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A study on the concept of prefabricated units And applications in the reconstruction process

دراسة حول مفهوم الوحدات المسبقة الصنع و تطبيقاتها في عملية إعادة الإعمار

1107   0   56   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Addressing the problem of harboring affected as a result of disasters, whether natural or the result of the wars that we are witnessing, Is one of the most important challenges facing the world today, The proportion of this damage will be catastrophic for the developing and poor countries Being weak material resources and suffers a great lack of experience. Therefore it was necessary to study this problem on the first two levels looking to secure the rapid evacuation centers, As in the camps and others, The other level, which comes in the second phase to be harboring a safer and more humane. It took several different possibilities and solutions according to the situation and economic resources, and this research will be subjected to one of these solutions, a temporary housing units and pre-made

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول الدراسة التي قدمها الدكتور أديب داري أومري مشكلة إيواء المتضررين من الكوارث الطبيعية والحروب، مع التركيز على الدول النامية والفقيرة التي تعاني من ضعف الإمكانيات المادية ونقص الخبرات. يقترح البحث استخدام الوحدات السكنية المسبقة الصنع كحل سريع وفعال لتوفير مأوى مؤقت وآمن للمتضررين. يستعرض البحث تاريخ البناء الجاهز، وأنواعه، والتجارب العالمية الناجحة في هذا المجال، مع التركيز على أهمية التخطيط المسبق والاستعداد لمواجهة الكوارث. كما يناقش البحث فوائد وعيوب استخدام الحاويات كحل سكني مؤقت، ويقدم توصيات لتحسين فعالية هذا الحل في المستقبل. يعتمد البحث على منهجية تحليلية وصفية ومقارنة، ويستعرض نماذج مختلفة من الوحدات السكنية المسبقة الصنع، بالإضافة إلى تجارب دولية في هذا المجال مثل مشروع إعادة الإعمار في قرية كيريندا بسريلانكا بعد تسونامي 2004. يخلص البحث إلى ضرورة توسيع استخدام الوحدات المسبقة الصنع لتشمل مواقع الإنشاءات، وأهمية التخطيط المتكامل لإدارة الكوارث، والاستفادة من التجارب العالمية في هذا المجال.
Critical review
تعتبر الدراسة التي قدمها الدكتور أديب داري أومري شاملة ومفصلة، حيث تناولت مشكلة إيواء المتضررين من الكوارث من جوانب متعددة، وقدمت حلولاً عملية ومبتكرة. ومع ذلك، يمكن القول أن البحث كان يمكن أن يستفيد من تحليل أعمق لتحديات تنفيذ الوحدات المسبقة الصنع في السياقات المحلية المختلفة، خاصة في الدول النامية. كما أن الدراسة لم تتناول بشكل كافٍ الجوانب البيئية والاقتصادية لاستخدام هذه الوحدات على المدى الطويل. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، كان من الممكن أن يتضمن البحث مزيداً من البيانات الإحصائية والدراسات الميدانية لدعم النتائج والتوصيات المقدمة.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي المشكلة الرئيسية التي يتناولها البحث؟

    يتناول البحث مشكلة إيواء المتضررين من الكوارث الطبيعية والحروب، مع التركيز على الدول النامية والفقيرة التي تعاني من ضعف الإمكانيات المادية ونقص الخبرات.

  2. ما هي الحلول التي يقترحها البحث لمشكلة الإيواء؟

    يقترح البحث استخدام الوحدات السكنية المسبقة الصنع كحل سريع وفعال لتوفير مأوى مؤقت وآمن للمتضررين، ويستعرض تجارب ناجحة في هذا المجال.

  3. ما هي الفوائد والعيوب التي يناقشها البحث بخصوص استخدام الحاويات كحل سكني مؤقت؟

    يناقش البحث فوائد استخدام الحاويات مثل القوة والمتانة والكلفة الرخيصة، بالإضافة إلى عيوب مثل احتواء الطلاء على مواد كيميائية ضارة وصعوبة توفير فراغات معيشية ملائمة.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي يقدمها البحث لتحسين فعالية استخدام الوحدات المسبقة الصنع؟

    يوصي البحث بتوسيع استخدام الوحدات المسبقة الصنع لتشمل مواقع الإنشاءات، وأهمية التخطيط المتكامل لإدارة الكوارث، والاستفادة من التجارب العالمية في هذا المجال.

