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The Effect of Axial Force on the Behavior of Bolted flush End-plate single-sided beam-to-column moment connections

تأثير القوة المحورية على سلوك الوصلات الفولاذية جائز-عمود أحادية الجانب المقاومة للعزوم والمنفذة ببراغي و صفيحة جبهية غير بارزة

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 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Flush end-plate beam-to-column joints often subjected to a combination of bending and axial forces .The level of axial forces in the joint may be significant in case of: sway frames under horizontal loads, pitched roof portal frames and irregular frames.. Many of design codes neglect the effect of axial force in the connection analysis as it is usually low. Eurocode 3 limits the axial force acting on the joint to 10% of the design plastic resistance of the connected member cross section to apply component method. The objective of this paper is to discuss the behavior of flushend-plate connections under a combination of bending and axial tension or compression forces For the nonlinear finite element analysis the modeling process was carried out using CATIA computer program. The results of the finite element analysis of the connection showed that by applying the tensile axial load of the beam into the connection, the ultimate bending capacity of the connection will decrease. On the other hand, by applying compressive axial load of the beam to the connection, the ultimate bending capacity of the connection will increase at first; but after the buckling of the compressive flange of the beam takes place, the total capacity of the connection tends to decrease.

References used
Pertold, J. R. Embedded steel column bases I. Experiments and numerical simulation. Journal of Constructional Steel Research,France,18,2000, 56-77
da Silva, L., Lima, L., Vellasco, P. Behaviour of flush end-plate beam to column joints under bending and axial force.4, Journal of Steel Composite Structures ,Portugal,2004,77-94
Gang Shi,Y,M. Finite element analysis of beam-column bolted end-plate connections in steel frames.8, Department of Civil Engineering, China, 2007,88-99
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This research deals with analytical study of exterior Beam-Column connections behavior under seismic load. Tow parameters were considered: axial load on the column and confinement of joint region with stirrups. Ansys program was used to analytica l study of three types of exterior Beam-Column connections under cyclic load. The results were shown a good agreement with general behavior of three types. The analytical results indicate that the tow parameters will improve the behavior of the connections delay cracking at joint core and increasing connection stiffness in rotation and displacement with decreasing shear value at joint.
This research presents an experimental study about the effect of steel fibers on the main variables of stress- strain curve for high strength concrete on simple compression, which are: shape of stress- strain curve, ductility factor, energy absorpt ion capacity. For this purpose, series of cylinders concrete specimens were prepared in compressive strength (70 MPa). the steel fiber with aspect ratio of L/D =70 were added at the volume fractions of (0-1-1.5-2)%. The cylinders were tested under a monotonic loading at compression, and as a result of the tests, the total curve of stress- strain was obtained. The experimental results of research showed a positive effect of steel fibers on the behavior of high strength concrete, this effect increased with increasing volume fraction of steel fibers. It can be seen from stress-strain curve, whereas the slope of the ascending branch is not much affected. The descending branch of the stress- strain curve decreases by the increase in the fiber volume fraction. This means the ductility and toughness improve with the addition of steel fibers and as a result the behavior of high strength concrete has gone far away from being brittle as it is used to be.
After passing through the allowable stresses stage Cold Formed Steel Frames fail under instability secure, these frames are designed to resist loads in the elastic stage [7]. Many efforts are being made to increase their performance by using speci al bolted or welded connections [13], such as rigid connections or plastic connections, stiffened and built-up sections [1] could be used to increase the sections resistance. In rigid connections [11], stiffeners are added to insure the flexural behavior of these connections [10] while the plastic deformation occurs at the Horizontal Boundary Element (beam) and far from the face of the column, such as stiffened bolted Apex connection. In plastic connections, the cold formed steel frame will produce high ductility performance through the nonlinear behavior by reaching the maximum bearing capacity of the bolts. Depending on this principle we should insure the elastic behavior of the boundary elements, and avoid local buckling by using high strength cold formed profiles and slipping bolted connections, the rotation of this slotted connection in certain angle after reaching the bearing capacity, will act as a plastic hinge that absorbs the extra stresses which will affect the steel frame due to the lateral loads such as Cyclic forces
Our subject contains studying criterions which ensuring a durable serving of concrete frame joints, and then choosing two connections according to its deployment and the availability of its arithmetic relations and easy to be prepared from local ma terials, and discuss experimental results of the resent study which allow us to achieve the next part of our research,which is a structural designing programme by visual basic language to serve the work in order to be fast and precise. the last part of the subject is comprising a number of actualizations which confirm that the process of programming is correct, and then compare the results of experimental programs and code with our programme results to achieve many important ameliorations on this programme to become more easily and better.
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