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Evaluation of the effectiveness of sucrose solution (24%) compared with benzocaine Gel (20%) to decrease the pain caused by needle prick of dental local anesthesia in children

تقييم فعالية محلول السكروز ( 24%) مقارنة مع جل البنزوكائين ( 20%) في التخفيف من ألم وخز إبرة التخدير الموضعي لأسنان الأطفال

623   0   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
  fields Dentistry
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The injection of needle is an action of fear and pain, especially for young children , so it is important that we resort to a method of pain-free when applying the local anesthesia.

References used
Adriani j,B.W., Brihmadesam L, Naraghi M (1985). " Topical anesthetics : use and misuse " South Med j 7.1229-8:1224
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The purposes of the present study were to determine the effectiveness of infiltration anesthesia in the mandibular primary molars compared with inferior alveolar nerve block, and how tooth location, and the type of treatment performed, and the vo lume of anesthetic solution relate to the quality of anesthesia. The study population consisted of ١١٦ cooperative children, ٣-٦ years old, requiring the same type of treatment on contralateral mandibular molars.
Pregnancy and childbirth are two instinctive actions that a woman's reproductive system performs in order to produce a new organism that completes the continuity of life, and childbirth is the outcome of pregnancy for several months, and it is suppos ed to be as calm and safe as possible for both mother and child, and birth pains differ from mother to mother and even from birth To another, it is very special and depends on several factors, including: the mother's ability to withstand pain, the size and position of the fetus, and the strength of uterine contractions during childbirth. Since ancient history, various ideas and methods have appeared to overcome the pain of childbirth in which there was a lot of sorcery and a little logic, but With the development of science and deepening into the depths of the human psyche, the idea of ​​childbirth without pain began to develop, and it became based on scientific foundations, especially after the rapid development in the field of obstetric anesthesia and the numerous studies in the field of local anesthesia and epidural anesthesia, where this method changed all the parameters of childbirth without pain to become a realistic reality Women touch it daily in maternity homes scattered all over the world while maintaining complete alertness without fear, anxiety or pain, and actively participating in full vigilance and vigilance in the status of their newborn while he is fully active and effective and without little discouragement, and Peridural analgesia is considered one of the best types of analgesia and anesthesia used to accomplish childbirth and cesarean section, and it has received many international studies.
Purpose: to assess the efficiency of topical anesthesia in phacoemulsification with IOL implantation. Department of Ophthalmology, Muasaa Hospital. The research was carried on 56 eyes of 48 patients.
This study was carried out in the department of anesthesia and reanimation at Alassad ,Tishreen university Hospitals , Lattakia , Syria , during the year 2014-2015 , and included 45 patients of either sex (5-15 kilogram of weight ) undergoing lower abdominal and urologic procedures. Patients were divided into three groups : Patients of group A : received spinal anesthesia by using combination between bupivacaine (0.4 mg/kg ) and normasaline (placebo) . Patients of group B : received spinal anesthesia by using combination between bupivacaine (0.4 mg/kg ) and fentanyl (0.2 mcg/kg ) . Patients of group c : received spinal anesthesia by using combination between bupivacaine (0.4 mg/kg ) and fentanyl (0.6 mcg/kg ) . The goal of the study is studying the effects of combination between fentanyl and bupivacaine in the spinal anesthesia for the children whom prepared to subumblical operations . Conclusion : Combination between fentanyl and bupivacaine reduced to use postoperative narcotics and increased the duration of spinal anesthesia, in addition to provided hemodynamic stability during the operation.

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