References used
Bender; Richard/ A Crack in the rear view mirror: a view of industrialized building- Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. 1973, p-22
rate research

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Research and technological innovation has contributed over the last decade to improve the performance of the specified elements for construction, such as, walls, ceilings, windows and construction equipment like, ventilation and cooling equipments , lighting, where those elements produce opportunities to improve the efficiency through the translation of a dynamic term to the functions, features and physical and thermal behavior of the components of the construction, which may change over time and thus adapt with different requirements of construction and occupancy of variable climatic conditions which is called Adaptive Architecture.
The most important issue in human existence and survival is the safety and security, came to build castles as an expression and reflection honest to this issue in detail, on the one hand, the cumulative product met the experiences and melted in whi ch all values of the most important urban civilization landmarks on the other hand, of its art defensive large, high architectural taste. This research deals with the study of the concept of castles reviewing phases of architecture throughout history, then an explanation for classification, types and importance and finally made the social and geographical dimension of the castle and concludes to establish a set of results for subsequent research in the future.
This paper aims to identify key characteristics projects in reconstruction stage in order to assist decision makers to produce appropriate approach to manage those projects effectively. A list of characteristics that may exist in reconstruction projects were identified through intensive literature review and pilot study with various stakeholders involved in in reconstruction stage.
The transport sector provides suitable and appropriate conditions for the development of the various sectors of the national economy, productivity and other services. Its relationship with these sectors is characterized by a mutual influence relati onship, which means that no progress or development can be achieved in any of these sectors without preceded or accompanied by significant progress in the transport sector. The government has given special importance to this division since the inception of independence, when the sector was allocated large provision in its successive five-year plans. After the year 2000, there was a big leap in the provision of the allocations assigned to the transport sector, where reached (to the ninth five-year plan (2001-2005)) the equivalent to the expenditure on this sector in the previous five-year plans combined. The systematic destruction and devastation of the crisis in Syria since March 2011 aimed at splitting the country and paralyzing the traffic of passengers and goods. As a result, the transport sector suffered heavy economic losses in its infrastructure and transportation. These losses were evaluated in this research for the years 2011-2012, 2013 and the state of the transport sector was reviewed before the crisis. In view of the importance of this sector and its key role in the reconstruction, there was a package of proposals and visions that were put forward for the reconstruction of the infrastructure of the sector itself as a priority and strengthening the role of this sector in the reconstruction and development within the framework of comprehensive regional planning and sustainable development. Perhaps the most important impact of the crisis was the decision of the Syrian state oriental direction in its policy, which directly affects the implementation of transport networks and infrastructure and means of transport. Based on the goal of linking the five seas, which have set a higher goal in the national framework for regional planning, some visions have been reviewed that can achieve this goal in order to attract international transport and transit through Syria and exploit its geographical position as a transport hub leading to an increase in economic growth rate To raise the contribution of the transport sector to GDP.
The recent situation in Syria requires the creation of new housing units models take into account the functional, architectural, and safe requirements, in addition to specialty of local and living conditions. The created models must achieve family protection, time gaining, using local materials, ability of transporting, reselling, rapid construction, and supporting reconstruction plans. This paper introduces, for the first time in Syria the study, design, fabricating, and erecting of tow-story precast structure composed of reinforced concrete slabs and walls, and light-weight steel structure fully connected by bolts. This structure was designed and implemented in a way that enables producing varied and multi functional house units achieving safety and functional conditions, and rapid construction and reconstruction requirements. The study was introduced by the authors and it was implemented in the General Company of construction in Lattakia. New production lines of housing units were created from scratch by consulting contract between Tishreen University (the authors) and General Company of construction. In less than one year four housing units were designed and produced:1- tow-story continuous building, 2-disaster housing unit, 3- general marketing unit, 4- school unit. These units achieve all above mentioned requirements.
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