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Study of the Most Important Morphological and Productivity Characters of the Inbreed Lines of Squash Cucurbita Pepo L.

دراسة أهم الصفات المورفولوجية و الإنتاجية لبعض السلالات المرباة ذاتياً من قرع الكوسا Cucurbita pepo L.

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 Publication date 2010
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In this research, nine inbreed lines of squash (Cucurbita pepo, L) have been studied during 2007-2008 seasons. The study contains plant phonological phases, and the most important morphological and productivity characteristics related to fruit yield to evaluate the characteristics of every line and identify the economical lines to use it in the breeding programs. The study showed genetic variation between the groups for some important economic characteristics as (the number of fruits per plant, percentage of female flowers, yield per plant, stem long and number of nodes till the first female flower). The study also showed that the inbreed lines of squash is a rich source of variation and can be use in a breeding program to product squash hybrid. The results appeared also the positive correlation between the productivity and some important economic characteristics, such as percentage of female flowers (r=0.871**), the number of fruits per plant (r=0.976**). Whereas negative correlation with the nodes till he first female flower (r=- 0.494) and internodes long (r=- 0.447). Using cluster analysis, the inbreed lines were classified into 2 distinct classes A and B, Class A contained seven inbreed wreathe class B contained Tow inbreed lines.

References used
Abdel –Meged, A. H. (1989). Inheritance for some economical characters in crosses among Cucumber and Squash Cultivars. Ph.D. Thesis. Fac of Agric. Minufiya Univ. pp. 155
Ahmed, E. A.; Iban Oaf, H. S. and El Jak, A. E. (2003). Combining abilities and heterosis in Line x Tester crosses of summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.). Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 26:54-56
Bassett, J. M. (1986). Breeding vegetable crops, AVI Publishing company, INC, westport, Connecticut. U.S.A. 1986,214-219 p. Bascur, G. (2005). Evaluacion de la capacidad combinatoria

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
في هذا البحث، تم دراسة تسعة خطوط داخلية من نبات الكوسا (Cucurbita pepo L) خلال موسمي 2007-2008. تضمنت الدراسة مراحل النمو النباتي وأهم الصفات المورفولوجية والإنتاجية المتعلقة بإنتاج الثمار لتقييم خصائص كل خط وتحديد الخطوط الاقتصادية لاستخدامها في برامج التربية. أظهرت الدراسة وجود تباين وراثي بين المجموعات لبعض الخصائص الاقتصادية الهامة مثل عدد الثمار لكل نبات، نسبة الأزهار الأنثوية، الإنتاجية لكل نبات، طول الساق وعدد العقد حتى أول زهرة أنثوية. كما أظهرت الدراسة أن الخطوط الداخلية للكوسا هي مصدر غني للتنوع ويمكن استخدامها في برنامج تربية لإنتاج هجين الكوسا. أظهرت النتائج أيضًا وجود ارتباط إيجابي بين الإنتاجية وبعض الخصائص الاقتصادية الهامة مثل نسبة الأزهار الأنثوية (r=0.871 **)، وعدد الثمار لكل نبات (r=0.976 **). بينما كان هناك ارتباط سلبي مع عدد العقد حتى أول زهرة أنثوية (r=-0.494) وطول العقد الداخلية (r=-0.447). باستخدام تحليل التجميع، تم تصنيف الخطوط الداخلية إلى فئتين متميزتين A و B، حيث احتوت الفئة A على سبعة خطوط داخلية بينما احتوت الفئة B على خطين داخليين.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: على الرغم من أن الدراسة قدمت معلومات قيمة حول الخطوط الداخلية لنبات الكوسا وأهميتها في برامج التربية، إلا أن هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، كان من الممكن تقديم مزيد من التفاصيل حول الظروف البيئية والتجريبية التي أجريت فيها الدراسة لضمان تكرار النتائج في بيئات مختلفة. ثانياً، كان من المفيد تضمين تحليل اقتصادي لتحديد مدى الجدوى الاقتصادية لاستخدام هذه الخطوط في الإنتاج التجاري. وأخيراً، كان من الممكن توسيع نطاق الدراسة لتشمل مزيداً من الصفات المورفولوجية والإنتاجية لتقديم صورة أكثر شمولية عن إمكانيات هذه الخطوط.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الأهمية الاقتصادية للخطوط الداخلية لنبات الكوسا التي تم دراستها؟

    الأهمية الاقتصادية تكمن في تحديد الخطوط التي تتميز بصفات إنتاجية عالية مثل عدد الثمار لكل نبات ونسبة الأزهار الأنثوية، مما يجعلها مناسبة للاستخدام في برامج التربية لإنتاج هجين الكوسا.

  2. ما هي الصفات المورفولوجية التي تم دراستها في هذه البحث؟

    تم دراسة الصفات المورفولوجية مثل طول الساق، عدد العقد حتى أول زهرة أنثوية، وطول العقد الداخلية.

