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Improving the throughput of reliable transfer in multi hop wireless networks using sliding window and fast retransmit with random linear network coding

تحسين إنتاجية النقل الموثوق في الشبكات اللاسلكية متعددة القفزات باستخدام النافذة المنزلقة و إعادة الإرسال السريع مع ترميز الشبكة الخطي العشوائي

1251   1   64   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Random Linear Network Coding (RLNC) is considered to be one of the promised solutions to achieve the reliability of transmission in multi hop wireless networks, Since it is based on correcting the loss of the packets in the medium through the continuity of transmitting coded packets from each segment until receiving acknowledgment of getting the required number of these packets for decoding. However, because of the nature of wireless medium and multi hops transfer, a loss or delay of the ACK may occur, which causes transmitting extra packets and time delay to the next segments, consequently decreasing the throughput of these networks. In this research, we propose a new transmission mechanism for reliable transfer in multi hops wireless networks through using the concepts of sliding window and fast retransmit with RLNC, for transmitting packets of consequent segments in specific continues flow and fast correcting the loss in these segments. Simulation results show that proposed mechanism decreases the time delay for transmission process and increases the transfer throughput of these networks.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
يستعرض البحث آلية جديدة لتحسين وثوقية النقل في الشبكات اللاسلكية متعددة القفزات باستخدام ترميز الشبكة الخطي العشوائي (RLNC) مع مفهومي النافذة المنزلقة وإعادة الإرسال السريع. يهدف البحث إلى معالجة مشكلة ضياع الرزم وتأخير الإشعارات في الشبكات اللاسلكية، مما يؤدي إلى إرسال فائض من الرزم وتأخير زمني. تعتمد الآلية المقترحة على إرسال رزم مرمزة من كل مقطع حتى استلام العدد المطلوب من الرزم، مع استخدام النافذة المنزلقة لإرسال المقاطع المتلاحقة بشكل مستمر وإعادة الإرسال السريع لتصحيح الضياع. أظهرت نتائج المحاكاة أن الآلية المقترحة تقلل من التأخير الزمني وتزيد من إنتاجية النقل مقارنة بالآليات التقليدية. تم اختبار الآلية في حالات مختلفة لعدد القفزات ونسبة الضياع، وأظهرت النتائج تحسينًا في الأداء بنسبة تتراوح بين 9% و 20%.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: يقدم البحث حلاً مبتكراً لمشكلة وثوقية النقل في الشبكات اللاسلكية متعددة القفزات، ويعتمد على مفاهيم متقدمة مثل ترميز الشبكة الخطي العشوائي والنافذة المنزلقة. ومع ذلك، يمكن القول أن البحث يفتقر إلى دراسة تأثير الآلية المقترحة في بيئات حقيقية ومعقدة، حيث قد تواجه الشبكات اللاسلكية تحديات إضافية مثل التداخل والتشويش. كما أن البحث لم يتناول بشكل كافٍ تأثير العوامل البيئية والمادية على أداء الآلية المقترحة. يمكن أن تكون هناك حاجة لإجراء تجارب ميدانية واختبارات عملية لتأكيد فعالية الآلية في ظروف متنوعة.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي المشكلة الرئيسية التي يعالجها البحث؟

    البحث يعالج مشكلة ضياع الرزم وتأخير الإشعارات في الشبكات اللاسلكية متعددة القفزات، مما يؤدي إلى إرسال فائض من الرزم وتأخير زمني يقلل من إنتاجية الشبكة.

  2. ما هي الآلية المقترحة في البحث لتحسين وثوقية النقل؟

    الآلية المقترحة تعتمد على استخدام ترميز الشبكة الخطي العشوائي مع مفهومي النافذة المنزلقة وإعادة الإرسال السريع لإرسال رزم مرمزة من كل مقطع حتى استلام العدد المطلوب من الرزم، مع تصحيح سريع للضياع.

  3. ما هي النتائج التي توصل إليها البحث من خلال المحاكاة؟

    أظهرت نتائج المحاكاة أن الآلية المقترحة تقلل من التأخير الزمني وتزيد من إنتاجية النقل في الشبكات اللاسلكية متعددة القفزات مقارنة بالآليات التقليدية.

  4. ما هي التوصيات المستقبلية التي يقترحها البحث؟

    البحث يقترح دراسة أداء الآلية المقترحة في تطبيقات الزمن الحقيقي في الشبكات اللاسلكية متعددة القفزات، وكذلك دراسة تطبيقها في شبكات الحساسات اللاسلكية، حيث من المتوقع أن تعمل بفعالية مع الموارد المحدودة لهذه الشبكات.

