تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تحديد فعالية التخدير بالارتشاح في منطقة الأرحـاء السـفلية،
المؤقتة مقارنة مع التخدير بحصار العصب السنخي السفلي، و دراسة علاقتهما مع كل
من موقع السن و نمط المعالجة المنجزة و حجم المحلول المخدر. تألفت عينة البحث من
١١٦ طفلاً متعاوناً، تراوحت أعمارهم بين ٣-٦ سنوات و يحتـاجون إلـى معالجـات
متماثلة على الأرحاء المؤقتة في كلا طرفي الفك السفلي باستخدام تصميم نصف الفم.
The purposes of the present study were to determine the
effectiveness of infiltration anesthesia in the mandibular
primary molars compared with inferior alveolar nerve block,
and how tooth location, and the type of treatment performed,
and the volume of anesthetic solution relate to the quality of
The study population consisted of ١١٦ cooperative
children, ٣-٦ years old, requiring the same type of treatment
on contralateral mandibular molars.
References used
١-Sharaf. A.A.T: Evaluation of mandibular infiltration versus block anesthesia in pediatric dentistry. JDC:1997
Hersh. E, Herman. D.G, Lamp C.J, Johnson P.D, Macafee. K.A: Assessing the duration of mandibular soft tissue anesthesia, JADA1995
The injection of needle is an action of fear and pain, especially for young children , so it is important that we resort to a method of pain-free when applying the local anesthesia.
Fear of a painful dental injection
specially in children is significant barrier to regular visits to the
dentist, so the aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of
primary maxillary second molars anesthesia using lidocaine 10%
nasal spray during restorative cavity preparation.
Residual palatal fistulas are common after repair of palatal cleft
and tumar incision in palate and nasal cavity.
Repair of residual oronasal fistula is not always successful. Twolayer
closure techniques that close these fistulas with soft tissue
This study was carried out in the Department of Anesthesia and Reanimation at AL-Assad University Hospital Lattakia Syria during the year 2012-2013 the study included 200 patients between 12 and 65 years old the most common surgical procedures they h
When the caries become near the pulp in primary molars, the treatment will
be the pulpotomy to remove the involved coronal portion of the pulp, preserving the vitality and function
of the remaining radicular portion. Formocresol, Glutar-aldehyde, F