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Toward Interpretation a Professional Player Contract as a Contract of Work

نحو تكييف عقد اللاعب المحترف بعقد عمل

1083   0   56   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2010
  fields Law
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In this research, we try to prove the later view which considers that a professional player's contract is a work contract. This can be easily inferred by comparing the elements of a work contract with those of a professional player's contract. However, it is a work contract of a special nature, some aspects of its uniqeness are due to the professional player himself, while some others are due to the nature of the contract itself.

References used
MANDIN F., 1991- La nature de la relation contractuelle Joueurclub. La charte du Football Professionnel, Maîtrise de droits des Affaires, de la fac de nantes, 1st Ed, 2
CAMERLYNK E.,1978- Droit du travail. Dalloz T.I., Contrat de travail, définition et critères no 28
rate research

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