يقع القطاع الخامس على الضفة اليمنى لنهر الفرات جنوب شرق مدينة الميادين. و خرجت مساحات واسعة منه من الاستثمار الزراعي بسبب تملح الأراضي. يهدف البحث إلى تقويم نظام موارد المياه الجوفية الحرة في المنطقة، لذلك اعتمد البحث على تحليل نتائج القياسات في شبكة رصدٍ تتألف من 40 بئراً محفورة في توضعات الرباعي الحاملة للمياه، التي تتألف من اللوم و طبقة حصويات و حصويات رملية، تتوضع تحتها رسوبيات النيوجين الكتيمة. تبلغ التغيّرات السنوية لمناسيب المياه الجوفية 1 – 3 أمتار، بسبب التغذية من تسرّب مياه الأمطار و الري. و يقع سطح المياه الجوفية على أعماق قليلة (أقل من 2,5 متر) من سطح الأرض بسبب الري المفرط في بعض أرجاء القطاع، الأمر الذي يجعل إنشاء شبكة صرف فعّالة ضرورة ملحّة، لتخفيض مناسيب المياه الجوفية. و تصل ملوحة المياه الجوفية حتى 29 غ/ل و تراكيز الكلورايد حتى 11 غ/ل و الكبريتات 3,5 غ/ل في بعض المواقع؛ بسبب الأحوال الطبيعية و الاصطناعية السائدة؛ أي أنّ المياه الجوفية غير صالحة للاستخدامات المنزلية و الزراعية في معظم أرجاء القطاع.
Sector No. 5 is located on the right side of Euphrates River, Southeast of
ALMyadeen City. Many lands there are not suitable for agricultural uses, because of the
saline soils. This research aimed to evaluate the system of the unconfined groundwater
resources, by adopting the measurement results in 40 piezometers, drilled in aquifer of
quaternary deposits which consist of loam, gravel, and sandy gravel, underneath which are
impervious Neogene deposits.
The annual changes of groundwater levels of quaternary aquifer were 1-3 meters, due
to rain and irrigation water leaking. The groundwater table is shallow (less than 2.5 m),
because of the excessive irrigation, which gives an urgent necessity to construct effective
drain network to reduce groundwater levels. Groundwater salinity reaches 29 gr/liter, and
concentrations of the chloride and sulphate are 11 gr/liter, 3,5 gr/liter in some locations,
because of the natural and artificial situations. Therefore, this groundwater is not suitable
for domestic, or agricultural purposes in most areas of the region.
References used
LPEZ-MORENO, J.; VICENTE-SERRANO, S.; MORAN-TEJEDA, E. ZABALZA, J.; LORENZO-LACRUZ, J. GARCEA-RUIZ, J. Impact of climate evolution and land use changes on water yield in the Ebro basin. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 15, 2011, 311-322
GALLART, F.; DELGADO, J.; BEATSON, S.J.V.; POSNER, H.; LLORENS, P.; MARCE, R. Analyzing the effect of global change on the historical trends of water resources in the headwaters of the Llobregat and Ter river basins (Catalonia, Spain). Journal of Elsevier, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, spain, 2011, 8
BRASSINGTON, R. Field Hydrogeology. 3rd Ed. John Wily & Sons, Ltd. England, 2007, 279
The provision of adequate drainage and the accompanying problem of
accumulation of salt in soil have plagued irrigated agriculture for
centuries. Soil salinity is one of the major problems in arid and semi-arid
zones. In Euphrates valley the high
The third sector of lower Euphrates basin has a great economic importance, but some
lands have gone out of service because of salinization due to the rise of groundwater levels.
Thus, it is very important to solve the ground water issue using new s
The Seventh sector is located on the right bank of the Euphrates River at the town of ALbu- Kamal, the Syrian-Iraq border. Invest most heavily sector too, by planting different crops which irrigated by irrigation networks consisting of canals and ear
Seventh sector is located on the right bank of the Euphrates River at the town of Abu-
Kamal, the Syrian-Iraq border, and its square 18140 hectares. Invest most heavily sector
too, where crops depend on irrigation, irrigation networks mediated cons
The Drastic method has been used to assess the potential sensitivity of the
Groundwater In Lattakia basin using Arc GIS 9.2 Where the modified Drastic system has
been developed by combining the land uses and its divisions with general Drastic model