الهدف من هذه الدراسة وضع نظم و ضوابط تحدد معايير و اساليب الترميم و الحماية
و الصيانة لتسيير هذه الأعمال في الاتجاه الصحيح و تصويب أهداف الترميم بالاتجاه
الصحيح بعيدا عن الاخطاء الترميمية التي نشيدها نتيجة غياب المراجع و المعايير
الترميمية و خاصة في بلدنا.
The aim of this study, the development of systems and controls set
standards and methods of restoration and protection and maintenance
to operate this business in the right direction and straighten restoration
goals in the right direction away from reconstructive mistakes that we
are experiencing as a result of the absence of references and standards
reconstructive and especially in our country.
References used
مركز احياء تراث العمارة الاسلامية - أسس ترميم المعال الأثرية طبقا للمواثيق الدولية جمهورية مصر العربية
عفيف بهنسي، موسوعة التراث المعماري.
the importance of research to define the importance of the
restoration to preserve the identity of the country and its heritage and
authenticity as well as for the restoration of some of the buildings came
to show contemporary form processions of
Research summary:
The monuments have gained its importance via being a sensible
witness to assist in studying the evolution of civilization, and a
fertile material for advancing the scientific research and enriching
the historical information, it
In this paper, the thermal
performance of the doctors and nurses housing building in Aleppo
walls, consisting of the hollow blocks with inside styropor sheet and
compare it with a wall consisting of hollow blocks with eternal
continuous insulatin
The research focuses on general concepts of lighting and related problems, and its significance in
the life of humans taking into consideration that light :
- Contributes in achieving psychological well-being.
- Maintains visual health.
- Reduces
Housing is considered void that protects the rights of the external factors and provide
him with the necessary requirements, and depending on the quality and the pioneers of
global research in this range, the most important measure of the quality o