References used
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(KARAFILLIS, P.; FOULI, K.; PARANDEHGHEIBI,A.;MÉDARD, M. An Algorithm for Improving Sliding Window Network Coding in TCP. 47th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) (March 2013
rate research

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Wireless networks suffer from frequent loss of packets for many reasons such as interference, collision and fading. This makes wireless medium unreliable medium for data transfer. The main methods for ensuring the reliability in this medium are usi ng transmission control protocol (TCP) and the automatic repeat request (ARQ). Recently, network coding has been found as new technology that changes the traditional forwarding method (Store- and- Forward) in the networks to more effective and intelligent method (Code- and- Forward), which contributes to the increase of both capacity and throughput of these networks. In this research, random linear network coding is used as promising technology that aims to achieve the reliable transfer of data in losing wireless networks, and studying the enhancement that this technology presents to the performance of these networks in unicast and multicast transmission. For evaluating the efficiency of this technology and comparing its performance with the performance of reliable transfer protocols, we use the networks simulator (NS3). Simulation results showed that random linear network coding achieve the reliable transfer of data with bigger throughput and less delay and number of transmission compared with the protocols (TCP, ARQ).
Multi hop wireless networks face many challenges basically the limitation of bandwidth, loss of packets because of many problems in wireless medium also loss of paths because of the random and unpredictable movement of wireless nodes, which reduce the performance of these networks. Recently, Network coding has been used as promising technology that achieves the reliable transfer of data in wireless networks with high throughput. Considering the efficiency of this technology and with benefiting from both the same cost paths and the broadcasting property of wireless medium, a multi transmission mechanism for random linear network coding has been proposed in multi hop wireless networks, which depends on multicasting of coded packets on the same cost paths.
Network coding isone of the important researches in multi-hop wireless networks domain and it widely participates in improving the performance of these networks, since it benefits from the broadcasting nature of transmission processes to transmit m ore than single packet in one broadcasting transmission. So it achieves double use of the available bandwidth, which can increase the throughput of the network and reduce the congestion.Our aim in this research is to verify the improvement that network coding presents to theperformance of multi-hops wireless Ad-hoc networks, and to study the accelerating of research process for coding chances through constructing a virtual queues according to the packets flows that pass the node, and applying affective manner to manage this queues.
Localization is an essential process in many wireless sensors networks applications like environmental surveillance and forest fires detection, where sensors are usually randomly thrown in difficult to reach places, considering the limited wireless s ensors capability in terms of energy availability and the capacity of computations a low cost and energy conservation algorithms are needed to determine the approximate position of the sensors. In this research a new algorithm was proposed ‘Address Vector Multi-Hop (AV_MH)’ to determine the position of the randomly deployed sensors, this algorithm is based on the idea of making benefit from short address assignment in networks that support hierarchical addressing, considering that the most important techniques used in the field of sensor networks such as ZigBee and 6LowPAN which depend on the IEEE802.15.4 standard support this type of addressing. The results showed the possibility of obtaining an approximate position of the wireless sensors in a rapid and inexpensive and cost-effective way in terms of the number of sent messages and required calculations.
Nowadays, wireless networks are spreading more and more. The majority of installed networks have become wireless due to the simplicity of installation; where they do not need an infrastructure. This does not mean that the role of the wired networks i s being eliminated. Instead, the wireless networks are considered as a complementary of the wired networks. With all types of networks from personal and local area networks (PAN and LAN) to wide area networks (WAN) especially the Internet, research has become oriented to focus on the quality of service (QoS) and the integration among all these networks taking into account the Internet which is considered as the backbone for each network that wants to exchange the information with any other network all over the world. In our research, we take into account the quality of service in the broadband networks such as the WiMax network (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) with IEEE 802.16e standard which covers cities and supports the mobility. This network can be used to interconnect the rural zones with the center of cities, this kind is called point-to-point, or it can be used to cover the cities and is called point-tomultipoint, The last one is used to interconnect different wireless networks especially the local one which has infrastructure (Wi-fi: Wireless Fidelity) and networks which have many users and called hotspots. However, the cells of Wi Max in the cities are called hotzones. We propose a system model that performs the load balancing process between the base stations of WiMax network. This means, the proposed load balancing algorithm exchanges the terminals between the adjacent base stations in order to make the throughput in each base station equals to the throughput in the others. This will improve the performance of the overall network and increase the available bandwidth for each terminal; in addition, this will increase the number of terminals which can be served. On one side, these advantages return to the subscribers, they also return to the operator on the other side, not to mention the good renown that the operator will get from subscribers that will make more subscribers join to this network. The proposed load balancing system can be centralized; implemented in a centralized server connected to all base stations or distributed system implemented in each base station. The load balancing algorithm which consists of several steps is placed in a controller that achieves it. The load balancing process and the handover procedure have to be fast enough in order to prevent the adverse effect on the quality of service especially for the real-time applications users.
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