  3. كيف تم تصنيف الخطوط الداخلية لنبات الكوسا في الدراسة؟

    تم تصنيف الخطوط الداخلية إلى فئتين متميزتين باستخدام تحليل التجميع: الفئة A التي احتوت على سبعة خطوط والفئة B التي احتوت على خطين.

  4. ما هو الارتباط بين الإنتاجية ونسبة الأزهار الأنثوية في الخطوط الداخلية لنبات الكوسا؟

    أظهرت الدراسة وجود ارتباط إيجابي قوي بين الإنتاجية ونسبة الأزهار الأنثوية (r=0.871 **).

rate research

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This study was conducted at Research Altyba station where belongs GCSAR during 2007-2008. by using nine parental lines and their 36 F1 hybrids, were obtained from 9x9 half diallel design. The study included stem, earliness and yield component char acters, in order to estimate of hetrerosis compare to the mid parents, the better parent and to the standard hybrid, and determine the superior hybrids advantage to invest in agricultural production and benefit from as well as in breeding program development yield of squash. Heterosis over mid parent was evident in all yield components, The hybrid (IL3XIL6) exhibited (16.89 ، 57.57%) respectively for the ratio pistilate flower % and fruit number per plant, negative heterobeltiosis (-13.71%) was recorded by the hybrid (IL3XIL8)for the number of nodes to first flower, While the hybrid (IL3XIL5) showed maximum positive and significant heterobeltiosis (13.06 %) for ratio pistilate flower%, and the hybrid (IL3XIL6) for fruit number per plant (59.47 %) Whereas the results showed that, four hybrids had positive and high significant standard heterosis for plant yield, the hybrid (IL6xIL7) and (IL3XIL6) had maximum value (32.38, 28.68% ) respectively
This study was conducted at the vegetable field of department of horticulture and landscape design, college of agriculture and forestry ,Mosul university, during spring of 2007 and 2008, to study the effect of times and levels of nitrogen fertiliz ation on some characters vegetative growth, flowering ,and yield of summer squash .Result indicated that, the time of nitrogen fertilization at the stage of fruit-set caused a significant increased in the leaf number /plant ,length of the plant and the fresh weight/plant. While the time of nitrogen fertilization wasn't affected significantly the total yield. The level at 320 kg.N/ha caused a significant increase of the characters vegetative growth and total yield. Also result revealed that, the interaction between the stage at fruit set and nitrogen fertilization at 320 kg.N/ha led to increase the total yield .The yield was found to positively correlation with the plant length ,fresh and dry weights of plant, leaf area, fruit weight, male and female flowers, and the sex ratio.
The research was carried out at Tal Hedya Research Center in Aleppo, General Commission for Agriculture Scientific Research (GCSAR), Syria, during 2011 and 2012 seasons. Seven genotypes of cotton were used, and complete diallel hybridization was m ade to study general and specific combining ability of some productivity traits (sympodial branch number, actual boll number and seed cotton yield). General combining ability (GCA) indicated that the parental genotype Cherpan432 had a high significant GCA for sympodial branch number and actual boll number, but the parents Aleppo118 and Deir El-Zour22 had the high GCA for seed cotton yield. This is a clear indication that these parental genotypes had the largest number of additive genes action, which plays important role in the inheritance of the above-mentioned traits. The estimation of SCA values showed favorite and high significant values in many hybrids resulted from parents, which had highly significant GCA, which means that the gene action type is (additive x additive), and this refers that these hybrids possessing the largest number of additive genes. High heritability broad sense refers to importance of genetic variance in the inheritance of all characters, but heritability in narrow sense values were low in general, indicating the importance of dominance and epistasis genes in the inheritance. According to this result it is recommended to follow the cross method for improvement of the studied traits.
This study was performed the existence of the species Datura innoxia Mill. in the Syrian flora. Also the morphological study results showed that the plant is a gray greenish herb, its stem is erect. Leaves are simple, alternated, oval, its angle is turbinated to the out. The root is sphenoid. The flower is regular. The fruit is capsule, and the seed is splay, have an excrescence. The palynological study showed that the pollens are ellipticity, triad of germination lines. Whereas, the anatomical study showed that the form of carrier packing take quadric side type.
The research aimed to compare three hybrids of broccoli (Condi, Kuba and NS50), grown under Damascus environment, for their morphological, yield and quality characters. The results showed that NS50 had the largest number (p<0.05) of leaves and ste m length, Kuba had the greatest (p<0.05) main head and the stalk length, In addition, higher TSS and vitamin C content while NS50 hybrid showed the best firmness, the highest chlorophyll and carotene contents and higher fresh weight of main head than Condi. The lateral heads number and their fresh weight were higher in Condi than the other hybrids.
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