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التشكيل الإيقاعي في شعر الأُقَيْشِر الأَسَدي

1279   2   104   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research is only a modern study reading the old with a new mind ,and looks for creativity in Aloqaisher's poetry ,and re formulate it in a new language moving from surface to depth.

References used
أبو ديب, كمال, 1987, في الشعرية. الطبعة الأولى, مؤسسة الأبحاث العربية, بيروت.
المسدي, عبد السلام, د.ت, الأسلوبية و الأسلوب. الطبعة الثانية, الدار العربية للكتاب.
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مصطلح التشكيل بمضمونه الجمالي والتعبير يبرز عادة في حقل الفنون الجميلة وفي فن الرسم خصوصا وبسبب تداخل الفنون بشكل واسع وعميق أصبح ترحيل كثيرمن المصطلحات والمفاهيم والأساليب التي تعمل في فن من الفنون إل حقول فنون أخر أمرا ميسورا وضروريا
يمكن وضع هذا البحث ضمن بند »معرفة الآخر«. و يهدف البحث إلى وصف »الظاهرة التشكيلية«، ضمن سياقها، و شرطها السياسي ـ الاقتصادي ـ الاجتماعي، في المجتمعات الأوروبية و الأمريكية. فهو وصفي ـ منهجياً ـ و ليس تقويمياً أو تبشيرياً، يستند في خلفيته إلى مفهوم »نسبية الثقافة«، بالمعنى الانتروبولوجي. يرسم البحث حدود المناخ الحداثي، و مطالب التجديد و نزعاته، التي جعلت من »التشكيل« أولية ثقافية في مجتمعات الغرب، حيث تتمظهر العلاقة بين التشكيل و التجريب و الديمقراطية، مما أدى إلى تغيير بنية الفن، و تغيير وظيفته.
Language and formulation in Darwish's Jidarriyah, which was published in 1990, are discussed in this study by exploring the phenomena of linguistics and formulation, such as, intertextuality, symbolism, mythology, poetic imagery and repetition. Th is study also takes into consideration that art work is an artistic perception of reality and that the relationship between art and reality is qualitative. In The Jidarnyah, language is discussed thoroughly, and a lot of questions are raised; Language is the only realm left for the poet to reign. Darwish's use of language is always ahead of its time and regenerated. It holds within it the traditional and creates modern figures of speech which amaze the reader. Darwish is also able to imply new interpretations of words. Moreover, Poetic symbolism is strongly illustrated in the poetic experience. Darwish formed the poem by using symbols which unite and emphasize the theme, pulling the joints of the poem together and creating a fundamental reference to read. Darwish also used various elements in order to create imageries, which hold emotional and intellectual realms at a moment. Redundancy was used to emphasize the dominating idea and create a rhythmic balance.
This research aims at analyzing Yaqubean’s Building novel by Ala’ Al Aswani in terms of technical formation and vision the writer wanted to present to the reader about Cairo downtown area which reflects the image of the Egyptian society in general.
Al-Mutanabbi, as we all know, is a poet who filled the world with poetry providing a tale and reflecting the sublimity of creation and art.He is still like a torrential spring from which scholars drinkn to quench the thierdt of their pens in search of his creative works, trying to reveal the secret of that creation which involves inventive psychological feelings that made him form his poetry with wonderful aesthetic artistry, something which, gave Arabic a particular dealing with the word use which, perhaps, is almost unique to Al- Mutanabbi so that this creation which remained constanly with him till he became famous for it as if it had been his identification card he held. No sooner does ascholar read that language than he sees Al-Mutanabbi's ID Card which has later became the ID card of Arabic poetry, affecting its advance and restrationcreativey, aristically and intellectually throughout ages and history.
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