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الأمن المائي العربي

982   1   15   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2006
  fields Economy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
The Economist, Development and the Environment Survey, 12/3/1988 P 5-102
د. علي راضي حسانين: "مشكلة المياه في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي"، مركز دراسات المستقبل، المؤتمر السنوي الثالث، المياه العربية وتحديات القرن الحادي والعشرين، نوفمبر . 1998 . ص 13
rate research

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يعد موضوع الأمن المائي العربي من الموضوعات الاستراتيجية الحيوية المهمة التي تشغل اهتمام الباحثين بمختلف اختصاصاتهم و المهتمين بالشؤون المائية و البيئية و الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية و الثقافية و السياسية... الخ. و ذلك نظراً للأهمية الكبيرة التي تحتلها مسألة المياه في الوطن العربي التي تتصف بالمحدودية و الندرة و خاصةً مع تزايد الضغط السكاني في البلدان العربية و التوسع الكبير في استخدام المياه سواء في الصناعة و الزراعة أو في مجال الاستهلاك المنـزلي و غيره .
يواجه الأمن المائي العربي تحديات كثيرة من أهمها النقص في موارد المياه لأسباب طبيعية أولا و لصعوبات تلبية الاحتياجات المائية مع تزايد الطلب عليها ثانيًا، و لأن المياه أساس التنمية الاقتصادية (الزراعية و الصناعية)، و لا بد من تأمين الاحتياجات الأولية الأساسية للسكان (البلدية)، و لأن 60 % من موارد المياه العربية الجارية تأتي من خارج الوطن العربي مما يشكل ضغطًا متعدد الأبعاد و الاتجاهات و المستويات على الحقوق المائية العربية، و لأن المياه تحتل مكانة مركزية في الجيوبولتيك الصهيوني، و هذا يشكل تحدٍيًا كبيرًا للأمن القومي العربي. حاول البحث دراسة واقع استثمار المياه في الوطن العربي فتبين أن 88 % من المياه المستخدمة تذهب إلى الزراعة، و أن 7% تذهب إلى الاستخدامات البلدية و نحو 5% إلى الصناعة. و لكن بالوقت نفسه يستثمر نحو 53 % من موارد المياه المتاحة، و هذا يعد تجاوزًا خطيرًا للمستوى المسموح به عالميًا. قام البحث بوضع استراتيجية مناسبة لإدارة موارد المياه و إيجاد علاقة توافقية بين الاحتياجات و قدرات الإمداد بالمياه، من الزراعة و الاستخدامات البلدية و التنمية و الدفاع عن الحقوق العربية المائية و التصدي للأطماع الصهيونية في المياه العربية.
The research aims to estimate allocated to quench agricultural areas in the coastal region, the amount of water during the period 2002-2012 in case of the use of modern irrigation (drip and sprinkler irrigation) instead of the traditional surface irr igation according to water legalized each method and the rate of efficiency, as well as to estimate the losses in irrigation networks allocated to agriculture and the development of appropriate pricing mechanisms of government. Find the historical and descriptive approaches adopted, and it was the most important results: 1- The results showed that if the use of drip irrigation surface irrigation in the quench-based surface irrigation acreage allowance contributed to supply up to 40% of the water used in surface irrigation amounts, and an average (174 973 785) cubic meters during the period 2002- 2012. 2- The results showed that if the use of sprinkler irrigation surface irrigation instead of the quench-based surface irrigation acreage for contributed to the supplied amount to 28% of the water used in surface irrigation amounts, and an average (122 481 649) cubic meters during the period studied. 3- economic pricing of agricultural water demand for current pricing varies, it was found that there is a deficit in the recovery of operating and maintenance costs of the territory of farmer beneficiaries of the water public irrigation networks and adult (21,500) per hectare, compared with what is being collected (3500) for. Q per hectare.
This research aims to develop a mathematical model linking the available water resources and the demand of population and agricultural and industrial on these resources, where they were to rely on time series from 2000 until 2011 and study and know t heir direction and growth, and it was the most important results: 1- increasing the size of the demand (population, agricultural and industrial ) on water resources during the period (2000-2011), where he found a positive relationship between the size of a very strong demand on water resources and time. 2 - increasing the volume of surface water resources and groundwater available during the period (2000-2011), where he found a positive relationship and a very solid between the size of surface water and groundwater resources and time available. 3 - there is an excess of total available water resources and the total volume of demand. 4 - there is a statistically significant relationship between the total volume of available water resources, and demand (population, agricultural and industrial) on them, where we can and relying on multiple regression equation to predict the total volume of water resources through the volume of demand ( population, agricultural, industrial) on them.
Because rainfall in the coastal area is high and water projects are nearly missing, we think it is important to make use of available water resources. In order to predict future rainfalls and suggest proper management of resources, we created a mathe matical model linking rainfall amounts between demand (population, agricultural and industrial) on water resources during the period (2000-2012). Results show the following: 1. Rainfalls decreased during the period ( 2002-2012) at an annual rate of (1.84%). 2. Demand on water resources increased during the period (2002-2012) at an annual rate of (3.41%) of the population demand, and (3.47 %) of the agricultural demand, and 6.25% for industrial demand. 3. There is a surplus of available water resources and the size of demand for them, with the surplus decreasing during the period (2002-2012) at an annual rate (2.97 %). 4. The estimation of the surplus between the amount of available water resources and the size of the demand for them will decrease in 2023 from what it was like in the year 2013 at an annual rate (-3.23%).

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