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The Theatre of Zeus's Judgements: Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey as Examples

مسرح أحكام زيوس ملحمتا هوميروس: الإلياذة و الأوديسة إنموذجين

1254   2   8   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2007
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The purpose of this paper is to analyse Homer’s Iliad and Odessey as allegorical epics of crime and punishment. Zeus, the supreme god, emerges as a supreme deity who resides in Olympus peak and watches what other gods and mortals do and intervenes accordingly. Close scrutiny reveals that Zeus's interventions are part and parcel of his long-range plans of justice. Thus this study shows that his judgments make these epics into didactic works intended to endorse the idea of divine retribution and justice.

References used
(Archaic Greek Poetry, An Anthology. Selected and translated by Barbara Hughes Fowler. (The University of Wisconsin Press: Wisconsin, 1992
(Bacchylides, Epinician Odes and Dithyrambs of Bacchylides.Translated into English by David R. Slavitt (University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1998
(Bacchylides. The Poems and Fragments. Edited and translated by Richard C. Jebb. (George Olms Verlagsbuchhandluny: Hildesheim, 1967
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The neologism is a guarantee of the continuity of a language and its contemporaneity with the reality being lived locally and universally. It can be achieved in various ways that can be summarized as follows: derivation, metaphorization and seman tic expansion. Introducing the phenomenon of neologism and using appropriate examples in Arabic and in French, linked with a clarification of their references and aims, will be the track along which this article will proceed.
studied in this research the general provisions of this system competent as the authority issuing and conditions of ordering, These conditions are divided into objective and formality, and then we talked about the content of the judicial control syst em which is a positive obligations and negative obligations imposed on the defendant and show us that the number of negative obligations more than positive obligations, and can modify these obligations at any time addition or deletion. And it ends judicial control system in two ways either violating its obligations and here replaces the arrest Reserve and act as a penalty, and the abolition of judicial control system at the request of the defendant or the public prosecutor.
Compositional, structured models are appealing because they explicitly decompose problems and provide interpretable intermediate outputs that give confidence that the model is not simply latching onto data artifacts. Learning these models is challeng ing, however, because end-task supervision only provides a weak indirect signal on what values the latent decisions should take. This often results in the model failing to learn to perform the intermediate tasks correctly. In this work, we introduce a way to leverage paired examples that provide stronger cues for learning latent decisions. When two related training examples share internal substructure, we add an additional training objective to encourage consistency between their latent decisions. Such an objective does not require external supervision for the values of the latent output, or even the end task, yet provides an additional training signal to that provided by individual training examples themselves. We apply our method to improve compositional question answering using neural module networks on the DROP dataset. We explore three ways to acquire paired questions in DROP: (a) discovering naturally occurring paired examples within the dataset, (b) constructing paired examples using templates, and (c) generating paired examples using a question generation model. We empirically demonstrate that our proposed approach improves both in- and out-of-distribution generalization and leads to correct latent decision predictions.
Cette étude intitulé L'intégration du monologue au théâtre de Beaumarchais, s'appuie sur les éléments qui permettent au monologue de s'enchainer au texte théâtral et sur ceux qui lui donnent son autonomie. Cette forme textuelle théâtrale qui se cara ctérise par une sorte d'autonomie relative, entretient en même temps une relation d'enchainement, de cohérence et de cohésion avec le reste du texte théâtral. Le début du monologue est souvent conditionné par une sorte de frontière didascalique qui annonce l’accès à un autre domaine énonciatif. En même temps, nous trouvons à l’intérieur du monologue plusieurs domaines énonciatifs, par exemple, le domaine énonciatif principal qui est celui du locuteur et le domaine énonciatif du dramaturge qui s'incarne dans ses différentes interventions à travers les didascalies internes, les indications scéniques, etc. Le locuteur du monologue joue parfois le rôle du rapporteur du discours ou des propos d'autrui, cela nous mène au sujet du discours rapporté, du discours direct, du discours indirect, du discours indirect libre, etc. , et au sujet de la pluralité des voix dans un énoncé.
١- الوجور: صب الماء أو الدواء أو نحوهما في وسط الفم. ٢- أقوال و آراء وأفكار العلماء في أثر الوجور في أحكام الرضاع و ذكر أدلتهم من الكتاب و السنة و المعقول ما أمكن، و مناقشة ما يحتاج إلى مناقشة. ٣- نتيجة البحث/ و هو ثبوت الحرمة بالوجور للبن.
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