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Study of The respiratory manifestestions of patients with gastro-esophageal reflux of childrens

دراسة التظبهرات التنفسٍة عند مرضى القلس المعدي المرٌئً عند الأطفال

981   0   7   2.0 ( 1 )
 Publication date 2013
  fields Medicine
and research's language is العربية
 Created by areej saleh

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No English abstract

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Common pediatric esophageal disorders
rate research

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يتناول هذا البحث دراسة ترافق القلس المعدي المريئي مع بعض التظاهرات التنفسية, خاصة المستمرة منها ( السعال المتردد, الوزيز, نوب ضيق التنفس, الزلة, الشردقة....)
GERD raises respiratory symptoms and the treatment of anti- GERD improve these symptoms and improve pulmonary function, sometimes GERD silent clinically which makes us unaware of the role of GERD in pathogenesis of respiratory infections which lead ing to increased incidence of respiratory symptoms in patients with GERD and for this reason we must search for GERD in chronic respiratory infections not responding to treatment. To determine the prevalence of clinical symptoms associated with GERD in children and to define the role of treatment of anti-GERD in the management of respiratory symptoms in children.
تعريف القمس المعدي المريئي: إف القمػػا الديػػلم الد هوػػو ةػػك وػػكلة الدػػكال الطي دهػػ كاليصػػ ة الديلهػػ دػػف الديلة إلى الد م, كةذا فإنه قل هككف ح دضه ن أك غه ح دضو.  قل هككف فهزهكلكجه ن أك د ضه ن.  قل هككف و ضه ن أك لا و ضه ن. يهيتب القما د ضه ن ونل ت ا فقه دع أو ا ض ك/أك اختلاط ت) 1(
Recent studies has proved that high proportion of reflux episodes in Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease(GERD) were non acidic ,and could not be detected by classic pH metry alone, especially less than 2 years, in whom nutrition is mainly depending on milk .It was too necessarily to improve a new technique (Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance MII) ,and by this any retrograde flow to the esophagus can be detected . The aim of this study was to determine whether pH-monitoring alone is sufficient to diagnose the Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD),and how much the diagnosis was improved after Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance (MII) has been added to the standard pH catheter in children less than 2 years.
Purpose: Lacunar infarcts is an important stroke subgroup with unique clinical and pathologic features, but risk factors for lacunar infarcts have been rarely documented. To address this matter, we studied 65 patients had lacunar infarction at Depa rtment of Neurology , Tishreen University Hospital , Lattakia , Syria , and 65 controls during the period between May 2017 – May 2018 . Methods: We obtained information concerning risk factor exposure status among the patients by a structured questionnaire , we recorded age , sex , blood pressure , glucose , heart diseases , cigarette smoking , alcohol drinking , physical exercise for patiens and controls .We do laboratory tests and ECG and echocardiography and CT brain or MRI . Results: Significantly increasing the risk of lacunar stroke were hypertension (P-value=0.0001) and (OR=9.9), Current smokers (P-value=0.002) and (OR=5.2), diabetes (P-value=0.001) and (OR=5.3) , whereas frequent physical exercise was associated with a significantly decreased risk) P-value=00001( and (OR=2.6). There was no risk of lacunar stroke associated with heart disease (P-value=0.6) (OR=0.8) , high cholesterol (Pvalue= 1) and (OR=1) , alcohol drinking (P-value=0.7) and (OR=0.8). Conclusions: Patients with hypertension or diabetes, current smokers, those who have not heart disease, are at a higher risk of lacunar stroke, whereas those who undertake regular physical exercise may be at lower risk.

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