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أثر الغرض من القراءة في الاستيعاب القرائي

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 Publication date 2007
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
American Academic Support Centre.(2004).Comprehension Levels. Retrieved ,May,22,2006 from the world wide web: http /:www. Academiccomprehension/ reading- teaching
الملا، بدرية( 1987 ). التأخر في القراءة الجهرية تشخيصه وعلاجه. الرياض:عالم الكتب.
مصطفى، فهيم( 2001 ). مشكلات القراءة من الطفولة إلى المراهقة:التشخيص والعلاج. القاهرة: دار الفكر العربي.

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The study aimed at identifying the impact of meta- cognitive strategy in improving the reading comprehension of the basic ninth grade in the northeastern Badia students. The questions of the study are: 1.What is the effect of the meta-cognitive st rategy in improving the reading comprehension of the ninth grade students in the Northern East Badia in Jordan. 2. Does the effect of the meta-cognitive strategy in improving the reading comprehension differ according to the sex and group?
We present our entry into the 2021 3C Shared Task Citation Context Classification based on Purpose competition. The goal of the competition is to classify a citation in a scientific article based on its purpose. This task is important because it coul d potentially lead to more comprehensive ways of summarizing the purpose and uses of scientific articles, but it is also difficult, mainly due to the limited amount of available training data in which the purposes of each citation have been hand-labeled, along with the subjectivity of these labels. Our entry in the competition is a multi-task model that combines multiple modules designed to handle the problem from different perspectives, including hand-generated linguistic features, TF-IDF features, and an LSTM-with- attention model. We also provide an ablation study and feature analysis whose insights could lead to future work.
هدف البحث إلى تعرّف أثر إستراتيجية التساؤل الذاتي في تنمية بعض مهارات الفهم القرائي الرياضي لدى تلاميذ الصف الرابع الأساسي، و قد تكونت عينة البحث من ( 60 ) تلميذاً، من تلاميذ الصف الرابع الأساسي، و تمً اختيارهم بالطريقة العشوائية، و قد تم تقسيم العي نة إلى مجموعتين:(تجريبية) تكونت من ( 30 ) تلميذ اً، تدرس باستخدام إستراتيجية التساؤل الذاتي، و(ضابطة) تدرس بالطريقة التقليدية، تكونت من(30) تميذاً و تلميذة،و قد استخدمت الباحثة المنهج التجريبي. و قامت الباحثة بإعداد قائمة مهارات الفهم القرائي الرياضي اللازمة لتلاميذ الصف الرابع الأساسي، و اعداد اختبار الفهم القرائي الرياضي، و تم التأكد من صدقه، و ثباته، و قد أسفر البحث عن النتائج الآتية: - وجود فروق دالّة إحصائياّ بين متوسطي درجات تلاميذ المجموعة التجريبية، في التطبيق القبلي و البعدي لاختبار الفهم القرائي الرياضي لصالح التطبيق البعدي. - وجود فروق دالة إحصائياً بين متوسطي درجات المجموعة التجريبية و الضابطة في التطبيق البعدي لاختبار الفهم القرائي الرياضي ،لصالح التطبيق البعدي. و من أبرز مقترحات البحث :بناء برنامج إثرائي لمعالجة الضعف القرائي في مادة الرياضيات لدى تلاميذ الحلقة الأولى من التعليم الأساسي.
Jgroup integrates the object group paradigm with the distributed object model of Java RMI, providing a platform which is suitable for developing partitionable distributed applications. Jgroup depends on RMI in all its interactions; whether internal for coordination between object group replicas, or external for communicating clients with object group. Because of the dynamic of network which is caused by joining new servers and leaving another ones to object group, or caused by partitioning, Partitionable Group Membership Service tracks this changes to provide each member with a report called view. The view contains a list of members which can communicate and coordinate activities. The advantage of group membership in Jgroup is the ability to continue in providing service in each partition, instead of limiting it in one partition. When partitions merge, State Merging Service of Jgroup constructs a new global consistent state, to reconcile any divergence caused by conflict updates in the different partitions. Group Membership Service is required that a view is installed only after agreement is reached on its composition among the servers included in the view (Agreement On View property). To achieve this property; many of Estimation messages are exchanged between the servers, which causes overhead on the network. This article improves the performance of group membership algorithm which is responsible for achieving the agreement, through allowing for the first server detects the new change in membership to send its estimation to other servers, instead of doing that by each server. Results show that the enhanced algorithm reduces the number of exchanged estimate messages, and takes approximately the same period of time to reach to agreement on view as in the default algorithm.
This paper aims to illustrate the effect of the textual power in the esthetics of the poetry text, its concepts and the dimension of this effect in the light of psychological reading of the pre-Islamic poetry. We seek to preeminence the text effect in the receiver who uses his psychological tools to find out about the author self, appealing for the tension power that was assembled by the text of the pre-Islamic poetry, and depending on the poeticalness of the pre- Islamic figure in order to obtain the esthetics effect that attracts the receiver and demonstrates the esthetics of the pre-Islamic poetry text and its riches. The pre-Islamic poetry was not merely an artistic formulation, but it was a position, thought and expression from the depths of the poet Al-Jahali, in which the da'al floats, and the meaning falls away, so we get a flexible aesthetic dimension, after it reveals that the pre-Islamic poetry exceeded and surpassed; Their poems included a special vision of their mental state.
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