and show their benefit to the overall task for two datasets and two state-of-the-art (SOTA) models, especially when the training data is limited---which is usual in such tasks.

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