الهدف من هذا البحث هو تقديم خدمة المرضى من خلال الاستفادة من تطبيقات قواعد المعطيات و أيضاً تطبيقات أنظمة الاتصالات المتاحة و المتوفرة , في الخدمات الطبية و بخاصة العلاجية منها, بحيث يمكننا قدر الإمكان تفادي ما يمكن تفاديه من الكوارث الصحية التي يمكن أن يتعرض لها الإنسان المريض بشكل فجائي.
درسنا في هذا البحث كيفية الاستفادة من التقنيات الحديثة في ضبط و معالجة بعض العلامات الحيوية للإنسان و بخاصة الذين يعانون من بعض المشاكل الصحية المتعلقة ببعض الأمراض , و إبقاءها تحت السيطرة بهدف جعل الأوضاع الصحية لهؤلاء المرضى مستقرة.
العلامات الحيوية التي قمنا بتطبيق الدراسة عليها هي : ضغط الدم – نبض القلب – سكر الدم.
إذ ان حدوث أي خلل في إحدى قيم تلك العلامات ( زيادة أو نقصانا ) قد يؤدي إلى اصابة المريض بعارض صحي مفاجئ.
The purpose of this study is to offer help to patients through the employment of
databases applications of existing and available telecommunication systems in medical
services ,particularly treatment. So that it can be possible to avoided what can be avoided
of health disasters that a human being encounter without warning. This study examines
how modern technologies can be employed in controlling and processing some vital signs
of human beings,particulary those who suffer some health problems affiliated with some
diseases ,and keeping these problems under control in order to maintain the stability of the
patients health statues.
The vital signs that the study is applied to are blood pressure, pulse and blood
glucose, since any of change in the value of any of these signs, positive or negative, may
cause the patient to have a sudden health problems.
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The topic of the study in this research is one of the
important topics in Number Theory, where did we get
into man techniques and systems related to Diophantus
Although Multi-Input-Multi-Output MIMO improve reliability of wireless
transmission system and increase bit rate, but this improvement relay on higher cost in
Hardware and increase in size as well as complex structure, so the cost-effective challen
The volume of data being generated nowadays is increasing at
phenomenal rate. Extracting useful knowledge from such data
collections is an important and challenging issue. A promising
technique is the rough set approach, a new mathematical method
The mentioning relational database system term has become a synonymous to
database system, but the monopoly of big companies that work in database systems field
has become an obsession for persons who work in this field, because of the high costs o
The present study aimed to identify the effectiveness of the counseling program
among retirees in the ambitious development and Psychological resilience, study was
applied to retirees in Karak governorate in the second half of the year 2015-2016,