ركزت هذه الدراسة على شريحة كبار المكلفين، أو كبار دافعي الضرائب في المجتمع الضريبي، و كيفية معاملتهم ضريبياً وفقاً للتشريع ، و ذلك نظراً لأهمية هذه الشريحة لما تقدمه من إيرادات ضريبية ضخمة للخزينة العامة مقارنة بباقي المكلفين و كذلك أهمية القطاعات التي تعمل فيها هذه الشريحة (مصارف - شركات تأمين – شركات اتصالات – شركات نفط ) و قد استهل البحث ببيان مفهوم كبار المكلفين، و الخصائص التي تتميز بها هذه الشريحة و المعايير الدولية المتبعة في تحديدهم و كذلك المعايير التي اتبعها المشرع السوري في تحديده لهم، كما بينت الدراسة فيما إذا كان التشريع الضريبي السوري قد خصهم بمعاملة ضريبية متميزة عن بقية شرائح المكلفين، و فيما إذا كانت هذه المعاملة مطبقة فعلاً على أرض الواقع في وحدة كبار المكلفين التي احدثت بموجب القرار رقم 2428/ و تاريخ 23/8/2006، و لتحقيق هدف البحث عمد الباحث إلى تصميم استبانة تتألف من 20 سؤالاً وزعت على عينة تتألف عدد من موظفي وحدة كبار المكلفين في دمشق و كذلك عدد من كبار المكلفين ( أفراد- شركات أشخاص - شركات أموال ) و قد توصلت الدراسة إلى أن التشريع الضريبي السوري قد خص هذه الشريحة بقواعد متميزة عن بقية شرائح المكلفين و لكن هذه الخصوصية قد طبقت جزئياً و لم تطبق بشكل كامل على أرض الواقع، و قدمت الدراسة مجموعة من التوصيات التي قد تكون مفيدة للإدارة الضريبية في سورية و للدارسين.
This study focused on the large taxpayers, or senior taxpayers in the tax community,
and how to tax them in accordance with the legislation, given the importance of this
segment for its huge tax revenues for the Public Treasury compared to the rest of the
taxpayers as well as the importance of the sectors in which this segment operates (banks -
Insurance companies - telecom companies - oil companies). This paper starts by assessing
the concept of large taxpayer, and the characteristics of this segment and international and
the Syrian standards followed in identifying them. The study examines whether the Syrian
tax legislation gave them a special taxation treatment different from the rest of taxpayer
slices, and whether this treatment is actually implemented on the ground in the large
taxpayer unit specified by Resolution No. 2428, dated / 23/8/2006. In order to achieve this
goal, the researcher designed a questionnaire composed of 20 questions distributed to a
sample comprised of a number of unit staff large taxpayers in Damascus, as well as a
number of senior taxpayers (persons- person companies –capital companies). The study
found that the Syrian tax legislation has singled out this group by rules distinct from the
rest of the taxpayer segments. However, this special treatment has been applied in part and
did not apply fully on the ground. The study also offers a set of recommendations that
could help both the tax administration and scholars in Syria.
References used
OECD, guidance note. forum of tax administration: compliance management of large business task group, july 2009, p 7
McCarten, M. focusing on the few: the role of large taxpayers unit in the revenue strategies of developing countries 2004 –p 12
SHOME,P. Tax Administration and the Small Taxpayer. International Monetary Fund- Fiscal Affairs Department, May 2004,p3
This research aims to explain accounting bases to
determine Zakat and income tax bowl, according to Syrian
Tax System, following the descriptive analytical method.
The results showed that there is partial compatibility in
accounting bases for det
This paper provides the impact of tax complexity upon tax evasion,
through viewing the concept of the tax system, goals of the tax system, the meaning
of tax complexity and tax simplicity in tax research, and the different sources of tax
The random income tax Introduced by Law No. (112) of 1958 with several
amendments at last the Income Tax Law No.( 24) of 2003 has issued with several
amendments also, particularly with regard to this tax . so There are several Legal
The tax audit of the most important means of tax administration to make sure of the fact that the tax revenue generated, as the role of the auditor is to being a means and not an end aimed at Tax Administration Service in determining the tax base as
The decrease in the tax revenues, as a result of the significant increase in the rate of
tax evasion that causes a decline in their abilities to finance the requirements of public
spending growing, is considered one of the crucial problems that aff