القدس هي عاصمة الدولة العربية الفلسطينية و هي القبلة الأولى للمسلمين حيث كان المسلمون يصلون باتجاهها، و قد سرى إليها رسول الله صلى الله و عليه و سلم.
و القدس مدينة كنعانية بناها الكنعانيون منذ (5000) سنة و هي مركز ديني و روحي تضم المسجد الأقصى و كنيسة المهد, فسكان محافظة القدس يشكلون نسبة (6-10%) من سكان الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة لهم تراث اجتماعي مهم يستحق البحث و الدراسة، و لكن الصهاينة يسرقون كل شيء الأرض و التاريخ و التراث و الألوان و الفولكلور. حتى ثوب القدس العربي سرقوه و ادعوا في الغرب أنه من التراث العبري.
Jerusalem is the capital of a Palestinian Arab state, the first Qibla of Muslims, where Muslims were praying in ite direction, to where the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him journeyed.
Jerusalem is a Canaanite city built by the Canaanite since (5000) it was a religious and spiritual with the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Nativity.
It is divided into two sections: East and West Jerusalem and where the old section is known Bosoarh, inhabitants of Jerusalem, constituted the proportion (6-10%) of the population of the occupied Palestinian territories They deserve an important social legacy of research and study, but the Zionists are stealing all the land, history and heritage, colors and folklore. They have even stolen the dress of Quds Al-Arabi in the West, and claimed that Jewish heritage.
References used
ياسين, عبد القادر: كفاح الشعب الفلسطيني, ص140 نقلاً عن بوليكاف وآخرون، التاريخ المعاصر لبلدان العالم العربي، موسكو, دون تاريخ.
5- الباش, حسن: أغاني و ألعاب الأطفال في التراث الشعبي الفلسطيني,ط1, دار الجليل, دمشق، 1968.
7- توفيق, كنعان: فلكلور البنات في الخرافات المصرية, ترجمة منور لحام, مجلة التراث والمجتمع,عدد2 كانون الثاني,ص57-88, دون تاريخ.
This research spotlights the cultural and the intellectual life in Jerusalem during the Ottoman Period and it emphasizes on the historical and the spatial aspect of the First Kiblah in order to remain alive in the Arabian intellect and the new genera
This paper highlights the challenges facing the occupied holy Jerusalem due to the policy of judaizing the city, erasing its historical and religious identity, displacing its Arab inhabitants, and undermining the physical and spiritual existence of the Arabs and Muslims there.
The internet unique publications are considered by many to be the fourth type of journalism. This is due to the advantages of the internet through which many problems of publishing were solved. Since the city of Jerusalem has its special conditions
The research is aimed at analyzing the circumstances, accompanying the youths social attitudes towards the holy city, at a time, the Zionist onslaught, aimed at Judaizing Jerusalem has increased, and at the time when material values and those of inte
This research highlights the cultural life and thought in Damascus
in the last Ottoman rule. It brings into sight the historical dimension of
the city of Damascus which is considered one of the most important
cultural centers of knowledge in the A